Important part and news so please read it is important for the future novel so please read


golden color collar and putting her on her nack.

3rd Person Pov

As the collar shines on her nack which has large engravings on it reads. The Property of Zeus in bold letters as Gaia saw this she was very angry but her body doesn't have any strength to do anything. So she just accept it while the other girls saw they just smile as if they like how she was getting treated As next second a devilish smile appeared on Zeus which wives thought to look sexy but for Gaia thought its a smile of a demon who just came out of hell to doom her.

Zeus: Get up. Said, Zeus with a devilish smile on his face.

Hearing this Gaia isn't able to follow what Zeus said and looks at him confusingly the next second she felt the collar on her neck is getting tighter and hotter and then she shriek from the top of her lungs while grabbing the collar trying to break it but failing every time.


Zeus just looked at her while Gaia continue to struggle and shriek trying to break the Collar. but failing every time she somehow goes to the feet of Zeus and hard beg Zeus to stop the pain. but he ignores it for one minute after one minute later Zeus opens his mouth and said.

Zeus: If you want to pain to stop getting up.

Hering this Gaia intently gets up as she does this pain intently stops as she started to breathe heavily even if she doesn't need to breathe as after she felt fine she looked at into the eyes of Zeus as we see a deep fear in her eyes as Zeus looked at her and said.

Zeus: I hope you understand what does this means but seeing your stupidity today I will not be shocked if try that again So let me explain to you in simple words every time you don't follow my command the collar in your nack will give you excruciating pain and don't even think about that after some time your cells will able adept it as you will but next comes something much worse as Put a small piece of a special metal that goes inside your bloodstream it will hurt like hell Nothing you ever experience and I know because I did inject myself with the same amount as you.

Zeus: And believe the pain can't be explained in words it was so painful that I have to destroy my whole body to get rid of pain and even when all the metal was gone from my new bloodstream I still felt pain for the next six months even if My DNA Cells Molecules able to adept it since then I never try this as I get to know my cells Molecules are still not powerful to adept that so never tried that. Do you have been warned? Said Zeus fearing Gaia for her life and the pain.

While all the Girls looked concerned and angry as they run toward him and the first one to reach was Nyx who without even thought with all her power punched Zeus in the gut which was not enough to move him but Zeus felt it.

Nyx: You Piece of shit how can you do such stupid shit without informing any of us? You fucker. Said Nyx while tears came out of her eyes.

Hestia: Yes you fucker how can you do this and you call yourself smart?

Hera: Before doing this did you even think about us our family?

Metis: Yes I knew you are a crazy fucker but how can you do that?

Athena: Yes Dad mom is right how and why did you do such a risky thing?

Tethys: Yes my granddaughter did you even think about us doing such a thing?


















As every girl said something to Zeus while Tears came out of their eyes as how they didn't notice their love was in such pain beside Kori as she thought as she was not at the level to say something to Zeus but tears are still in her eyes while every time someone damnation Zeus her head will go down as if agreeing with them.

and seeing this Zeus just smile and hugged them all as it became a family hug after a long family hug and when everyone's emotions clam down they separate as Zeus said.

Zeus: Don't worry my dear Wives Daughters and Kara, Komand'r, and Kori I knew nothing will happen as I am not stupid enough to inject myself with a substance that said to Kill Gods that's way first I test it on Strongest Titans in different - different amounts and I get to know that no matter how much amount I put inside them they will not die As their soul self will always remain alive but As the larger the amount longer it will take their bodies to remake and more the pain will be and the stronger your cells are less the effects will be you and to evolve the cells it must always remain in very very low amount as too much exposer will just overwhelm the cells and they will not evolve.

Zeus: So after finding the right amount that will not kill my body completely then I inject myself with it but something I didn't calculate was even I will not able to handle all the pain which was my mistake but It did work as before if I was in -100 now I am -95 which doesn't sound much but it is still something and I am not going to do this anytime soon so don't worry.

Hearing Zeus they all sign in relief as at least Zeus is doing this with some thoughts and they also looked angry as they can't stop him from injecting more of that thing as they can't even imagine how much pain he must have felt As Eliana said.

Eliana: But dad Why even doing this going through so much pain I don't understand.

Zeus smiled and looked in the sky and said.

Well dear you don't know what I what that metal is our biggest weakness just after anti-divinity even if both are so much rare that finding even one is impossible but still dear anyone with enough of these things can put us in a life and death loop as this metal will not disappear in our body so it can reuse unlimited time and remember once I said born weak is not something you can control but remain weak is a your mistake as weakness is a sin and I don't want to do this sin and I am ready to face everything and determines to do anything for it.

Zeus: And After I am done fully building the immunity I will pass it on to you all making anyone in the royal family immune to it to reach my dreams to conquer the Stars the Universes the Multiverses

I have to do this and just some pain will not come in my way to achieving GREATNESS.

Said Zeus while looking at the Stars while the eyes of all girls also shined from just things such things such a future. While Gaia looked lost as she just heard something totally sounds impossible but somehow these girls are believing in it even though her core was shaking from such words.

As after time, Zeus looked at everyone as they returned to their normal selves as Zeus looked at Gaia and said.

Zeus: Nyx dear you said she is best in one thing is being a whore right?

Nyx: Yes she is what is so new about that every one of us knows that.

Zeus: Well dear if she is so good at being a slut then she will be our best slut any of you use her in any way you want I don't care if you want her to lick you or you want a hand shoved into her ass I don't care you can use her as much as you want but remember never a male should ever touch her even our sons she is only for you girls and me and don't worry collar will also work on your commands. If she loves being a slut then let's make her the best slut there is. Said, Zeus while looking at Gaia whose face now has lost all its colors while Girls smiled like little Kids who just got their favorite toy which is kind of true in its own way.

Frist think frist I am not gendered bending even I dont like that it's fuck up as you may or may not know there is a female version of both Loki and Thor in the original marvel universe 616 no other alternative or anything but real female Thor and Loki

I live to introduce a Goddess that is missing in all this year can you guess it she is very important in Mythology

And which goddess from Norse I should add Frigg and Freya Sif are must all the valkyries will combine them with Amazon's with that a female force ruled by Hippolyta living on a special island only men allowed to enter Zeus. So who should I add from Norse and There is no Hela In Norse but Hel she's half half deal one-half beautiful another half like a skeleton

And After votes tomorrow, I get to know that I should change the originals but I still asked again so Please vote and share your thoughts with me as your is the final decision.

So yes Female Loki

Male Thor

Both female

Both male


Female Thor male Loki

Please vote it impotent for upcoming as without It I have to stop writing and give some thoughts in it as I have to run the story in my mind check-in mythology and Dc. But If you give then there will be no break as I will do my reacher very fast then SO PLEASE VOTE IT WILL BE GREAT THANKS FOR READING YOU ALL ARE GREAT THANK YOU.


Please give me some power stones to keep me motivated to write thanks.

That's it my lovely reader thanks for your support



The original woman in the refrigerator

Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner instead of Hal Jordan) brought the character under fire of controversy with a moment so disturbing and controversial that it ended up completely changing how comics were written—and it all started with a woman in a refrigerator.

Rayner came home one day and found that his girlfriend, Alexandra DeWitt, had been killed by the supervillain Major Force and then stuffed into the refrigerator. Kyle, sufficiently motivated by anger and regret, ended up stopping the bad guy. However, DC writer Gail Simone (now a legend in her own right) was horrified that the company had consented to kill a female character—and in such a gruesome way—merely to motivate the male protagonist. She coined the term "Women in Refrigerators" for any time women in comics were killed, seriously injured, sexually violated, or de-powered merely to motivate male heroes, and she published a long list of such cases. Kyle's girlfriend was merely the latest in a long line that included characters like Elektra, Gwen Stacy, and Barbara Gordon. While this trope didn't go away overnight and still happens occasionally, the idea of "women in refrigerators" has become a major industry topic of discussion, lending a possible silver lining to this otherwise disturbing moment.


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