As I said this out loud as Lightning shines in the sky telling everyone the dimension about the good news.

Zeus Pov.

Half an hour later passed a happy atmosphere is build up in the castle we all were laughing calibrating the birth of my firstborn our fun time in the room of Metis while she breastfeeding little Athena.

After seeing such a happy atmosphere I smile as the girls were laughing and enjoying it gave smile and strive to get powerful as I don't want these smiles gone from their beautiful faces as I was thinking this I noticed everyone was looking at me.

We were sitting on a round couch. Then out of nowhere, Nyx walked toward me. After reaching me she sit beside me and said.

Nyx: Zeus you said you will introduce us to Eliana after we want to see how our second draught will look like.

Rhea: Yes Nyx is right I also want to look at my second granddaughter.

Hestia: Yes you said you will introduce her later I think it's the best time it will double the happiness.

After this all my wives and Kara and Komand'r even Starfire started to repeat the "Show Us Show Us our Daughter Show Us." sentence with smiles on their faces.

Seeing this I also smiled and stood up walked into the center and said.

Zeus: well it's your commend how can say no be ready to see your new daughter.

I then Open GOB beside him as I take Out the force field which has little Eliana inside every girl gets up and looked at her they saw an amazing sight little Eliana hovering in the very rare air as no God can fly after is born even if they got all this power.

As I introduce everyone to Eliana. And Eliana to her new Mother and she giggled when she heard the new names. As we continue to calibrate

Gaia pov.

Giant: Mother how long we will wait before we can attack the Olympians as I can wait to get those beautiful Goddesses.

Gaia just liked one of her youngest and the hot-blooded Son smiled and said. While other Titans also looked at her with lust filled with their eyes.

Gaia: Dont worry my Sons I know what you want but you dont know how strong that kid is I dont how he grows so fast but he is much stronger that's why I had a mate with Tartarus to create my new son Typhon.

Gaia: I know he will not long enough as I have to sacrifice all his life force to empower him more and I even put my power in him but I am ready to make this sacrifice to get back the throne that I once set from that kid. At frist, I thought I will easily be able to manipulate the kid easily but how wrong I was but anymore as with my Son, I get back my throne.

And you can use those bunch of girls as you want.

So before that, you use your hunger for mortals and create more like as the more army the batter.

All the Giants nodded and started to leave their mother's throne room.

Now I had informed Odin about this but that ungrateful man didn't help me and said I should do what I do even when I gave him a Son and he do this to you just wit Odin once I am done with that kid I will be coming after you as I sure that kid and my Son will be much strong then even Typhon then I will show that Odin bitch who I am Gaia I will rule all.

Sorry about the super small chapter I am too busy today I dont even plan to write anything today but I did somehow it but I am really sorry so if you want you can write in the comment section I am really sorry I had homework to do and it's homework not schoolwork like kids so ya I am doing that right now so sorry. But Love you all

Fuck life is shitter than ever before but I love writing love you all.

Fuck Shit

Fuck Shit


Please give me some power stones to keep me motivated to write thanks.

That's it my lovely reader thanks for your support



From Today I will start a new Fun fact about how you defeat every main memo of the justice league by Our Lord Batman

Batman's Contingency Plans


Drugs: When she was a slave, Kori was addicted to the drugs that were forcefully given to her by her captors. She managed to overcome her addiction, however. Batman thinks that if she is given the same drugs, her addiction may come back.

Metallic Chromium: Starfire, like many Tamaraneans, is allergic to metallic chromium. It gives her flu-like symptoms, and when she sneezes, she unleashes explosive star bolts out of her nose and mouth. Also, her powers are largely affected by how she feels, as Robin learns; if she is feeling down or confused, her abilities become severely diminished. If it is exposed to solar radiation, it can be used like Kryptonite.

Beast Boy

It has been shown multiple times that Beast Boy is highly vulnerable to hypnosis - a single glance is enough to put him into a complete trance.

When Beast Boy is sick, he can't control his shapeshifting abilities and transforms every time he sneezes.


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