Kara: it was too much don't you think my lord you just show the poor girl how scary and big the world truly is if for you she is an ant then some beings don't even acknowledge your existence.

Zeus: Yea you are right but it's not long before they all will know their place as I will be everything for them. I said while we landed in front of a good-looking restaurant.

As we landed all the people looked at us and when they see my face a deep fear appear on people's faces but I ignored them and walk inside. While Kara looked at the faces of people and asked.

Kara: My lord did you dis something that's why all these people looked in such fear when they looked at you.

Zeus: Ya I did it's just they never learn. After I said this I transfer all that happened to me when I was on the earth and Oa besides the Cheeta part I also send the same knowledge to Komand'r mind as we walk inside and it didn't even take seconds before Kara's analysis was done.

As she looked at me and said.

Kara: I think it's a fantastic name my lord Eliana means Sun as she gets powers from the Sun radiation and it's unbelievable that she could even able to become a half Goddess as one time you said No Gods can be created without Gods wave if there both parents are not Gods themselves and amazing that she is now a singularity with powers beyond my grasp.

I smiled as I understand her jealousy as she thinks she self inferior to me or my any wives and we can't go wild in our special time it will just break her and our Kids will never be pure Gods themselves So I smiled and said.

Zeus: Dont worries Dear I have a Grand plan to make my every wife a pure Goddess it's just it will going to take thousands upon thousands of years before I was done collecting all the things needed for the thing to work so I make anyone a pure God without any side effects or any harm.

After I said this Komand'r also open her eyes as she looked at me with wide eyes as she just processes all the things. as we enter in the restaurant Kara jumped on me in excitement and said.

Kara: really my lord does really have a way to create Gods or changes someone into a God.

Zeus: Yes My dear Kara I do have a way to make someone not just half but a full New God. With their own special Divinity that suits their personality that is one of many reasons that I will start a great war.

We talk while all the people looked at me with fear and even had heart attacks while they looked at us we just ignored them as we set down at a table while Kara set in front of me and Komand'r was just lost in thoughts as she set beside me So grab her shoulder shake her up as she looked at me so said.

Zeus: Dont thinks all those things Komand'r this thing are out of your control remember Destiny fate doesn't control you Gods, Angels, and Demos are here to keep the balance the world is too large to just understand in a day so don't think so deeply about the things that are not in your control like me but promise your that one day they will be in your control.

I then pause so she can understand what I am trying to explain. After she nodded I continue.

Zeus: And it's not good to be always in control as it will be just boring as all-knowing could just kill you from boredom as there is a reason I why all my senses were not always remained active it's not like I can't process all the information but it's boring

or there is no future for me or anyone who comes in my contact like you two now dont has any future as now someone tries to time travel and kill your pest self then you will not disappear as you are now with me as we as Gods dont experience time like you So dont worry about those things. Ok, do you understand what your God says?

As it takes five minutes before she nodded and said.

Koman'r: Yes my lord I can understand it's no point to think about those things.

Zeus: Yes Komand'r if want you can think about this thing later when we reach your new home as you got an unlimited amount of time but now let's eat and enjoy as the party is coming with some new toys for me.

As Kara looked at then she opens her eyes wide then a grin appears on her face when she gave me a wink Komand'r looked at us in a wired way but Ignored her as I open GOB and take out the fresh food from many different types of food as I increased the size of the table as now no one was in the restaurant to watch all the magic even this and nearby cities were now getting evacuated by so-called heroes.

As both Kara and Komand'r excitedly looked at the food as their eyes shone in brightness. As the smell of the food was amazing but both wait for me to say something so I said.

Zeus: What are waiting for let's dig in.

After this, both of them jump on the food and started to eat like monsters as both tastes the food their eyes shine even brighter in fact they started to release their energies as Kara's eyes turn red while Komand'r eyes turn purple with light black shade. But they still do not use their attacks.

As we ate in peace while heroes continue to evacuate the cities. After half an hour later we were done eating Kara as I can feel no life was present in 3 miles radius as I can feel they were not far from here. Kara looked at me with serious anger on her

face while her eyes were red as she asked.

Kara: My lord if you want I can teach them how they should kneel in your presence and here they should be happy that you leave them alive and here they once again came here and my hands are etching since I woke up.

I smiled and said.

Zeus: Well if you want then why not as I am not interested in it as I just need to take some things but leave them alive as no point in killing them but I don't want you to fight first as want to show them how desperate they are as even my whole speech didn't show them as how easy its for me to kill them as it says Punishment cravers do not understand soft talks. They think I am joking when I say I will kill if needed. So you can't have to stop the speedster who tries to run outside of the force field.

I then looked at Komand'r and said.

Zeus: And Komand'r you will handle your sister as I have taken you under my wing and she is the only one you truly love and she also has great potential with beauty so will also take her with me ok.

After hearing me Kara just nodded while Komand'r looked at me with wide eyes and asks.

Komand'r: Really my lord you will take her in.

Zeus: Yes Dear as she is the only one you truly love and you will not be fully happy without her as I took you under my wing so I should also keep you happy but you have to convince her to come under me as I don't want any forced girl. Do you understand? I said smiling while looking at her.

Komand'r: Yes my lord I will do as you say and will

convince her to be yours.

I nodded and said.

Zeus: Well then Let's not let them wait more and welcome our guests.

After I said this I walk outside while both fellow me.

So Volume 2 ending is upon us then the great war will start and the frist war will be with Gaia

as So now I should write a Pov of heroes with 3rd person pov Or not and please comment on some strong weapons as no matter how expert I am I still can not compare to a large group of reders

that are on earth so I can write them in the next chapter.

So after reading some comments I decided to add Starfire to the 3 girl group while removing

Cheetah for. It so now are Super Girl Blackfire and



Please give me some power stones to keep me motivated to write thanks.

That's it my lovely reader thanks for your support

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A Teenage Boy With No Powers Once Killed Off The Justice League

Relax, it was only on paper.

In #16, the criminal Maestro uses body-controlling music to keep people, including the JLA, dancing helplessly during his robberies. Not being idiots, the JLA plug their ears before the big showdown — and learn that's what the Maestro counted on. The music was a misdirection: his real weapon is a ray that hits the motor centers of the brain. With no defense against it, the JLA members helplessly dance themselves to death.

Then comes the real twist: this is actually a comic book story written by teenage fan Jerry Thomas (named for real-world fans Jerry Bails and Roy Thomas). After dreaming up the Maestro, Jerry became terrified his scheme would actually work. Turning it into a comic book, he sent it to the League (by mail, of course) and asked them to find a solution. The heroes are genuinely worried the Maestro would have won until they realize he made a slip-up that would have given the game away. Phew, they'd have beaten him! Snapper Carr writes back to tell Jerry that he's not a world-class mastermind after all.


That's it, folks, please comment and give some power stones

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✌️ Peace ✌️
