Shiva, Amun-Ra, and Jade Emperor oldest and strongest of our kind, and he is not even in his 40s imagine what he can achieve in Millennia and Eons.

Hering this Gaia just shrug off as she didn't believe what Nyx said As how can a brat who is not even a hundred yet he can fight those monsters even if she believes that her pride never acknowledges this how can it be?

and seeing this Nyx laughed and said

Nyx: Yeah I can understand your situation it's hard to believe and my pride was hurt than you as I trained to get where I was before and here A man who is not even 30s yet was surpassing me as much as yours but unlike you, I knew he was the one I was waiting for, and when I saw my chance I grabbed it perfect for a Mate and living with him all these years I get to know and love him as he is an anomaly never seen before he changes my perspective of life and he will change yours after this and I can feel it our son will be born even stronger than Primordials. Siad Nyx continues to bombard Gaia with her attacks without giving her any chance while also rubbing her belly as she can feel him he was very excited while observing this.

Nyx: Let me tell you something that happen one time I was fighting Zeus alone and I said to him attack me with whatever you got him that time he fired a pure red beam from his eyes and I foolishly tried to block it with my body and when the beam hit me it felt very painful just a simple contact. Siad Nyx remembring the fight with Zeus.

As Both sisters continue to fight and talk most of the time Nyx mocks Gaia.

As We See Zeus was playing with Typhon like a child as he was avoiding every punch of Typhon without using his speed as he will just aside from the ways of Typhon attacks. with a calm expression which just made Typhon frustrated and angry no matter where or when he attack Zeus. Zeus always avoid it as he was not able to land his single attack on Zeus.

Zeus: you really do expected this to be a cakewalk that you will come here beat me and get the girls did you even try to train learn how to fight as brute punching not get you long I am fighting since I was born even your fire is not even as hot as the surface of the Sun even little Eliana's heat vision was hotter than your campfire you when she first time opened her eyes. Siad Zeus while he continues to avoid the punches and kicks.

As hearing all these lectures from Zeus from time to time was enough to break his spirit as he screams top of his lungs and said.

Typhon: you coward stop avoiding my attacks.

Zeus: Do you really think I acknowledge your presence enough that I will be offended by it you are nothing to me as I don't care what every Ant thinks about me. and if I do that I will be offending my own power and authority but it's enough I am getting bored you are a disappointment even when I fouth Atlas. he was able to adapt after seeing I am getting powerful as he stop using his strength and tried his best to make me unconscious. but you are so useless that you didn't adept as since we are fighting In am following a simple pattern but your Sloth brain can't even see that fucking shit. But let me show you how true man fights.

As Zeus Said this, he punch Typhon so hard that his upper body exploded into bits and pieces and the pieces flew everywhere releasing shock waves so powerful that they destroyed everything in its way. then Zeus waited for Typhon's upper body to heal after it healed he looked into Typhon's eyes as he saw fear in them then he opens his mouth and whispered "Disappointment" the words that came out of Zeus' mouth were so loud that they destroyed every part of Typhon's body and with that a giant crater and they continue destroyed anything that it's come its way.

As Zeus once again waited for Typhon to complete which happens in just some seconds as the reaming atoms that didn't get destroyed by Zeus' voice started to put together as Typhon's body started to appear and just 2 minutes later a new Typhon was standing in front of Zeus as we see far in his eyes as he must felt his body breaking apart. Then destroying itself.

Before he was able to do anything Zeus fired Omega beams from his eyes as not fast or smart enough to dosage the attack as it touched Typhon's body he screamed in pain like never before.

Typhon: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa stop it stop it Aaaaaaaaaa Aaaaaa stop it, it feels like Aa.....

As Typhon falls to his knees but Zeus just ignores him and continuously fired the Omega Beams as Typhon felt every cell in his body is burning he isn't even able to scream as he broke his vocal cords from screaming so much while her cells tried to repair and replace every cell that was getting destroyed.

After continually firing Omega beams Zeus closed his eyes and stop firing the beams as he looked at the mental state of Typhon who now looking in the worst state as his whole body was burned and his healing factor has slowed down.

Zeus: Well so much for the useless thing now you are not even worth my time anymore So let's end this shell we. Said Zeus looking truly disappointed in Typhon as even Titans' spirits were working even after hundreds of times their bodies were destroyed by Zeus and here he was not even able to get to his 6th death.

As Zeus once again fires Omega Beams as Bemas touched the body of Typhon it disappeared. Then Zeus nodded as he flew in high in the air and then looked at the damage he caused everywhere he then reach out to Gravity and started to fix everything as every stone dust started to return to its original place it felt like time was reversing itself and in just 30 seconds later everything was done the whole place looks like a new.

Then Zeus nodded and impress by their own work of as he teleported away


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That's it my lovely reader thanks for your support



Superman and Wonder Woman's murder sex

Once upon a time, Frank Miller changed Batman forever by writing The Dark Knight Returns. Just as Miller's Batman: Year One served as a template for much of Batman Begins, The Dark Knight Returns provided inspiration for some of the most memorable scenes in Batman v Superman. However, Miller went on to write sequels to The Dark Knight Returns, which dropped progressively lower in quality even as he ramped up their insanity. In the process, he created one of DC's most disturbing moments when he portrayed Superman and Wonder Woman having sex.

It doesn't sound so bad, right? After all, DC had Superman and Wonder Woman dating as part of their New 52 comics, and the power couple were the stuff of Hot Topic t-shirt legend. However, Frank Miller's over-the-top writing showed that their sex was killing untold numbers of people. How so? As these godlike beings fly up in the air and crash down to the earth during sex, we see earthquakes erupting all over the planet, hurricane winds, Hawaii being evacuated...and all for the payoff of a really dumb pun, with Wonder Woman noting that "the Earth moved." Sure, it's a cute joke, but how many people died due to careless supersex?


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