Zeus while looking at Gaia whose face now has lost all its colors while Girls smiled like little Kids who just got their favorite toy which is kind of true in its own way.

Zeus Pov

Nyx: What a great Idea you got my love it's good at least she will be of good use. said Nyx who looked the most excited of all my wives my other older wives also looked pretty excited they got a chance to punish her.

After saying this we all walk towards the Giants they were laying in a pool of blood mixed with dirt and debris. surrounded by Dragons and Hecatoncheires physically they look just fine but if looked at their faces and eyes it had lost all their colors.

I gave them one final look they could be put to good use just like Tyhpon but they don't get the divinity so I can't put them in the machine but what I could use them is simple training my kids against many enemies and one of my kid also it will be good for them just like I plan to use Typhon a training dummy. just need some mind wipe then put a T800 brain inside and all will work. but after experimenting I get to know that our Healing factor does not only repair physical damage but also mental one it just takes a very long time as the prime example is Atlas as he is coming to his senses while Kronos is showing the signs of the coming to his senses.

but they are not Gods so possible it's not true for them as I can read their minds and a monster's mind was not its best weapon but their bodies so to find out I need to break their minds in the worst way possible and I just have a fantastic thing to break minds I thought In the next second I fire Omega Beams as beams reach to Giant he disappears then next one and just like that they all disappeared in just some seconds putting them in the Omega Sanction, the Death that is Life, also known as "The Life Trap" this will when inflicted on an individual, traps them in an endless succession of synthetic lives, each one more degrading and hopeless than the last worst and the best prison in the universe. I thought. As after I was done with this I vaporize the blood that was anywhere in the field then collect all the air at one point and throw it inside GOB.

Then I look at the girls and Gaia who was horrified at where her sons were gone still no words come out of her mouth means she is learning which is good as soon she realizes her place is less I have to do things plus she does not care about them much.

Zeus: let's go home it's boring here and enjoy ourselves as now we are done with Gaia Odin will be next. I said while looking at everyone from Dragons and Hecatoncheires to my Girls.

Hering me everyone chaired up as a new light shine in their eyes in the name of Norse gods as they were ready to fight. Then I open Portals for Dragons and Hecatoncheires as they walk inside with excited faces while I and Girls Telipoert away to enjoy our nights.

__________ Pov

I don't know how long it since I was born in this egg inside this far-reaching ocean I can feel everything even when my mind was getting created I can feel everything around me but can't get out from this Egg no matter how much time passes I can feel some something calling me Since I am born I know I am Goddess I know about mortals Universe Multiverse and so no How I know I don't know that it just appears in my mind.

it is been Melania since my mind has created and I started to think and since then I am lonely alone here with my thoughts I can't do anything no matter how hard I try my body doesn't move I can feel myself growing older but after reaching adult hoot I stop growing I don't know How I look like "Hope I look beautiful".

Living here is very lonely so I try not to think about it but sometimes it gets me even if the most time I spend is sleeping so my body could perfectly be made as time passes I feel myself growing stronger and I know it's not long before I am out from here and go the voice that is calling me.

As I can feel it this is the place where I can find love and family As I can reach him I can feel his energies even now if I try and I am sure the same with him. He was the one I want to be with somehow I am attracted to him why I don't know maybe because of the cells I am made of or maybe anything whatever it is I don't care what I care about is I loved him even without looking at him.

Zeus Pov.

Once I appeared in Olympus I check on Venessa about what she is doing after that we held a meeting for our upcoming future while I am sitting I felt she once again try to feel me As I looked at the ocean where she is.

As I knew it was not long before she came out of her shell. I thought.

after half hour later we are done with the meeting and I walk towards my room. As I knew the Girls had something special planned so I let them do what they are doing and once inside my room I started to meditate to practice my Gravity control now with all the time I got from continuous training I am still on the Basic Level of control because frist I have to train in many things to train plus I have many things to do. So now I can do

Attraction & Repulsion - Attract & repel matter via gravitational forces.

Gravitation Adaptation - Adapt to gravitational pressure such as on different planets.

Gravity Defiance - Ignore the effects of gravity, achieving anti-gravitational effects.

Gravity Detection - Detect gravitational fields, for instance sensing organisms by the strength of the gravitational field or the presence of a planet in the empty vacuum.

But something I did master is Anti-Gravity Manipulation which Is just the opposite of Gravity so it is not hard for me to master it but still even after mastering Anti-Gravity I can't do something like density Manipulation is one of them because I need to frist increase my mastery of Gravity to do those things. I thought while different objects dance around me.

So after reading your comments Female Loki is the winner so Loki will be female and Thor will be male Frigga Freya Sif are must all the Valkyries will be in Harem so if you know any other good looking in Goddesses from Norse Mythology

I am about to introduce a Goddess that is missing in all this year can you guess it she is very important in Mythology

And which goddess from Norse I should add Frigg and Freya Sif are must all the Valkyries will combine them with Amazon's with that a female force ruled by Hippolyta living on a special island only men allowed to enter Zeus. So who should I add from Norse and There is no Hela In Norse but Hell she's half half deal one-half beautiful another half like a skeleton

Please vote it impotent for upcoming as without It I have to stop writing and give some thoughts in it as I have to run the story in my mind check-in mythology and Dc. But If you give then there will be no break as I will do my reacher very fast then SO PLEASE VOTE IT WILL BE GREAT THANKS FOR READING YOU ALL ARE GREAT THANK YOU.


Please give me some power stones to keep me motivated to write thanks.

That's it my lovely reader thanks for your support



Wonder Woman was Into Bondage

The first issues of Wonder Woman were really, really into bondage. Like a lot. Marston often put the Amazon in situations where she had to free herself from chains and ropes, something that his publishers were not huge fans of. Still, the psychologist insisted on the idea that it was the perfect way to show how strong Diana was. Well played William, well played.


That's it, folks, please comment and give some power stones

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