The Crow finally could let go of the burden in his heart. It had not been long since he started to feel discomfort in his heart, and he gradually realized that he had been so tired of his meaningless life.

He had been living for 26 years, and the last 20 years had passed like the wind. That period only passed like the gust without giving any meaning to him. He would only kill, kill, and kill in the past 20 years, and he wasn't different from a killing machine.

He was a human, but his heart and mind were empty until he realized that he wanted to stop being a hollow vessel for a cruel man named Qin Zemin.

If he wasn't a dog, then he was only a knife for Qin Zemin. That evil only needed him to kill people to get money.

It was not Qin Zemin who gave him money, but it was him who made money for that man. He didn't need to be grateful toward the man.

The Crow had spoken seriously, but Qin Zemin suddenly laughed out loud upon hearing the young man's solemn declaration.

"Are you kidding me? You said you wanted to quit? You want to stop being an assassin? Are you out of your mind?" The man who was sitting in the wheelchair questioned The Crow in a humorous tone.

It looked like the declaration made by The Crow earlier was no more than a joke in Qin Zemin's ears.

Qin Zemin had ridiculed him, but The Crow remained silent with his grief gaze fixated on the older man's figure.

Seeing how serious The Crow's expression was, Qin Zemin finally stopped laughing and motioned to Fan Quan to take over the long pipe in his hand. The loyal subordinate got the signal and quickly took the long pipe from the boss' hand.

"What are you planning to do after you quit? You are just a killer, you are a sinner. Do you think someone like you will have a future even if you quit from this Hell?"

Qin Zemin questioned The Crow arrogantly, and it was obvious that the man took The Crow's wish so lightly.

The Crow didn't immediately reply because he knew that Qin Zemin was not wrong at all. He didn't have any skill other than the 'talent' to be a Grim Reaper for so many unlucky people, and he also didn't have any educational background.

He was just a worthless human, and his future was even darker than his hair. He knew the reality, but he still couldn't let himself be dragged by the evil man again.

"My future is not your business, and you only need to remove the leash from my neck so I can go outside freely. If you want to, I can return the money you gave me, and I'll go without any penny from you."

The Crow was gambling with his life by challenging the cunning man. Qin Zemin was such a dangerous man with a bad reputation in the dark world. He had quite a lot of assassins in Black Lotus, but he wouldn't carelessly recruit men without commitment.

He would only hire those who wanted to spend the rest of their life in Black Lotus. Qin Zemin would never let anyone leave Black Lotus when they were still breathing and their heart still beating.

The Crow had known the fact, but he still tried to make a bargain. His relationship with Qin Zemin was quite special. It wasn't like they were bound by a romantic relationship or something, but their bond was indeed not ordinary. That was why The Crow wanted to try his luck.

Qin Zemin didn't give him any response, and the only thing the old man did right now was breathing while frowning at the younger man. He seemed to be making some consideration in his heart, and he ended up smirking after reaching a decision.

The Crow wasn't blind, and he could see the smirk on the man's face. He knew that the man was planning something for him.

"You can leave Black Lotus, and you don't have to return the money I gave you," Qin Zemin decided, and The Crow frowned at the verdict.

He had known Qin Zemin for twenty years. Despite having a harmless appearance on top of the wheelchair, Qin Zemin was not a good person. That man ended up in a wheelchair after getting into a car accident ten years ago. Something happened, and the car collided with an electrical pole on the road.

Qin Zemin ended up losing his right leg because of the collision, and he had to spend the rest of his left on top of the wheelchair. Thus, a special elevator was designed in the quarters for the commander of Black Lotus.

The man looked like he didn't possess any threat, but that was only the cover plastered on his outer. Qin Zemin was the nastiest man he ever knew.

"You're willing to let me go, and I'm pretty sure that there's a price I need to pay, right?" The Crow was not stupid and immediately replied.

Qin Zemin raised an eyebrow at him. Elbows on the wheelchair's armrest, and he raised his hands and united them under his chin. "You don't need to pay anything. Just leave now before I change my mind."

The Crow doubted in his heart, and he also could hear a surprised gasp. When he glimpsed at Fan Quan, he could see the man was shocked by Qin Zemin's decision.

Something was indeed fishy, but The Crow didn't care. He had made a resolute decision to leave the organization, and nothing could change his mind.

Turning on his heels, he then walked towards the stairs again. He didn't even turn back and continued climbing the stairs.

Arriving at the door, he immediately turned the doorknob and pushed open the two layers of the door. His long legs swung toward the black sedan, and without hesitation, he opened the car door and shoved his body into the driver's seat.

Fastening his seat belt, he then put an earphone on his left ear before turning on the car engine. It was late at night, and the only sound that filled the lonely night was the sound of the car engine.

Pressing the gas pedal with his foot, he drove the sedan towards the gate in front of the building. As expected, the guards opened the gate for him, letting him go from the building as well as from Black Lotus.

However, The Crow still felt that something was not right, and his hunch was proven right when he noticed some black cars started following him from behind.