Gaia: For doing this I will make him my dog and force him to watch his wives getting **** by my sons for the FEAR I FELT HE WILL PAY HAHAHHAHAHhH HAHAHA HAHA HAHA.

3rd Person Pov

Inside Olympus, in a big Arena, We see A fight going On the one side there is Zeus and other side were his wives and daughters the whole Arena looked completely destroyed every one looked bloody and their clothes were shocked with light golden blood while the Girls looked exhausted but a smile on their faces, on the other hand, Zeus don't show any sign of exhaustion but looked bloody while a smile on his face As every girl was laying on the ground without any care where they laying even Nyx looked exhausted while her stomach looked like she had drunk the whole ocean same with Hera.

Zeus: Come on you lazy bumps it's only fourteen hours and looked like a fish that has come out of the water. Remember you all are come to me to take the part in the fight Now don't be lazy bumps you all are Goddess, Aliens, with a telling factor that can heal faster than you feel pain now come at me. if this continues I don't know how you are going to fight Giants forget about Gaia. and there are beings out there that dont even acknowledge Gaia's existence. Siad Zeus with a smile on his face provoking the feeling of the girls.

And it worked as After hearing what Zeus said every once eyes lit up as Nyx with Hera flew towards him with insane speed as they punch as their punch collided Zeus's palms creating shock waves that send rumbles everywhere. As we see both Nyx and Hera's hands were surrounded by their elements As Nyx's hand looked pure darkness while Hera's hand looked blue while lightning circled around it but Zeus stopped both punches without using his own divinity but he was 5 meters far than his originally stand before leaving 2 straight lines from the strength and momentum of the punches.

Zeus: That's the spirit babes. said Zeus while looking at both with a med grin on his face.

As he started to apply pressure on both hands as he was about to throw both of them the whole arena with everything turned completely dark as everyone lost their sight then both Nyx and Hera disappear into the dark In the next second everything returned normal As Sky shine Zeus looked up it was filled with different element weapons some fire some pure Mana some rock some darkness some trees some water some ice some light and many more all looked super condensed but not all of them looked perfect.

As seeing this Zeus smiled as all the weapons come down towards Zeus at very high speeds then Zeus takes his stance as rumbles started to appear around his hand As he punch the air with such a high speed that it created sonic booms as it creates vibrations that stopped all the weapons in their place and seeing the Girls started to add more divinities in the weapons making stronger while Kara fires her heat vision which was so strong that they able vaporized most of the things while both Tamaranean sisters fired their Starbolts.

But they were still not enough to stop the vibrations wall but 15 seconds later Zeus started to struggle to stand as he continue to drag by the force of the weapons as knuckles started to bleed from the opposite force but he continued to smile added more strength As push with more force and seeing this Girls added even more force and even fire magic spells as Zeus telling factor to don't able to keep his bones viewable then he grift his teeth and exceeded so much force that it shatters every weapon even cracking air apart like glass while the quake continues to travel everywhere and towards girls sending them far away leaving nothing behind.

As Zeus looked at his completely healed hand smiled while standing there and widened for them to come. In 30 seconds many many sonic booms happen As we see the girls fly toward Zeus at insane speeds while their whole bodies were surrounded by their Divinities glowing in different colors while grins on their faces and seeing this Zeus smiled as lightning appears around him while his hands glow as he also flew towards them with speed as them with a grin on his face.

As they were about to collide out of no were Zeus stopped and looked at the entry gate of Olympus. seeing this all the girls also stopped and looked at where Zeus was looking but find nothing as Zeus looked at them he saw confused faces as he smiled and said.

Zeus: Well its looks like we had to stop here as our guest is here so go clean yourselves and meet me in the throne room.

Hearing this a sigh escapes from their mouths as they wanted to see what will happen but they can't do anything as who is here must be special or had something while some thought who was it that Zeus stopped their sparring session while some had some clues who it could be. As they all teleport away leaving Zeus behind.

Zeus Pov.

I was alone As I command the dimension to repair the damage which happened instantly as worker drones and T800 started to appear and stranded the cleaning and started to create the Arena back to its formal glory with the metals that it was first created like every Sunday.

It's been more than two years since the Chicxulub hit the Earth the girls have come a long way since when I met them now they can one shoot most of the heroes of planet earth without even trying and I also had to grow stronger with much better control over all my powers same with the girls I and Hecate had broken nearly 20% of Helm of Fate defiances.

Both of my little draughts had now grown and looked like 14 years old and both of them unlocked their Divinities While little Athena Got War, Wisdom, Courage, Inspiration, Civilization, Philosophy, Justice, Law, Mathematics, Strength, Arts, Crafts, Skill, and Reason, which are a lot while Little Eliana Got divinities of Sun, Light, Strength, and Radiation, which gave her a whole lot of powers as her Kryptonian geans are not affected by any type of Kryptonite beside the Gold one but it won't take her powers but work like how artificial green Kryptonite work on Superman only slightly weaken her.

while I remove the weakness of Magic for Kara now she has as much magic defiance as Eliana has but her cells still can't absorb Mana and Both Komand'r and Kori also grow stronger from continuous exposure to ultraviolet radiation I also increased the speed of absorption in their cells. while Kori started to accept herself as an Olympian she laughed when the girls laugh eat with them share her stories hear their advice. And she even goes hunting with my wives in our Jurassic pard it happens when the population increases too much and we can also create as many animals as we want as I and Venessa can clone animals from their DNA. all of them only use bows and arrows and guns sometimes as it's a fun activity for my family to enjoy and have target practice.

now I hold Incomplete Wepions that Cyclope brothers had created like Gáe Bolg, Gáe Bolg Alternative, they will directly go toward enemies heart but someone with a high level of healing is no effect on them that's why I place aa Curse on them so even healing factor dont save them. and I also got many weapons but they are still not complete some needs some curses other need divinities.

Now both Hera's and Nyx's bellies are looked like they were nine months pregnant which they were. Venessa has reached 9th level intellect We had built many Tech but we were going slow because it was only two of us and Now the automatic factory that produces T800 is now online. producing 100 T800 per day but they still do not have the tech for Space travel. I thought As I allowed him to enter in Olympus.

After that, I teleport away to clean myself. After cleaning wear some new clothes. I teleport away In the next second I appeared in the Throne room where I saw all my wives and both my daughters have their own thrones that they love to sit on and command their dad.

While I gave Thrones for Hecate and Nyx I and I all gave it to both Tamaranean sisters which they sit on proudly same with Kara As everyone saw me they become silent as I nodded and walk towards my throne after I set down on my throne I said.

Zeus: As All of us know the war is upon us, and I don't think Gaia will wait any longer and I am sure even now her army will be walking here so...

Before I was able to complete my sentence the throne room doors were opened by Poseidon he looked messed up with fear on his face as he looked around and saw so many faces but he ignored them as he saw me he directly run towards me while screaming.

Poseidon: Brother brother th that monster is coming h he said to me I am born to kill us and He he is coming for me brother brother save me He will kill me, the brother he he will kill us all brother brothe...

I knew his mind is not right as he has lost his mind from the near-death experience and will take long before his mental health fixed itself So I get and before He was able to say anything I turned off all his body functions for some second as he falls losing his consciousness.

After he was out cold I set down on my throne ignoring him as I said.

Zeus: As I said before Gaia will possibly be here by tomorrow so let's prepare for their welcome.


Please give me some power stones to keep me motivated to write thanks.

That's it my lovely reader thanks for your support



From Today I will start a new Fun fact about how you defeat every main memo of the justice league by Our Lord Batman

Batman's Contingency Plans


Having gained his powers from the Lords of Chaos, these beings always tried to cheat on their dealings with the Lords of the Order, and sometimes Hank was used as a pawn in their games, being very susceptible to their control.


June Moone: Echantress's dependency can be easily used againt her by using June's humanity in Echantress to trick her.

Batman Incorperated

Red Hood

Rage And Impulsivness: When blinded by his rage, he is unable to think clearly. Increasing his adrenaline will increase his rage to a point of near-death.

The Joker: After being brought back from the dead, Jason Todd develps a pychological obsession to kill The Joker. This can be used to manipulate Jason to a point where his obsession can be his downfall.


That's it, folks, please comment and give some power stones

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