Kara the Supergirl as I don't want to just create sex Dallas. I thought.

After completely erasing her memories I started to create new lovely memories. I didn't change her origins as she was still a Kryptonian but I pick some of Komand'r like the story as she was hatted by her people and her parents for not having strong enough how much she struggled to live a single day how much she prayed to her God Rao but he didn't come to no matter what she did.

As she started to become and learned how to live even if you have to kill as she grows stronger but no one cared she also doesn't care about them as she was still struggling to live. some elite guards attacked her as she was losing and dying she prayed to another god that she heard other people talk to even after knowing he will not come.

But I come she makes the same deal like Komand'r and becomes mine. I then make her more powerful she takes her revenge then I create new happy memories of where we spent a lovely together in a different dimension where time moves slowly. As how her new God tells her about his life and the vast Universe, Multiverse, and Omniverse he tells her about God's higher dimensional beings and many things how she falls in love with him but dont able to him as her young body dont able to handle that much power and will die in time so for solution her God put her in his Divine Blood then put her in sleep so her body could get mature.

after I was done with her new memories I put a special thing that will be gone after she woke up but will greatly help her to choose me. I then

take out a piece of black Kryptonite combined with a very low amount of gold Kryptonite and exposed her psychic to it so it remains permanent even if some plant her original memories into her. as Kryptonite takes its effects her psychic changed permanently I the then started to create defenses around her mind so no one beside her or me can get inside I used my own psychic energies and created new and make her old defense stronger I created her defense like a dungeon and her memory place its last floor I then place most defenses around her memory place.

After I was done with all this I started to get out of her mind as come out of her mind I look around as I saw more than one hour passed I looked at both of them and said.

Zeus: Sorry girls I cant give my blood as it will kill you even if you are in Dionesium as two of you don't have a strong body that can holt the totality of the power that is in my blood cells it works on little Eliana because she was an embryo and only six months old and still I have to expose her to so much non-ionizing radiation that can count for twenty years of a Kryptonians live on earth absorbs that's and she got DNA of human and this just some reasons she able accent on a higher realm and able to become a half new Goddess a singularity.

I then walk towards Komand'r tube then I open her tube then I take her out the tube then I then scan her whole body to check if anything wrong with it but I found nothing so I woke her up while she was in my arms in the princess carry position as she opens her in my arms she looked at me as a blush appears on her when she realized that she is in my arms in a princess carry position as her blush reached to her nack. she even forgets about her new powers and her life long dream.

As she was lost in her dreams I shake her as she comes out of her daydreaming stated and looked at me so I asked.

Zeus: So how do you feeling now. is there any discomfort or problem in your body? I asked to confirm my scan as no one will better know about her body than her

After hearing me she closes her eyes and started to chack her body while she was checking her body I was enjoying her touch on my body as no matter how many women slept with and how beautiful they are I still find every beautiful girl as attractive as always same with my wives as no matter how many times I have seen them nacked I still find them as beautiful as ever and to eat them as it. belong to me only me. and this remains the same forever as I also plan to devour the divinities of Sex Gods so I can make it more enjoyable to the ever increasing numbers of my lovely wives. I thought.

Komand'r: No my Lord Zeus I don't find any problems I feel amazing I feel like I can destroy

mountains just by a single punch, I feel like I can conquer worlds and can defeat that so-called hope as now I feel like I am born again as so much energy running through my veins that I can do anything. she said in such excitement that kid who just got his favorite toy.

Zeus: Yes I know how you feel but don't let this power fool you as you are not even strong enough to handle zero point one present of strength. and I not even a bug in front of some beings. do you understand?

After hearing me her eyes were wide open as for her I am the most powerful being that she had ever seen. but she controls her wild running emotions and doesn't say anything and just nodded then place her on the ground as she looks around then she saw a similier tube that she was in just waking up and a girl was inside it. she then looks at Kara as she isn't able to control her curiosity and asks.

Komand'r: Who is she my lord Zeus.

Zeus: She is like it's just she knows me before you and said the same thing you said to me and now she is mine. I said while walking towards Kara's tube as it was her time to wake up as now the new memories that I implanted in her now are an unforgettable part of her and her personality. thought.

I then open her tube then place her in my arms in the same princess carry position then I woke her up and she opens her eyes as she saw me she tightly grabs me and hugs me as tears comes out of her eyes.

As she hugs me I hug her back as I saw jealousy in Komand'r eyes which didn't even try to hide it but Egnor her as I heard Kara.

Kara: My lord you are re real really here th that was j just a Dr dream n no it was night nightmare as as I I saw you le leave me beh behind In in that nightmare ma many t times Ple Pleses M my lo lord do don't ever leave leave me behind if if I I di did something wro wrong please ju just punish me me be beat some se sense in into me but but never never ev ever lea leave me me behind my lo lord.

Said Kara while sobbing and crying while tears escapes from her beautiful baby blue eyes.

Well, it worked better than even I thought especially the nightmare that I planted in her mind that played it like a loop it was more than many years of the nightmare that never end but now it will be gone forever. and also the combined Kryptonite worked better than even I thought. And now she is completely mine. hahaha hahaha hahahahha.

So after reading some comments I decided to add Starfire to the 3 girl group while removing

Cheetah for. It so now are Super Girl Blackfire and



Please give me some power stones to keep me motivated to write thanks.

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One Of The Justice League's Arch-Enemies Was One Of Dream's First Foes In Sandman

In Justice League of America #5, criminal scientist Dr. Destiny has the bright idea to destroy the Justice League before he launches his crime career. He lost, of course, but he didn't give up. Instead, he developed a technology that allowed him to manipulate dreams and bring them into reality. Creating adversaries from the JLA's own nightmares, Dr. Destiny bedeviled them repeatedly throughout the Silver Age and beyond. So it's not surprising that Destiny's big non-JLA adversary was Morpheus, AKA Dream, the protagonist of Neil Gaiman's Sandman.

The opening issue of Sandman established that Dream had been trapped by an occult group years earlier (not intentionally; they'd been trying for his sister, death). When Morpheus finally breaks free, he spends the next few issues looking for the talismans that the cult stole from him. Dr. Destiny is actually the son of the cult leader's mistress, and his exposure to one of the talismans gave him his uncanny power over dreams. Naturally, when Destiny realizes the full power of the talisman, he has no intention of giving it back. When the talisman gets trashed, however, Morpheus regains his full power and moves on to fresh adventures.


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