30 seconds later everything was done the whole place looks like a new one.

Then Zeus nodded and impress by their own work as he teleported away

Zeus Pov

Well, he was truly a disappointment what can I say, in your happier age someone like a God they will get powerful but not as natural as one did and they also lose the potential to grow stronger how can Gaia like a smart and manipulative being could be this dum what was her thinking when she came here dose destiny really that much influence her that she was able to think with her or she just lost her mind in a range I don't know maybe find out later but one thing is clear this is one of the worst fights of my life as even heroes able to challenge me fucking shit Typhon fucker and the little shit fucking shit Poseidon can be beaten by fucker inside the fucking water wielding a weapon that can harm immortals is beyond me. I thought while looking down and watching my beautiful wives and daughters creating art out of Giants and Gaia.

No matter how much disappointed I was with today's outcome I am still immensely proud of them today they have proven that they got the power and will to rise above their characters they have grown so powerful that they are easily able to defeat something their OG versions aren't even thought it shows all their training they do no matter how much pain they felt and they can be crueler if needed to be and I was truly proud of this. I thought. As I dispread.

I then appear behind Nyx who was beating the shit out of Gaia as she continue to cut her into pieces every time she healed. Nyx look behind as she saw me she gave me seductive smile while licking her lips giving me a look of the perfect body in her warrior armor which looked one hell of sexy on her infect it looked sexy on every girl enhancing their beauty it was very hard for me to bend her and take her right here and now.

I somehow control myself and said.

Zeus: I think it's enough dear as it's just boring now you can get her after we return home.

she just smiled while Gaia looked at me with eyes wide open as Nyx walk towards me and kissed me. after our make-out session, she said.

Nyx: Why not love I also waiting for it's kind of boring and disappointing as She doesn't even provide a challenge only two things she is good at are being a slut a whore to anyone and giving birth to kids fucking shit.

I nodded as walk towards Gaia while when the girls saw me return they also appeared beside Nyx and curiously watch what I do with Gaia as now no wife of mine cared about her after scanning the minds of Giants in fact they were very angry, especially her daughters as now they are disgusted by her.

Gaia was laying on the ground fully heald but now her body doesn't have much strength it is pretty hard for her to remain conscious I pick her up by the hair and looked at her too and said.

Zeus: See what happened what did think when you came here?

Gaia: Bastard..." Gaia muttered

But I wouldn't be moved by such petty insults and still maintained a calm expression on his face.

Zeus: I've been called worse, that aside I'm quite curious as to what was going on inside your mind when came here " I asked in what was once again a mocking tone that seemed to irk Gaia as she narrowed her eyes towards him. If only glares could kill...

Gaia: The reason is that you insulted me Gaia I a primordial representing Earth itself and how dare you to say no to me and insult me "

She said while struggling in hands of me but such resistance was futile.

I then grabbed her and held her roughly by the head before causing her to look up at me.

Zeus: Please, I've said it once and I'll say it again, even God is beneath me. It's something even my daughter or wife will be able to do in the future. I spoke slowly in a cold voice which came across as quite intimidating but Gaia maintained her firm stubborn look on the surface which somewhat amused me.

I had to admit she was quite tenacious in the face of someone as powerful as me, sadly that was all it could ever amount to.

Gaia: Screw you and your big dreams I say will never be able to achieve this goal it's impossible,

your dreams are fairy tail impossible to achieve the dreams of a fool and if you really think they will become true then you and all of them who believe in you crazier than me hahaha? She argued before spitting in my direction which I easily dodged by merely tilting his head.

Zeus: Girl I could have given you all but Well, it seems words are wasted on someone like you but I expected as much..."


As I spoke I moved back slightly from Gaia before suddenly smacking her across the face. This action caught her off guard and she only felt a stinging pain on her left cheek while glaring at me who stood casually while moving around his wrist.

Zeus: There's more than one way to get through to you." I muttered while looking at her.

Her body slumped to the ground and she held her cheek almost in disbelief at being slapped while standing.



As she felt she have been hit by unimaginable force as ripples send inside As I landed a clean punch into her gut and send her back flying before hitting a force field that appear out of nowhere with immense force. While I don't even move a single inch.

Zeus: yes my dreams dose sounds like a fairy tale but you girl Is talking your only superpower/divinity?" I mocked her as I tilted my head slightly while smirking in her direction. In that one moment, Gaia had felt the disparity in power between the two but she wouldn't yield so easily.

She quickly got up and raised her head before raising her hands in his direction, soon after life force energy began to form on either hand before energy blasted from them and towards Zeus's who made no effort to move whatsoever while other girls also watch this with interest some even had popcorn in their hands.

only did this for a moment and soon the entire place was engulfed in blindingly bright light. She thought of using this chance to escape as she try to teleport but it failed again tried it failed again.

So she did the next best thing she quickly rose into the air and prepared to fly away.

However just as she was about to pass Zeus's position she felt her leg being gripped by the ankle before feeling a force pull her back and slam her to the ground as the ground broke apart from the force of collagen and creating a very powerful shock wave. causing the life force energy to disperse in the process.

Once again Zeus hadn't moved at all from his position and only looked down at Gaia who felt her body ache all over every bone and muscle in her body had been shattered into billions of pieces. Which were getting a fix at very high speed but the pain was still there.

This wasn't how she imagined things would be in the slightest and her expression showed this.

Zeus: I could do this endlessly ." I muttered before kicking her in her stomach and sending her flying into the force field once again.

The pain didn't last long thanks to her physiology but she did feel it regardless and it wasn't something anyone would want to keep experiencing. Despite Zeus's very little power in each attack, Gaia felt what was an equivalent mortal being hit by a wrecking ball and surviving each time.

I would wait for her injuries to quickly heal before launching another attack.

And another...

And another...

And another...

And another...

And another...

And another...

And another...

And another...

And another...

And another...

And another...

And another...

And another...

And another...

And another...

It no longer became an attempt to escape but was rather just Gaia being tossed and beaten around. She had already lost count of how many times she had slammed into the force field that now had turned red from blue because of blood and with the whole place also was red.

Gaia: Please...

As she lay on the ground with disheveled hair and lost teeth the Skin on her body was gone which was growing back as she saw Zeus hold her by the ankle she knew what would come next. She had subconsciously muttered a plea as her eyes had begun to go blurry. Her body's condition was seemingly normal but her mentality began to dwindle.

After hearing her mutter this I stopped and took a step back before looking at her with his unfeeling gaze.

Zeus: I suppose that's enough for today but I know you are not a fast learner so we will do this once again and will do for before you learn your place and every time we do this it will get worse. I said after seeing that her mentality had begun to shake although far from enough it was a start.

Zeus: But let's give you a gift I especially crafted for you with my own hands. I said while taking out a golden color collar and putting her on her nack.

As the collar shines on her nack which has large engravings on it it reads....

So What should it read I had some plans Like property of Zeus or Zeus whore/slut or anything good you want.

And I need A big help for the next arc so Thor and Loki should be male or female as I think they should be male as I am trying to make this fully accurate to mythologies in the real world and Mc will definitely go marvel for mutants as they could be great soldiers and many things (hot and sexy female) what I didn't say anything you heard wrong) then he can get their female versions but they will come very late in this book. Please vote and share your thoughts with me as your is the final decision.

So yes Female

No Male will be better


Please give me some power stones to keep me motivated to write thanks.

That's it my lovely reader thanks for your support



Diana's Tiara is a Weapon

The tiara Diana wears in the movie is merely seen as an heirloom given to her by Antiope, whereas in the comics it was initially a weapon Wonder Woman could throw at her enemies like a boomerang. Its metal is so sharp that it once cut Superman's throat and incapacitated him! The tiara's embedded gauntlets could also deflect bullets and it wielded her Lasso of Truth.


That's it, folks, please comment and give some power stones

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✌️ Peace ✌️
