Hands clenched into fists, teeth gritted as he suppressed the anger.

"I'm not your son, so stop addressing me in such a disgusting manner," The Crow responded angrily to the man's words.

Yes. The man in the wheelchair was not his father, and he was irritated every time the man called him his son. He indeed had been living under the man's wings for the past twenty years, but they weren't blood-related at all.

To The Crow, he would rather be an orphan than have a father like that man.

"Stop being an ungrateful brat and respect someone who has cared for you for two decades, Wen Xiang!" It was not the old man who scolded The Crow, but the man standing behind the old man who scolded the young man.

The man might not be that old, maybe in his 40s, while the old man might be in his 50s. Both men were older than The Crow, but the cold-hearted young man didn't care about manners at all.

No one taught him manners, so how could he be polite?

"You know that I don't want to be called by that name again, but you still dared to call me that, Fan Quan? Are you seeking for your death?" The Crow replied to the man's scolding in an arrogant tone.

The man named Fan Quan was offended by The Crow's words. He was much older than The Crow, but the young man dared to call him by the name and didn't show any respect to him.

He didn't even know why, but The Crow respected no one in the world. The young man didn't even want to pay respect to the benefactor who had nurtured him since he was young.

The arrogant attitude annoyed Fan Quan, and that was why he exploded when the younger man kept behaving like an animal.

The two people were arguing, but the man who became the reason for the argument remained calm in the wheelchair. It was like there was a storm, but the man was inside the eye of the storm so he wasn't affected by the wild wind.

His long hair had greyed, and the hair was tied behind the head. Raising his right hand, he once again inhaled the pipe in his hand.

White smoke colored the air, and the old man looked so proud behind the smoke he just created.

"You can take it easy, Ah Quan," the old man reprimanded the man behind him, and the said man finally calmed down. "Ah Xiang just completed his task, and he was probably still tired because of it. You don't have to take his words to heart."

The calm demeanor of the old man irritated The Crow again, and he smirked upon hearing the words uttered by the man.

"Enough with your nonsense, Qin Zemin. I came here for another purpose, so you better be more serious," The Crow even dared to scold the old man, and even had the guts to call the man by his name.

"Hah, such an ungrateful bastard! Min Dage has saved your life and given you a good life, but you even dare to call him by his name? You should have died twenty years ago if Min Dage didn't save you, Wen Xiang!"

The once calmed Fan Quan was enraged again because of the attitude of the young man.

But once again, The Crow was not an easy target for intimidation. Instead of feeling disheartened, the young man glared at the man without mercy. The man dared to bring up his past again, and it offended him greatly.

That weak and skinny Fan Quan dared to offend him because that man was Qin Zemin's right hand. He had been licking Qin Zemin's foot for years, and that was where he got the confidence.

Such a loser was no more than an eyesore in The Crow's eyes, but he couldn't touch the loser because he kept using Qin Zemin's back as his shield.

Qin Zemin. Just like what Fan Quan said, Qin Zemin indeed saved The Crow twenty years ago. When he had no one in his life anymore, Qin Zemin offered a hand to him.

["I will be your sun, your water, and your air. You will no longer feel lonely, and you will be safe under my wings."]

The Crow was too innocent back then, and he was willing to take the hand offered by the older man just because of the sugar-coated bullshit.

The words were meaningless now, and he regretted his decision back then. He shouldn't have believed in the man's bullshit.

"You've been raising me as your dog for twenty years, and now it's time for you to free me from the leash and let me go. This dog can find its own food now, so you don't have to worry about it," The Crow spoke to Qin Zemin as he ignored Fan Quan's harsh statement earlier.

Fan Quan gnashed his teeth because the young man dared to ignore him, but he was more shocked by the young man's statement. When he looked down at the older man in front of him, he could see the man's shocked expression too.

Qin Zemin didn't expect that 'his son' would say that kind of words to him.

"You are not my dog, Ah Xiang. Why should I release you from the leash? It's not like I'm holding you captive all this time, right?" Qin Zemin questioned the black-haired assassin in a stern tone after he managed to regain his composure.

Qin Zemin was calm once again, and the serenity of the man annoyed The Crow so much. Too many guises, and he had tired of it.

"I'm your dog," The Crow replied in a tone that wasn't less grim than Qin Zemin's. "But a worried dog can jump over the wall. I've followed your order for the past twenty years, and I want to quit now. I don't want to be an assassin anymore."