After hearing me their eyes were wide open as they starts to look around.

After I said this I grab the coffin and teleport aways

Zeus Pov

In the next second, I appear in the Arctic in front of is a giant structure made of what looks like crystals it is none other than superman's most famous home/ship the Fortress of Solitude. As this is the best place to know more about Kryptonians I didn't plan to come here but the second-best place is no more in this world which is Lex Corp. I thought.

so I walk towards it as I was about to reach I saw Superman costume-wearing robots coming towards me to attack me As the computer AI must see me throw satellites or maybe superman inform it. I thought.

So seeing them coming I don't want to waste my time or destroy them. So I just snap my fingers and turn off their power source as they started to fall down from Sky I grab all of them with my telekinesis and throw them inside GOB As they can be of good use for Venessa as they are very advance in terms of technology. I thought.

I walk in front of the door I saw a big door with a big keyhole I can just punch it but it can be dangerous as of now I don't have any control over my increased strength because after I went throw practical teleportation device which broke my body many time and healing factor repair it stronger than before which just increased my strength and physical defense many times and I don't know which type of metal this gate made of. I thought.

So I just use my gravity powers and started to pull it out and in just some seconds metal breaking sound started to happen and the gate opened as I walk inside I saw Jonathan and Martha Kent surrounded by many Superman robots. they come towards once again I had just turned off their power source when Jonathan and Martha saw this fear appears on their faces.

So I then create a double force field around the Fortress so no one disturbs me I then look at Jonathan and Martha and said.

Zeus: I will not going to hurt you, If you just fellow my commends do you understand.

After hearing me they nodded fearfully So I said.

Zeus: Fellow me.

As I start to walk towards the Laboratory while they fellow me behind.

Once I reach the Laboratory its doors were locked but before I forcefully open them. The holographic form of Jor-El appears and said.

Jor-El: you are not allowed to enter the Laboratory and in this Fortress of Solitude.

I can just turn him off I needed him so I said.

Zeus: Well Jor-El I want you to fellow my commends if you don't I will kill them. and as you already saw there is no point in attacking me with robots of yours and you also know Kel-El is busy saving a city which will be gone in 30 seconds and he can't break my force fields and how can come inside is out for at least 5 hours. I said while pointing my finger toward Jonathan and Martha Kent.

I saw his holographic face become distorted as this is not just an AI but an AI, based on Jor-ELs mind So I continue.

Zeus: I don't have time for you. just think about it if I kill them your son will go mad with anger and will come for the fight which will destroy this planet and he will die even if I get killed still he will go on the killing street. and you are made to protect him and his loved ones. and I will go inside no matter what you decide now it's on you, you want them dead or not.

After 30 seconds later I started to force choke Jonathan and Martha slowly using my telekinesis as Martha and Jonathan grabbed their necks and started to struggle to try to say something but only comes out are broken words and seeing this Jor-El AI form started to distort and just before their windpipe about to crush he said.

Jor-El: Stop, stop I will follow your commands if you promised you will not harm them.

After hearing him I let go both of them as they started to cough and breathe. Then I said.

Zeus: Keep in mind don't try to be smart and pull up some crap just with single thought they both will be dead and your circuits will be fried. Now open this door.

After hearing me he nodded and opened the door.

As the door opens I saw the room is filled with crystals, tubes, lab beds, healing rays damage-repairing machines, and similar-looking robots that I saw in Man of steel, and in the center was a giant crystal computer and every very advanced teach that should be in a lab.

Here if Superman wanted he can build cures for Cancer and HIV and the solutions to global warming, hunger, poverty, and many others doing this he can save more lives than by wearing a costume but no they have to show they are above everyone. I know he saved this planet many times but still, he can do this and can become a superhero. But hi who am I to judge them. I thought.

I then walk in front of the computer and said.

Zeus: Show me all know data on Kryptonian DNA.

He looked at me with hesitation for 5 seconds files started to appear on the screen in Kryptonian language which can read just fine as language is never a problem for a Gods like me.

After the data is displayed I activate my lightning speed and started to speed learn everything that's is on screen.


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The Amazons Once Invaded DC

The king (or queen) of diplomatic mishaps, perhaps. When Wonder Woman was detained illegally by the department of Metahuman Affairs, Hippolyta's plan to solve the issue was to invade Washington D.C. and kill every single person in sight. Sure, it was a Circe manipulation plot but that's a bit over the top! In fact, the series was slammed due to its violent and gruesome nature – I mean, it's not everyday DC fans read about Amazons killing innocent children in Washington…


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