sword completely made of Carbonadium from GOB and cut his Legs off.

As everything returned to normal

Superman Pov

We were sitting in the hall of justice and discussing different matters about where what we should do with the criminal who was wanted but now is on bail while discussing the flesh starts to behave weird then he look towards the Gotham city.

As we all saw this so I ask.

Superman: Did something happen in Gotham flash.

As everyone looked at him and said.

Yes, I felt someone just broke the time stream and come to this universe and he is now in the sky.

After hearing we all look at each other then we looked at the cyborg who nodded and opens the panel and starts to track who was it. And after looking for 5 minutes he find him he was very tall and handsome we saw he was flying towards the central city superhero graveyard where I place my Lois.

As he landed and started to look at the graves I knew he is to no good. Has he started to look around and walk the area where we place all the heroes who died from jokers bomb.

He then walks toward Lois' grave the whole area started to move he uses some kind of power and pulls out his coffin of Lois this was enough for me so I said.

Superman: Ok league let's see who was he and

what he is doing in our universe.

All the guys nodded so we all go to his location as I fly away at supersonic speed.

As some seconds later I am in front of him when he is about to touch her body I said out loud.

Superman: Stop right there don't even think about touching her.

He then looked at with bored eyes.

As all the league's members reach here the first one is

the cyborg after him green lantern comes come to the flesh and just like that all the available superheroes reached here.

Then flesh said.

Flesh: you got some balls man you are taking a body in daylight without any care and you are not anyone but superman's lover I don't know If call you foolish or brave. He said with his light-hearted attitude.

The Flesh is right as this man knows about here so much as he knew where we were going to place superhero so he must know about me. I thought.

But he just ignores us and this was enough for me so I fly toward him to punch but before I was even able to reach him a force field appears around him

So I punch the force field with all my power but nothing happened then punch but one, again nothing happens so I started to speed punch it and saw nothing is happening to the force field so they also started to attack it. I also use more power and also heat vision on the force field.

As we attack with all power for the next 5 minutes.

While we were attacking he is looking at us as if we were stupid. After 5 minutes later we stop and our mouths were wide open as we saw nothing happened to the force field. not even a single scratch.

He then look at us and said.

Have enough kids now I am busy here you all can go somewhere else and play. I have things to do.

After he said this he was about to Lois Barry use his technique and vibrant his molecules at an atomic level and able to pass through the force field as my eyes can fellow his moments just fine.

I saw as he entered in the force field I saw that also did something which I don't know increase his speed but still his speed is only one-tenth of the speed of flesh. Barry goes for a punch In the abdomen. Next, something I saw which shocks me was when his punch landed his arm completely broke, this was never happening as even if I take damage at such speed he is fine not even a scratch just blood and his clothes were destroyed where flesh punched. and from the shock and pain, Barry loses his momentum as his speed deactivated A golden portal opened in front of the man and a very sharp sword comes out of it and the man takes the sword and cut Barry's legs off. And this happened in 2 seconds.

Zeus Pov.

After everything return normal flesh fall down and started to scream.

I then look at him and said.

Zeus: Kid I already said this I don't have time to play but you come here and try to me, me a God So let's give something in return.

I then first time use my gravity powers and try to find tectonic plates around the central city and after finding it I grab the tectonic and started to apply pressure on it after doing it. I let it loose.

Then I look towards all around the superheroes and increase my voice frequency and said.

Zeus: Well kids in 3 minutes a 15-magnitude earthquake will come that will destroy your whole city so go try to save many as you can and your time starts now.

After hearing me their eyes were wide open as they starts to look around.

After I said this I grab the coffin and teleport aways


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Rather than all of these multiple universes existing side by side or even stacked on top of each other, back in the Silver Age of comics, it was revealed that all of these universes exist in exactly the same space, and they can do this because they all vibrate at a different frequency. That's why The Flash is able to travel between these worlds, because he's able to use the Speed Force to move fast enough to vibrate at a different frequency to the universe he is in, therefore shifting to an alternate universe.

If that all seems a bit far-fetched, it gets better: it transpires that certain people can tune in to these vibrational frequencies while they sleep, meaning that the dreams they see are actually alternate Earths in the multiverse. This explains how creators on one Earth can write comic books about another. Neat, huh?


That's it, folks, please comment and give some power stones 

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✌️ Peace ✌️ 
