As light and sound were so bright and loud that some had ear bleeding while Kara don't seem to affect by it.

As it fell on four of them with a loud

💥Boom 💥

With the lightning strike, the wind was so strong that it send large stones flying. Still, heroes survive in different ways as 1 minute later air current slow down with the blinding light disappears. All the rubble was gone as everyone looked in front of them with their lives in the line they saw a giant hole and the rock area has turned into Meghan next they see they lost all hope as they see Zeus hovering in the air and around him was 3 strongest people on earth in worst possible looks as they clothes were gone there bodies were bloody. They were missing couple of limbs as Superman doesn't have his left hand and an eye while Shazam don't have his right hand a hole was in his abdomen while most damaged one was he missing both his hands his left leg and right eye three of them has lost the consciousness. At the same time, they continue to bleed and their lost limbs were nowhere to be seen.

As everyone looked at Zeus whose body or clothes didn't have a single trace of damage or blood he held the spear of destiny in his hands then he started to analyze it then grabs the tip and cracks started to appear on the spear as the world with its people watch something that should be unbreakable shatter in many pieces and fall down. then Zeus throws the spear like it's useless and says.

Zeus: Fake but what can I expect It has blood one of many Avatars, not the original one.

He then looked at the super peoples and said.

Zeus: Did you do your study before coming here I am Zeus God of Thunder I control every form and type of thunder No matter which type it is Magical, Scientifical, or Supernatural. But let's forget it let's continue our games shell us.

Then Zeus appears in front of Martian Manhunter grabs him by his shoulder then an invisible force hits him he tried his best but his mind was not strong enough to fight as the invisible force restricts him from moving a single inch as Zeus looked hin in eyes then he smiled and said.

Zeus: Do you think this suit you are wearing is fireproof but let me something kid there is nothing fireproof in the universe you just need to increase the heat.

While Zeus said this his right hand started to heat up as its color while it glows it chanced from white to orange then Zeus insanely heats up his hand comes forward and as it touch the suit it melted instantly as Zeus hot hand started to go inside the flesh of Martian Manhunter as the flesh melt around Zeus' hand as it continues to go further in his body. as he experiences gruesome pain but he is not able to say anything.

As Zeus's hand comes out from the other he looked at J'onn and then gave him a demonic smile then at high speed his hand motion upside while his hand was still inside J'onn. As from this motion of Zeus's hand, Martian Manhunter's upper half was sliced like a hot knife on butter. as his blood, bones, spine, and brain splashed everywhere as his body falls down from the sky this all happen in ten seconds but from the world and its people's perspective, its minutes passed.

As Zeus looked at everyone coming toward him while fear on their faces then Zeus disappears as everyone looked around to only find that yellow lanterns started to fall with their bodies falls in a bloody mess but their ring also disappears into a golden portal as seeing his army was falling so fast Sinestro screams top of his lungs.

Sinestro: You coward stop using your tricks and come in front of me.

In the next second yellow lanterns stop dying then Zeus appears in front of Sinestro as seeing this a deep fear appears on the face of Sinestro as his hands, and legs started to tremble while shivers rundown to his spine as he sees doom standing in front of him. then next second Zeus started to laugh and said.

Zeus: Hahahahahahah hahaha ah oo Dear Kara look at this mortal and he is calling me.

Then the smile on Zeus's face disperses it replaced by a Devil's smirk as he said.

Zeus: Zeus your ring works on fear right now let me show you true fear.

As Zeus said this Sinestro's body freezes not just from fear but also from Zeus's telekinesis then out of nowhere all the alive remaining yellow lanterns started to feel a very strong pull of gravity they tried their best but it was useless as they flew towards Zeus as they once they were all in front of him they all stranded to spin around him like an orbit as they tried there best to stop there spinning but it was pointless as gravity pull increased even more as there orbiting speed continue to increase while everyone watches as they try to near Zeus they also will be orbiting Zeus as no matter what anyone tried but they were not able to free any yellow lantern from the Power of gravity.

As the orbiting speed increased so much that their flesh started to pull from their bodies their blood started to pull out of their bodies while they started to die from such a G-force as it continue their bodies started to break down and unjoint their bones break their mussels tissues broke apart. eve their rings aren't able to escape the pull as it continues to orbit as the world with everyone in it watch this show of power and brutality with their eyes wide open with its most of them are even able to look at their screens but they aren't able to turn off anything no matter if they even broke the screens still works no matter what they do as the force to watch their heroes die.

As everything becomes a bloody mess no one remains alive as then they stop spinning as the rings flew away leaving a bloody line behind them as then all the mess falls down Zeus looked in the eyes of Sinestro as he asked.

Zeus: Did you feel the fear well then let's increase the standards shell we.

Then Zeus's hand most forward in motion of grabbing something then next second someone appears in his hand as Zeus holds the nack of her then Zeus let Sinestro nack lose as Sinestro band his nack sideways and when he saw her a deep fear appear on his face as now the nack that Zeus holds was the nack of Soranik the solo Daughter of Sinestro.

As Zeus looked at the face of the both while Soranik looked at both of them and try her best to free herself from the grip but it all failed as her constructs just go through Zeus's body as if they were light. While she continues to struggle as Zeus ignored her at looked into the eyes of Sinestro as he saw so much fear that a normal human has when he is in front of a joker.

Then Zeus laughed and said.

Zeus: hahahahha ooo Shanahan See that's what I wanted to see well you showed me here if you weren't able to show I have to break her nack but now go you are free and next time if I saw you I will have you in my prison and believe me no one wants that and this will be a lesson to you if you try something that you shouldn't.

After Zeus said this he both Sinestro and Soranik away as he looked at the heroes then all the heroes flew to him. and started to attack him as Caption Atom, AMAZO, Doomsday, and Lex Luthor started to attack Zeus with whatever they got as they punched kicked and do there beams attacks but nothing happened as Zeus was keeping up with four of they he was blocking there every attack as it continues Batman and cyborg also join them while Both green lanterns attack him from the air.

As it continues Zeus blocks every punch kick and energy attack with the same power. While Starfire flew to fight Zeus but she was blocked by her sister in Sky.

As both sisters looked at each other Starfire said.

Koriand'r: Sister step aside and let me go it's about billions of lives.

Komand'r: Can't do sister I can't let go walk the path where deaths lay.

Koriand'r: Sister don't force me to do this I will fight if I have to.

Komand'r: Well you can fight me at least you will not die I just have to break a few bones of your just like the good old days. But before that, I will tell you a secret My lord you see is just enjoying himself and even if you are able to Kill my lord which is impossible but even if you did it the whole multiverse will collapse upon itself.

After hearing this Starfire's eyes went wide eyes as she said.

Koriand'r: No you are laying.

Komand'r: Ooo lovely Kori why would I lia to you and don't see if it was not the truth the Spectre should be here but he is don't you see no matter what you do you can't win.

As we see remaining standing heroes party was planning something while Zatanna, Raven, and Constantine was chanting a spell while Firestorm is trying to create something big as his both hands were glowing and it's releasing dangerous level of heat and radiation and other were picking the remaining alive peoples while reaming people trying to create multi-level force fields with violent red and blue lantern rings and with another tech.

What the fuck is happening only one comment in last chapter please comment its motives me to write even more if this continues I will definitely abounded this fiction and stared a new one or even stop writing as I am not gaining anything and if I can't even read some positive comments daily then what is the point of this wasting so much time

So after reading some comments I decided to add Starfire to the 3 girl group while removing

Cheetah for. It so now is Super Girl Blackfire and



Please give me some power stones to keep me motivated to write thanks.

That's it my lovely reader thanks for your support

Please give some Power Stones, please



The Martian Manhunter Spied On His Teammates To Learn Their Secrets

JLA Year One was a 12-issue retcon series showing how the original Justice League team — not the original team, but the Black Canary original team — learned to work together despite their different outlooks and personalities. It was a rocky adjustment, and nobody had it rockier than J'Onn J'Onzz.

From J'Onn's perspective, he was an alien in a world that didn't seem to like aliens much. He hoped his new teammates would be more accepting, but their response to alien invaders wasn't to negotiate, it was "kill that sucker!" And sometimes mount the corpse in the JLA Trophy Room. And a Martian vulnerable to fire would be easy to overcome...

Rather than use telepathy to probe their minds, J'Onn used his shapeshifting powers and detective skills to spy on them, as he'd done with other Earth super-heroes. The League was outraged when they found out, but they eventually understood J'Onn's motivations. When the Appellaxians, back for a rematch, use J'Onn's files to take out all of Earth's superheroes, the League finally gels as a team. The Appellaxians go down hard.


That's it, folks, please comment and give some power stones

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✌️ Peace ✌️
