Zeus: Good Good very good you understand your limitations as when you understand them then you can break them and move to the next limitation.


Kara: Yes my lord I will do as you say. But can you tell me who is she? said, Kara while looking at Komand'r with curies eyes same for Komand'r who is also looking at her as they both scan each other. as they both chack out each other bodies as it was clear that Komand'r was winning as she has everything bigger than Kara from Boobs to Ass.

As she lost a pout appeared on Kara's face and seeing this a smug smile on Komand'r face as she show off her body which make Kara even more jealous I smiled as I saw these girls were very young so they have some kids-like behavior and it comes out like this time but I am also very young as I am not even 35 yet and I have a wife who as million years old but we as Gods born very mature with so much knowledge that a mortal can die with overload like little Athena she knows what's going on around her what she is how her father mother is and she is much more intelligent than any born God because of Divinity of wisdom which she can use.

Then there is little Eliana who shows the signs of intelligence while no older than 6 months while her mind is still rebuilding itself like she smiles when I go near her or say something loveable or rude she can show her emotions on her face. I thought.

I then walked toward both of them as they both looked at me first I look at Kara then I said.

Zeus: well Kara meet Komand'r she is just like you a lost soul in search for love then she called me and I accepted her.

then I look at Komand'r and said.

Zeus: Well Komand'r meets Kara her story is just like you it's just she has in more extreme circumstances and the moment she called me she was about to die. So I helped her now she is mine I have to put her to sleep and as now she has woken up.

After I introduce both of them to each other both looked at each other and nodded as they both had similar back stories so I can see in their eyes respect for each other. as both handshakes and have some talk after some talk then Kara looked at me and said.

Kara: My lord can we eat something as it's been years since I ate something.

Komand'r: Ya my lord I also love to eat something good as those so-called protectors of the universe food tasted like shit it was so bad that it can't even call food.

I smiled and nodded and said.

Zeus: Why not let's go find some good-looking restaurants then I will let you have the best meal of your entire life and the food you're going to eat for forever. and you are going to love it.

After I said this hovered in the air and started to fly toward Jump City while both Kara and Komand'r fellow me behind we as both reached me as we fly in a line Kara asks.

Kara: My lord when we will be returning home.

Well, my dear Kara as you see there are some small things to collect that are on this planet and a one big thing that will come to this planet tomorrow so if everything goes as the plan we will return tomorrow and if not then overmorrow we will return to our lovely home. As I really wanted to go back home you know as I am very excited and dont want to miss the birth of little Athena but now I am here and don't have any plans for traveling before I did with all the Gods that exist in between different dimensions of Skyland and it can take thousands of year's as there to many gods with many pythons are out there. So these all things will give a significant boost to all the future Technology. I said while checking his ship that is coming here that much faster than light speed.

Hearing this Kara just nodded while she has a smile on her face while Komand'r looked confused as for what whatever we said was very confusing. At frist, she tries to control her curiosity when she was not able to control herself for a long time and so she asks.

Komand'r: What are you talking about my lord Zeus.

Zeus: Well it's a very long story if it tries to explain it will take hours before we were done with it so let's show it to you.

After I said this I started to transfer the same past knowledge that I transfer to Kara. And in 1 minute I was done. 20 seconds later I was done as the knowledge was too much for her as she started to lose altitude so I day towards her then I garb her by the waist as her eyes were closed as she was processing all the tender knowledge. As she now knew most of the things about the multiverse old dead Gods, New Gods, the source, source wall the Angels, Demons, the monitors, anti-matter universe, Dark Multiverse, the space between universes the dimesons, intellect level, higher dimeson beings, the living aspects of God's wrath, love, Mercy, and Vengeance. The Seven Forces of the Universe Anti-Crisis Energy, Crisis Energy, Speed Force/Still Force, Emotional Spectrum/Invisible Spectrum, Life Force/Tear of Extinction, Sphere of the Gods/Void Wind Dimensional Superstructure/Sixth Note Faithfulness/Faithlessness. The Endless, the Death force, Forever Force, Godwave, Negative Speed Force, Quantum Field, Sage Force, Speed Force, Still Force, Strength Force. And many more. I am sure so much knowledge it will go to take minutes before she is even able to process all the crazy things and it will take months before she even grasps all the knowledge let alone understand it.

Before her and Kara only my wives knows all this and it's all this is written in the royal library which only royals are allowed to read and only they can enter the library and also anyone who dose not related to me like my wives and children and besides them try to pick and read the books they will only see white pages and I will know the location of the book.

And I tell her all this because I already made her mind the same as Kara's that no one can get inside and if someone forcefully gets inside it will be deleted and if someone can be safe from all this will already know all this. I thought.

As now we were flying above the sky of Jump city we were flying very slowly, just a little bit slower than mack one.

Kara: it was too much don't you think my lord you just show the poor girl how scary and big the world truly is if for you she is an ant then some beings don't even acknowledge your existence.

So after reading some comments I decided to add Starfire to the 3 girl group while removing

Cheetah for. It so now are Super Girl Blackfire and



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Cyborg Joined The Justice League On TV 25 Years Before Joining Them In Comics

In the New 52 Victor Stone, AKA Cyborg, is a founding member and mainstay of the Jusice League. In 1985, he was still a member of the Teen Titans — but not on TV.

In 1985's Super-Powers Team: Galactic Guardians cartoon, the Justice League — rechristened as the Super-Powers Team — battles against various schemes of the alien god Darkseid. Teen Titans was a hot book at the time, so it made sense to add Cyborg to the 'toon's cast. In the first episode, he turns down League membership to continue his work with handicapped kids (something he did in Teen Titans, too). Cyborg tells Firestorm that as he has no secret identity, becoming a superhero would be something he'd never be able to turn off. He doesn't want that.

Just the same, when Darkseid attacks Earth again, Cyborg agrees to use his built-in tech to hack Darkseid's computers and thwart his plans. When the adventure ends, Cyborg concedes he belongs on the Super-Powers Team after all.


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