A Goddess was born with divinity towards Magic and she is born with six divinities and all were one way or another related to Magic. In the original Dc story, she got more potential than any New or Old God As she is born like this At the dawn of time there was magic. t was promising and pure as it surrounded the forming Multiverse. When life was new and she is the first goddess that has Divinity toward magic.

She was no other than Hecate The Hecate that I punish for touching my Mother and placing the curse on her which was amazing even though I can't do that with magic. But she can that's why I am as I also knew she was forced to do what Kronos said to her. and I also knew how much she feels guilty about it as she cried for that on daily basis she ask forgiveness whenever she looked at olympian castle and I can hear this all and in my presence, no one can lie from mouths or their bodies as a God truth I get this privilege.

And I can always feel her emotions no matter what type of God somebody is no one can look in their heads but if it is not a supreme being like The OAA or The Presence and this rule applies to everyone that's why I can't just give my wives all the knowledge fighting techniques that I have like Kara or Komand'r that's there so many books as we can't just take shortcuts in this. So she can't transfer all the knowledge to me or I can give her all I know about magic. I thought while looking at her as she was frozen.

Zeus: Have a walk with me. I said while waking her up from her lost dreams.

She nodded and started to follow me.

Zeus: So how is life going. I asked while walking.

Hecate: Nothing much reading my old notes. lord Zeus. she answers with a smile we were talking normally.

Zeus: Good good so how do feel about what you did to Rhea. I asked while looking into her eyes.

hearing me she froze for some seconds but she still looked into my eyes as some tears comes out of her eyes as she said.

Hecate: I feel horrible about what I did with her she was my sister and believe me I don't want to do it but I don't have any other option as even later when I asked her if I should tell you about it but she said NO as we thought you are not powerful enough that time And I know I should have told you but once again I was forced as she gave A vow for our relationship was on the line So even when I met you my mouth was still close which regret to this day and will regret it forever.

Hecate: But still, I am happy for her as she got a life that She always wanted and I know my faults deserve punishment. my youth at least, and my imprudence were worthy of excuse. and ten years are nothing in the life of God. frist lines she said with tears in her eyes but when she said the last lines I saw a genuine smile on her face.

I nodded it's good she now knew that she really cares for Rhea and I don't think it was long before mother also started to ask me to forgive her As I can those feelings on her face she didn't talk today she just wanted to talk in private that's is one of the reasons I am here as my wives happiness is very important to me. I thought while looking at her beautiful smile.

Zeus: It's great you know your mistakes and tries to be better. but tell me why you said No to Hades's offer to go with him to the underworld and live there.

Hecate: Well it had many reasons one of them is he was after my body and knowledge as he wanted to become King of my body like Kronos which I hate the most. he thought I was in love with him just because I saved him But to tell the truth I save him because I wanted to go near you to tell you the truth as the guilt was eating me from inside but when I reached you, You already had plans so didn't do anything after saw how much you loved her and other Girls I didn't know what happen but I don't able convince my heart to tell you the truth as we spent time that feeling got stronger.

Hecate: So in these days when I was doing nothing, I always remember the look in your eyes when you got the truth and all I want to do at that time and even now is cry and scream as it aches my heart and somehow killing me inside and through this, I get to know I had feelings for you how why I don't What I know I loved you and still do and will do forever. and wanted to care by you just like other girls. as when I saw how much you love them I wanted it maybe it's my stupid heart that never got the love and wanted yours but I know I truly love you. She said with tears in her eyes and a smile on her face.

I nodded as I get to know something new as my emotional influence always worked when I eyed a woman even when I didn't know I had or possible I don't have any things like that as this emotional influence is just my theory as in my teen I never able to bend reality so it's possible I never got this power and it's all happening automatically or I always got this power but how and why can't it shows on my system status panel when everything shows their its a mystery that I will solve in future but for now it doesn't matter as I am loving this. I thought while looking at her face.

Zeus: It's great that you are able to tell your feelings and in some time of our long lives we become selfish and I don't blame you for that as I myself am the most selfish person in the Omniverse. we all make mistakes and you are ready to pay for it So I will give you a chance and also we will try to short out our relationship and get to know each other better and go on some dates.

After Hering me she was frozen for some seconds then a big smile appeared on her face as she jumps on me with some tears in her eyes.

Hecate: Thank you thank you thank you I promise to never disappoint you and will try my best to stand beside you with pride. thank you so much for giving me this chance I can't explain how happy I am.

I nodded and placed my hand on her back trying to calm down her emotions two minutes later she realized what she did and once again jump with the red face she said.

Hecate: I didn't mean to do that it's just I am not able to control myself I am Sorry about that Lord Zeus. she said in rapid speed as she dont wants me to think that she was just waiting for this moment.

Zeus: Dont worry about it it happens sometimes but let's aside that and talk about some shell be. I said with serious looks.

And seeing this redness on her face was gone as she also became serious and nodded.

Zeus: So tell me how much you know about The Lords of Chaos and Order.

Herring me she looked at me and saw I was asking seriously so she said.

Hecate: The Lords of Order and Chaos are higher beings of great mystical power that represent Chaos and Order. the Lords of Order acted as avatars of the concept of stagnation during the Ninth Age of Magic. Dedicating their nearly unlimited power to empowering mortal agents, they act as a deterrent to the Lords of Chaos in a constant struggle for universal supremacy. they defend reality against the Lords of Chaos, warring over how to govern said raw magic.

Hecate: Most of the Lords of Order and Chaos were immensely powerful entitles made up of energy born fully developed, considering themselves beyond sex and form, and typically inhabited mystical objects of lore. However, Lords of Order could develop and manifest in physical form and develop similarly to human lifeforms  Furthermore, it is said that Lords of Order also don't typically engage in procreation, believing it to be an act that invites chaos though some Lords of Order have done so regardless.

Hecate: Chaos and Order have been fighting a cyclical battle for eons. First Order is dominant, then Chaos, then destruction and renewal, and then it starts over again. Originally, the struggle was depicted as one between Good (Order) and Evil (Chaos); it is currently depicted as a balance between stagnation and anarchy. The two opposing forces are bundles of mystical energy that usually depend on servants to accomplish their goals. They can take physical form by possessing a living being. however, were once human beings with a physical form whose bodies decayed as a byproduct of raw magic and became mystical beings of energy. Using mystical artifacts known as the Cosmic Log and the Book of Souls, they are said to be able to enforce true order in existence.

Hecate: Even after all this power they are not multiverse beings as they are not a singularity like Gods and follow a set path and fight forever.

I nodded she really is a Goddess of Magic as she knows so much about magic and its related things. Some that even I don't know as Dc never conforming some of these things. I thought.

Then I take out The helm of Fate and looked at her as she looked at the helm her eyes were wide her jaw was dropping as if it can touch the ground.

So I had already done writing the Haram cheaper which is now the first chapter of this fiction I update it whenever a new girl is added to it with her name and photos so please read it and give your love and like to the images love you all


Please give me some power stones to keep me motivated to write thanks.

That's it my lovely reader thanks for your support



From Today I will start a new Fun fact about how you defeat every main memo of the justice league by Our Lord Batman

Batman's Contingency Plans

Plastic Man

His semi-liquid form remains stable at relatively high and low temperatures...provided that the temperature change is gradual. A sudden change, induces a complete change of phase, creating a truly solid or truly liquid form. Plastic Man is shown to have some weakness to extreme heat (intense heat vision attack from a martian) and can be temporarily melted. Plastic Man's molecules can also be scrambled using ultrasonic wave distortions.

Booster Gold

E.M.P: With Booster Gold's future tech being far more advanced, Batman would use an electromagnetic pulse to disable it, leaving Booster Gold fully vulnerable to a physical attack.


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