subconscious level without anyone letting realised what they were doing but there is a downfall as these powers can only influence existing emotions.

Zeus Pov.

Now she is in sleep and she will be going to sleep for the next half hour I place the tube inside GOB and walk outside I then look at the prisoners to see if anyone has something special about them as their bodies could be of great use in research and to Venessa. I thought.

as I scan the whole prison and I was right as these prisons are full of special specimens. I found two Daxamites, three White Martians, five Green Martians, one Czarnian, three more Tamarans, two Thanagarians, and two Colus so I activated my speed mode and enter in the cell of one of the white Martian then put him to sleep.

then I broke his nervous system just to be safe I broke his nervous system by disconnecting it to his mind successfully shutting down his body but I still let his immune system work as I dont want him to die from his own illnesses that we got in his lifetime I can always place them in Dionesium as it will kill there natural licenses which I don't want.

then I repeated the same cycle by going into every cell and putting them to sleep and then shutting down their bodies then I got ten men's and seven females I then place each of them in empty glass tubes while also placing them in restrictions made of the same chains that I place titans in it as I don't want any of them to wake up and run wild in my GOB dimeson. As they are dangerous species even if they are no harm to any god but don't want anyone to run wild in GOB as there are many treasures. I thought.

After I was done with this place I fly towards the meeting place where the guardians were waiting for me with every information Tech they had ever built and their lifetime research but still, they dont have all the information as most of them were lost after they become guardians from Malthusian. as they destroy the tech and they have gone to extreme lengths that they even erase the memories of the destructive tech that they build so no one can find out even after looking in the minds of there's as this thing happened to as I enter each of there mind and not able to find the level of tech someone should have who is one the first smart life forms of the Universe. I thought.

As I landed in front of them and look at all the marvelous technology that was in front of me in the green energy toom I then open a large GOB portal and place it inside GOB. then I look at them and said.

Zeus: It's good you dont tried to show your intelligence in front of me and as I promise she'll revive your fellow guardians.

After I said this I release Omega energy in a large volume from my hand and commend it to reverse all the damage that it did. As the Omega energy started to put every molecule back to its original place while I continue to release Omega energy.

and just like that in just two minutes, every Malthusian comes back alive besides the one that I have in my GOB for research after all Malthusian have one of the most unique biologies. and I want to find out how they access the energy of Ion and what type of connection they have that they can access the energy of Ion without any lantern ring after all emotional entities and Emotional Spectrum are a big part of my future plans. I thought.

Then I take out a large tank filled with impurities from Dionesium from GOB. and said.

Zeus: As you didn't try to show smartness. you are your Green lantern core is important to the universe. So I shall be a benevolent God and gifit this to you this is a special thing this will revive anyone who takes bath in it but as your punishment, it's only able to revive half of the total green lanterns before this tank goes empty. So now it's your decision as to which green lanterns you want to live again and remember you also have to provide new rings to them. as their old rings are gone in search of new hosts. So as God my only advice is to choose wisely.

After I said this I teleport all the golems in GOB with all the bodies they have collected for my experiments in the future I thought I then teleport away. In the next second, I appear in the earth's atmosphere then I fly towards an empty island devoted of any life as they are the best place to wake up both Kara and Komand'r as I have to do some modifications in the memories of Kara as she is too much of a good for her own good. I thought.

As in just 1 minute later I landed in the cent of the island was full of green trees which was rare to see at this times whare humanity is a dominating species. I then walk towards a large empty area. After reaching the location I cast

"Dimension lock"

Then I created a force field around the whole island then I take out both Komand'r and Kara's tubes then I place them. In front of them, I looked at the two sleeping beauties both looked very beautiful with stunning and unique looks from other beauties that I saw in my life. I thought.

I then walk towards their tube of Kara and open it then I place my hand on her head as this will be the first time I will try to change and delete someone's memories and I don't want to mess this up.

So turn off most of my senses and closed my eyes I enter into her psychic to then enter into her memories as her psychic defense that keeps that area safe was no problem to me.

As I saw her memory place was white and empty as not even 000000000.1 percent full as they can have more storage than a normal human that's why they live so long without forgetting the past. Then I walked toward the area where her memories were and then I started to look at her memories two see how her past life was as after she woke up she will be a different person.

And after checking the details as I saw nothing new that I didn't know before beside the Tech and development. And after checking her memories I started to delete most of her old staff and her life her parents and many things as most of her life as a Kryptonian but I never let it change her personality by separating that part of her psychic this is what makes her Kara the Supergirl as I don't want to just create sex Dallas. I thought.

After completely erasing her memories I started to create new lovely memories.

So I need some suggestions as to what type of memories should mc create for Kara and reread it will affect her personality based on her old.

so please comment as it will be a great help.

So after reading some comments I decided to add Starfire to the 3 girl group while removing

Cheetah for. It so now are Super Girl Blackfire and



Please give me some power stones to keep me motivated to write thanks.

That's it my lovely reader thanks for your support

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An Award-Winning JLA Story Was Written To Retcon A Continuity Error

In Justice League of America #4, the Leaguers discuss whether to pick Hawkman, Green Arrow, or Adam Strange as their new member. Readers objected, correctly, that none of the JLA could know who Adam Strange was. Adam, who appeared in Mystery in Space, was an Earthman who visited the planet Rann via the teleporting Zeta Beam. On Rann, he was the great planetary defender; on Earth, he was just Adam Strange, an archeologist.

As Justice League editor Julius Schwartz and writer Gardner Fox also worked on Adam's strip, they retconned an answer. In Mystery in Space #75, the alien tyrant Kanjar Ro uses Rann's triple sun to give him solar-based powers like Superman's, but at triple strength. When the JLA arrives on Rann, Kanjar Ro cleans their clocks, but Adam's true strength is his quick wits. He deduces Kanjar Ro's weakness, hits him with it, and saves the day. That convinced Flash to nominate him for membership, but Adam ended up losing out to Green Arrow. The story, however, was a winner in 1960s fandom's Alley Awards, picking up the 1962 Alley for "Best Book-Length Story."


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