were picking the remaining alive peoples while reaming people trying to create multi-level force fields with violent red and blue lantern rings and with another tech.

Komand"r: But it doesn't matter, Now you will be going with me to our new forever home as my lord allow me to take you with me you just have sworn undying loyalty and you will serve him with your body, heart, and soul and you will fellow every commend of his.

Kori: what if I say no you know it I found a family here that is much better than my sister who sold me to slavery.

hearing this Blackfire's tone soften as some tears appear in her eyes which greatly shocked Starfire she has never seen her sister cry.

Komand'r: I know I was never a good sister or even a friend and I don't blame you for hating me from Inside as I know I deserve it So if you want you can beat me as much as you want and I will not say any words but please give me chance to better and I'm not asking you to forgave me as I show you I could be batter I also it's hard and will take a long time but I am ready to wait it's just I don't want to leave behind you, I know I never said but from bottom of my heart I love you and If I leave you behind I know no matter what I achieve I will never be truly happy So, please come with we will make new memories in a new & lovely family as My Lord Zeus promise me that we will have all the happiness that a girl wants. So Koriand'r can you give this stupid sister a chance to truly love you and show it how much I love you. Said while tears continue to come out of her eyes while every word she says her voice gets sadder and softer.

Now she doesn't look like a queen but a broken girl who is just a phase through the worst chapters of her life and now telling the story.

As we looked at Koriand'r who didn't look any batter as from a proud and powerful Tamaranean prince to a girl who just got something she has lost as all her confidence was gone tears came out of her eyes she looked very sad yet relieved as she says.

As we once again look at Zeus who looked like he was getting bored as he was keeping up with everyone who was fighting him with his insane speed then Batman heard something on his com. as he signaled everyone who was fighting to be ready. as heroes dispersed then appear inside the force field as they chack three of them were missing while both Lex's and Batman's mother and father boxes were missing as heroes looked in front of they saw Amazo, Caption Atom, and Doomsday were in some kind of golden chains and bing dragged inside the Golden Portals were those chains are coming from as they were already fallen into sleep.

Zeus: Well they are very valuable subjects for experimentation as one got the power to control nuclear energy while the other can evolve from death while the last one can copy someone's powers. Zeus said with a demonic smile while looking at the heroes.

Then John Constantine looked at Zeus and said.

Constantine: Say, goodbye mate as I hope you remain locked in your so-called hell Tartarus forever.

As after he said this Zatanna, Reven, and Constantine fire an imprisonment spell at Zeus in which has the Mana that their bodies possess and the Mana from around the area, and the dimesons that they were connected as they lost conciseness just after casting the spell from the stress on their bodies and mind.

When Zeus saw this he knew it was very dangerous and unavoidable so he at a very fast speed take out the sword with that he killed Fate and take the stance as the spell reached him he blocked it with the sword as its spirit stared to devour the Mana inside the spell.

As humanity saw its hope as the spell has enough power that it started to overwhelm Zeus's strength as he was dragged backward from the spell's overwhelming Mana as Zeus's footprints as it continue to overwhelm Zeus it started to overwhelm the spirit of the sword as cracks started to appear on the sword but they were also getting healed automatically but it was not fat enough as before the sword could break the second sprite awakes and started to consume Mana like a black hole.

but Zeus continues to struggle but he didn't use anything besides his strength and the sword as the whole world watched this with their hearts in their hands as we saw hope in the eyes of heroes as now Zeus was more than 12 meters away from originally he stands before while Kara looked carefree but we can see some fear in her eyes she knew she can't do anything but she wanted to help but Zeus already command her not to move as magic her weakness and will kill her while both Tamaranean sisters watched with different emotions as backfire looked fearful and wanted to go but she also received the same command. while Starfire has complicated looks as she does not feel hope but fear but why. she didn't know.

As the clash between the Sword and spell continues as even after the second spirit awakens it still gets overwhelmed as to sword spirits it felt like they were consuming an infinite amount of Mana as the Sword cracks and get repaired while two infinities fight for domination but from absorbing so much mana its spirits grow stronger making the sword strongest.

As five minutes passed people looked at Zeus as he was 20 meters far from he stood before As he grit his teeth and then Zeus started to push the spell as he used his strength alone the spell started to lose its Mana at an insane speed as the whole world lost its hope when Zeus return in the original place he stood before as he Cut the Spell-like nothing.

Then Zeus Looked at the heroes and said.

Zeus: Call me impressed it's pretty good they can chant and cast such a spell with channeling Mana from another Dimension but still it's only able to move me.

Firestorm: Your Madness ends here you are a no God but mad men who are hell band no killing anyone he wants but not anymore now let's feel the true heat of the Nuclear fission and see hiw will survive this. Firestorm said this as he holds the energy in his hands which was releasing so much heat that it was hotter than the core of a Sun-like star and it was releasing so much radiation that it was affecting everything around him.

Ins the next second, he throws at Zeus and then falls down and lost his conciseness because Channing creates too much energy for his attack just like the magician trio as dispersed as the next second 3 layers of force fields surround Kara and both Tamaranean sisters and the cameras then it turned black so no one can see the outside of it the same happened with the heroes' drivers fields then the force field that was enveloping the area it's numbers increase from one to three.

As Zeus stands in front of the upcoming death as this energy was much purer than the one which inside a nuke so it's going to release much more heat than anything in the universe for some microseconds and too much radiation that even a Kryptonian can't survive for more than a minute.

Zeus: Come I always wanted to find out how much could a nuke damage me and this is even better let's see if this can destroy my body faster than It heals hahahahahahhaha. Zeus said like a madman while standing in an embracing position towards the sky position while looking upcoming death ball.

In the Next second, it collides with the bright orange whit red shades ball was about to collide

with the earth just half a meter away from where Zeus stands. As it collides then

💥💥💥💥💥💥💥 BOOM 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥

As It exploded with the force of more than 40,000 tons of TNT. As the insane level of heat is near 100,000,000,000° Celsius, was released from the explosion it was so hot that it instantly vaporized anything and everything that was in the center of it

scorched the ground around it to temperatures hotter than 10'0000° Celsius and sent a shockwave that smashed through buildings Forces Fields and obliterated land for miles around.

It was so bright if anyone directly from Their screens they look at it instantly as they l they headache and anyone who looked who was near the explosion try to look at it they went blind instantly as it was so loud that it was heard from another side othe of earth. as near the city people became deaf as blood comes out from there ears.

A daunting mushroom cloud soared in the air 20,00 feet as it's stops from growing bigger because of the Force Field above the city, blocking out sunlight to those below. As it continues to obliterate over 5 1/2 square miles of the cities it's only stopped because Zeus forces fields force it to remain in the area.

What the fuck is happening only one comment in last chapter please comment its motives me to write even more if this continues I will abounded this fiction and stared a new one or even stop writing as I am not gaining anything and if I can't even read some positive comments daily then what is the point of this wasting so much time

And I am already writing pretty big chapters I can't write more in fact how many people out there who write so much and 2 fiction in a fucking day


Please give me some power stones to keep me motivated to write thanks.

That's it my lovely reader thanks for your support



The Atom Attended JLA Meetings In A Flying Chair

In Justice League of America #14, the JLA unanimously votes for the six-inch-high crime-fighting Atom to be the newest member … then discover none of them remember who he is. It turns out the issue's villain, Mr. Memory, has inflicted Atom with amnesia via his de-memorizer. As a side-effect, the rest of the world's forgotten who the Atom is as well.

Memory's henchmen successfully turn the entire League into amnesiac drones, but Atom regains his memory and saves them. After locking up Mr. Memory, the JLA return to their HQ and the Atom attends his first meeting. There, he discovers his tiny chair is down on the floor, forcing him to make eye contact with everyone's ankles. The Atom is kind of bummed until someone tells him to press the button on the chair arm. Surprise! The chair is designed to fly up until Atom's at face-level with the rest of the team.


That's it, folks, please comment and give some power stones

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