CHAPTER 132 Birth of Athena

Then I take out The helm of Fate and looked at her as she looked at the helm her eyes were wide her jaw was dropping as if it can touch the ground. but she controls herself and waited for me to say something.

Zeus: From looking at your face I know you know the worth of this Helm but let me explain so you can understand it This helm you see is called The Helm of Fate and was created by the Lord of Order Nabu along with two other mystical items: the Amulet of Anubis and the Cloak of Destiny. The three items combined would grant the wearer the power of Doctor Fate, the primary agent of the Lords of Order. and the spirit of Nabu lives inside this Helm and with it comes his magical knowledge and all this infinite power.

Zeus: As you know I got the Divinity towards Order but I cant awaken it no matter how much I try So what I want is to take out Nabu from this helm as he is gone heading since I have taken this helm in my hands after We take out I will devour his form with that will come to his magical knowledge and all this infinite power and don't worry about devouring part I know many ways to do that without damaging the fabric of reality or balance in the universe. I can do this myself but will be going to take Millennium but with your help and we worked together it can be done some thousand years or even less I just need to find some more Goddesses who have divinity towards Magic like you and I know that in Norse there is a Goddess that is also related to magic the wife of Odin. I said while looking at her.

Hecate: I will do as you say Zeus Thank you for trusting with the knowledge and I will try my best to take out this mouse from its hole. she said while looking at me without asking what she will gain and without showing any jealousy about how I am talking about another Goddess.

Zeus: That's great as you know we will be going into an active war state after I am done with Gaia and I plan to wipe anyone who is not an Olympian or doesn't want to become an Olympian means I will wipe every religion from the face of this multiverse and I will not kill them as it will waste of resources as I have a great plan for their bodies minds and Souls. So I want to ask is do you want to take part in it as my every wife take part in it. I asked while looking at her.

Hecate: I will love to fight beside my old sisters and you.

Zeus: Ha last thing is you can come and live with us in Castel and you will easily find your room and before you start research on the Helm I want you to first read about some of the most important books on the magic and all its theories which will help you greatly and will able to show you wide magic could be and you should also visit cyclops brother workshop as they hold other two things that you will be going to like them as one even got its pocket universe. I said while looking at her.

Hering me tears started to come out of her eyes as she started to cry.

Zeus: Dont cry from today your new life is going to start to be happy and I will remove the Spell on you once you settle in the castle and remember not to disappoint me. I said while I place my hand on her cheek to wipe her tears as she rubs her cheek on my hand and smiles now she looked even more beautiful than before with cute yet killer looks.

As I felt Hera was contacting me I knew it was about to happen so I said.

Zeus: Well it's time to go As you know my daughter is about to come into this world and I don't want to miss that chance So see you in the castle. as She nodded with a happy smile and I disappeared from here in the second I appeared inside the room of Metis.

I saw the Girls were surrounding her as they saw me they make the way for me As I saw Metis laying on the bed as Athena was trying to come out I sit beside her grabbed her hand and kiss her on the forehead while she smiled but she looked more exhausted then ever because even if Goddesses don't feel pain while birth but they feel exhaustion. but this was also a test for her body after the birth she will be much stronger than before because her body will evolve to keep the body alive and her cells will be much faster-generating energy and the capacity of how much cells can hold will increase in huge amounts that's is the main reason Gaia is so strong without doing much and able to surpass Nyx who done so much to reach the level and she will mush stronger than before as she has giving birth to an entity that is born stronger than me.

So ya females got a shortcut for it but this rule doesn't apply if the child is not absorbing the energy faster than her Cells are generating so the child must be a God or a very powerful monster. I thought.

As Athena's head come out from her mother's belly as Tethys grabs her head and slowly started to pull her out. then her hands are half of her body then her legs come out. As she was completely out with light golden blood all over her body. as Metis's healing factor kicked in and in some seconds her whole body was healed as through her will power she was still conscious but I can feel it will not last long as she will sleep for five hours.

Tethys gave me my daughter with a cloth wrapped around her as she comes into my hands she giggled as I looked at her she looked similar to her counterpart in Saint Saya she has very very small

light violet or purple hair she has emerald green eyes and she has a baby chibi face and I can feel so much energy from her.

As I saw how cute she is maybe she was even cuter than my wife with this I dont able to control myself as I kissed her forehead after the kiss she giggled. which gave a smile on my face as girls surround us and started to look at us while she continues to giggle.

I then passed her to Metis who was looking at me as if I just killed somebody her known and when she received her all was gone as the most beautiful smile I have seen which rarely appears, appear on her face. As we both looked with girls at the little cutie. I place my hand on her head as My eyes turn blue I announce to the world, my daughter.

Zeus: From onward you shall be known as Athena the Daughter of Zeus and the firstborn of Zeus.

As I said this out loud as Lightning shines in the sky telling everyone the dimension about the good news.


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From Today I will start a new Fun fact about how you defeat every main memo of the justice league by Our Lord Batman

Batman's Contingency Plans


Removing her Totem, taking away her access to her power.

Damien Wayne

Arrogance: More often than not, Damian believes himself to be better than he is, this has allowed him to underestimate opponents as well as irritate his allies.


Overconfidence: As a result in analyzing any situation, this allows Dick Grayson becomes overconfident and misdirected. This will make him open to a second attack.


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