I dont stop praying as I knew I could feel he could hear me so I remained in the same position and continue praying as I thought he land in front of the cell as felt he walk inside without any problems and the force field shattered just as he enters in the cell. But I still remained in position while my eyes remained closed.

After he said get up and why I am calling him out

After hearing his I take a deep breath you can do this Komand'r you are the one who is calling him and what the worst could happen is he just kill you as I don't he is that type of man who does those things if he was he will already doing it with green lanterns female members as I am sure some of them were very beautiful I have seen them. I repeated the same words in my mind while collecting all my courage.

Then I got up and open my eyes as when I saw him I was lost as he was very personification of the perfect man no god he has staining blue hair with the tips were white he has sea like blue eyes and a very perfect face he looked very muscular but the over the top like superman but better he stood like a tower in front of me as he is at least 9 foot tall. His presence in the air around him is very dominating like a King of King as I was hardly controlling myself. As his dominating aura was like saying Kneel and Sumit before a GODKING.and that's the thing that made my heart beat faster and this was happening frist time as I have many Men but when looked in his eyes my heart tells me he is the one that can fill up the hole that I have in my heart.

But I control my wild running emotions as I bite my tongue in my mouth and after coming out of my dreams, I said.

Blackfire: Upon my prays thank you for coming here my lord as I am sure you know me but I like to introduce myself I am the former queen of Tamaran's Komand'r I call you here because if you can free me from this hell hole.

he looked at me and said.

Zeus: Girl the question is not I can do it the question is what will you pay in returne as everything has a price. I don't think you have anything to pay me A Godking so tell me girl what are you ready

after hearing him I nodded as he was right as there is no free meal anywhere that's why already knew the answer as I already don't have any goals for myself or what I will even if I get out from here as I was just waiting for this question. I thought and said.

Komand'r: My lord I will do anything in returne of I am even ready to become yours for my freedom.

Zeus: And why do you think I want you even if you are a very beautiful girl you still don't have anything special about you and what is the point of this freedom as you will still be in a new cell. And what is so different about you, after all, I have many beautiful lovely Goddess as my wives and they love me with their lives and it's same for me So tell me

Komand'r why should I God of Gods GodKing Zeus should choose you?

After hearing him I was truly lost now I didn't know what to say as he speaks the truth there is nothing special about me, after all, he has many beautiful wives and they were Goddesses. But I knew this was my last chance to be loved as I am sure once I prove myself to be able to stand his lover. I thought.

So I said

Komand'r: My lord I can prove myself I can you have that I could be a good lover and I will also be ready to give my life for you if just give me a chance.

He looked at me and said.

Zeus: Ok so you want a chance then Go from now on you are mine and you shall be my first follower and the first priestess you will follow my every command no matter what and if you can prove yourself then you shell forever be mine as my wife.

After hearing him I didn't know what happened to me I just jump into the sky in happiness and then I realized what I did I asked for forgiveness and said.

Komand'r: I am Sorry my lord it's just I am not able to control myself and do such a stupid thing.

He looked at me smiled and said.

Zeus: Dont worry sometimes emotions are hard to control and you call me lord Zeus as this should be your right as my first priestess but remember don't disappoint me.

After hearing him I nodded as I knew this is a new life that I am going to love it. I thought.

As before we get out a giant glass tube filled with some kind of green liquid comes out of a Golden portal he then looks at me and said.

Zeus: Go in the tube it will going to make you an ageless immortal and it's going to cure your illness and repair the damage that you got from the scientific experiment that gave you the power of flight and this will also going to give you new powers while increasing your old powers as I can't let my first priestess be in such a week state.

After hearing him my mouth was wide open as I search for the cure everywhere in the universe but I didn't find but after some thinking, it was not a big deal for someone like him A God. I thought and said.

Komand'r: Thank you lord Zeus I will try my best and show you that your gift is not wasted on me

Zeus: I know you will not that's why I chose you that's why I come after hearing your prayers. Said Lord Zeus with a smile.

I then Smiled after seeing his smiling face and enter in the tube after entering it I didn't know what happened as I felt like sleeping and in 2 seconds I lost my consciousness.

Zeus Pov.

Well, it's gone better as I always plan to take her with me as she was too beautiful and too valuable to leave it here in this forsaken universe. As I was just chacking her if she was the willpower to love and some empathy powers did the work as increasing her already existing emotions into extreme while these powers work on my subconscious level without anyone letting realised what they were doing but there is a downfall as this powers can only influence existing emotions.

So after reading some comments I decided to add Starfire to the 3 girl group while removing

Cheetah for. It so now are Super Girl Blackfire and



Please give me some power stones to keep me motivated to write thanks.

That's it my lovely reader thanks for your support

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The man who helped create Wonder Woman also made the first lie detector

William Moulton Marston is a fascinating man for many reasons. He created Wonder Woman, who was based on two women in his life. If you've watched the movie Professor Marston and the Wonder Women, then you know he was involved in a polyamorous relationship with Elizabeth Holloway Marston and Olive Byrne.

He was also a renowned inventor who created the first lie detector prototype. It's interesting to consider this since we know Wonder Woman carries the Lasso of Truth with her, you have to wonder if his invention inspired this comic book addition.


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