There are continuously laughing and hammering sounds everywhere while many T800 and worker drones walk around doing what are told to do.

Time Skip

3rd Person Pov.

We see the sky has turned red A giant ball is coming towards earth at very high speeds and will hit the earth in one hour. Some miles away from Mexico Chicxulub crater, we see the whole Zeus Family sitting in a circle on chairs food was placed in front of them while everyone was sitting on their chairs but both Athena and Eliana were sitting in Zeus's receiving head pats from Zeus continuously with cute smiles on their face. not give their positions to even their Moms as the whole family laughed eating they were enjoying themselves without any care while from time to time looking in the sky.

Zeus Pov

We are here not far away from the place Chicxulub will hit. As we can see the Chicxulub coming from our eyes it now looks like a red glowing ball from the earth Today will be the extinction of 75% of life on this planet. but not all Dinosaur will die as some will live to pass this day on a special island that exists outside of normal space and time. Where the laws of physics take liberties. called Dinosaur Island located somewhere in the South Pacific.

we are here to witness this event and it was a great time to take a break as even if we can't get tired doesn't mean should not enjoy ourselves that's why I shout down The forge and said to the Cyclopes brothers, go enjoy themselves for today's which they were not happy but still fellow my command I even force Venessa to come here and watch this with us now she is here a new body that we build for her nothing was special about its just stander T800 model with her looks and body. while I also force her to turn off multitasking So We all were here laughing eating and enjoying ourselves As Nyx told us her old stories we also share our interesting moments in our lives that we dont knew before. I thought.

As Time continues to pass the meteor continues to grow in size and become redder while we watch the beautiful sight. when Just five minutes remained we all get up and looked in the sky as Now it looked so beautiful that can't be defined by words we grabbed each other heads and looked at each other we all were smiling while my little fairies were sitting on my shoulders they also had a beautiful on theirs face while their eyes shine with brightness.

As Meteor is about to hit the planet, I promise myself that I will never let this type of doom come to my family As it hits the planet force fields appear around us stopping the shock waves the loud sound, and everything that it came with it while continues to watch the beautiful sight which grows even beautiful as everything splash everywhere then came large waves come at us the whole sky was now turned black.

After watching this for Half an hour we grow bored So I said.

Zeus: Well it's a very long process that will take months if not years to finish it Let's head home and enjoys our time there.

Hering me all the Girls nodded as we disappeared from the place leaving a big mark on history which force mortal scientists to pull their hair out just to find how and why a place so near the impact remained untouched by such a directive force. and what happened /changed was that the place gets destroyed after half hour.

Time Skip

3rd Person Pov.

In the Seas we see a fight going on Poseidon was fighting against a monstrous creature that he has black hair and fiery red eyes he has a beard on his face but the most noticeable features he had is large bat wings and snakes heads that are coming out of his legs and waist a long dragon-like tail he was Typhon.

The seawater around them that inside they were fighting is now turned red. destruction was everywhere showing it's been many hours since they were fighting. Poseidon looked bloody and tired as It dont even looked like a fight while Typhon also looked bloody but nowhere near Poseidon's level if Poseidon punched one time he will receive ten in return As Poseidon calls upon the lightning and attacked the beast throwing the beast far away As he says.

Poseidon: It's enough beast I Poseidon God of seas will end here now I wi....

Even before he was able to complete his sentence he receive a punch in the guts making blood come out of his mouth and send him flying towards the ground fellow by Typhon as he collides with the ground, breaking everything around him and creating a crater in the next second Typhon's leg smash on his chest with such a force that he was in the ground. breaking his ribs and going through his own heart and coming out of his back As blood comes out of all over his body making the sea even redder.

After one minute later It looked like he has lost his conciseness So Typhon place his leg as he did this Poseidon opens his eyes and punch him with all his might As Typhon sends flying then Poseidon controlled the water and applies parser on Typhon then his Trident comes to him riding waves he grabs his Trident supply all the divinity inside the Trident as It turned blue he fires it towards Typhon using all remaining strength of his.

As The Trident flyes towards Typhon at nearly half the speed of light vaporizing anything and everything in its way and seeing this he can't avoid it Typhon places his leg in the back his hands in front of his heart while snakes on his body also grabbed the ground sporting him As it collides with Typhon hands with a lager "Bomb" but he stands his ground As the Trident slow down but still pierce through his hands. and directly goes for his heart Next it collides with his skin which is also dont able to stop the Trident as it broke his Rib cage then it goes through his heart and comes out of his body from another side.

As after losing its momentum it falls down while the heart of Typhon and some bones are still stuck on the Trident's three prongs. As Monster falls with a giant wound in his chest while both hands were cut.

Poseidon: Hahaha see the monster I am Poseidon God of seven seas no one can stand against me Hahaha. Said Poseidon while laughing like a mad man lost in his own victory.

As all the wounds continue to heal. As he continue to laugh but the next second a tail grabbed his nack and started to apply pressure on his while Poseidon tried his best to free him but it was no use while Poseidon looked at how was as next second his eyes were open wide.

As Typhon was standing in front of him completely healed without any wounds with a creepy smile on his face. As he applies more pressure on the nack of Poseidon breaking his nack bones.

Due to tiredness and continuous loss of energy, Poseidon lost his consciousness but before Typhon was able to completely separate the head of Poseidon from his body.

A giant dolphin comes swimming at a very high speed then a giant tentacle smacks into Typhon sending him flying and losing his grip as the loyal dolphin Delphine grabs Poseidon and takes him away amd the large tentacle also disappears out of nowhere.

In the next second Typhon stands up As Gaia appears in front of him As sees her Typhon walks towards her kneels and said.

Typhon: I have done as You said mother but can answer my question mother.

Gaia: Asked anything my son as you have made me proud today.

Typhon: Mother Why do you tell me to let him go and prohibit me from using my full strength and powers? Asked Typhon looking at his mother.

Gaia: Well my son it's a simple thing if you used your full strength you will not able to learn how to fight while Zeus fighting since he is born and he is much stronger than the kid you fight. So you must know how to fight and experience this that's why I did this and as for why I told let him go because now he will go to Zeus and tell him his pathetic life is about to end. Which fear in them and I want to see that fear in his eyes the fear he forces me to feel.

Gaia: I want him to come in front of my foot and beg for and beg for Mercy while licking my boots then the fire inside me will lessen the fear I felt when I saw him when he looked at my two sons and was about to kill me. I want him to feel the same fear and his wives.

Gaia: For doing this I will make him my dog and force him to watch his wives getting r*p* by my sons for the FEAR I FELT HE WILL PAY HAHAHHAHAHhH HAHAHA HAHA HAHA.


Please give me some power stones to keep me motivated to write thanks.

That's it my lovely reader thanks for your support



From Today I will start a new Fun fact about how you defeat every main memo of the justice league by Our Lord Batman

Batman's Contingency Plans


Her stored electricity will short circuit and at least partially dissipate if she gets wet.


His Daughter: In any situation involving his daughter, Deadshot can be vulnerable to psychological manipulation.

Harley Quinn

The Joker: Harley has a deep psychological need to please The Joker even after he dumps her. Subjecting here to powerful hallucinogens can bring that psychological need to the surface.


That's it, folks, please comment and give some power stones

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