He had expected that Qin Zemin would not let him off so easily, and that was why he had prepared for the worst. Two cars followed him from behind, and he was currently in a slum area close to the Black Lotus headquarters.

There were so many abandoned buildings in the area, and they were all empty. The road was narrow, and it could only be passed by one car without allowing two cars to meet from two different directions. It was also impossible for cars coming from the same direction to overtake each other.

Gritting his teeth, The Crow took his phone out of his trouser pocket and stared at it for a moment. It was the phone that Qin Zemin had given him, and he was not stupid to know that Qin Zemin had installed a GPS tracker into the phone.

Thus, he immediately rolled down the car window and threw away his cell phone. He didn't need the phone anymore.

The two cars continued to follow him down the narrow road, and The Crow noticed that the two cars were increasing their speed. The Crow had no choice but to push the gas pedal harder.

It was late at night, and he could only see the cars from the light emitted by the cars' headlights. He was observing the two cars from his car's wing mirror, and when he turned his gaze forward again, he was surprised to see another ray of light coming from the road in front of him.

"I knew you wouldn't let me go easily, Qin Zemin. You'd rather see me die than let me go from Black Lotus, right?" The Crow started his monologue with a dangerous smirk on his face. "You are older than me, so I will not dare to die before you, Qin Zemin!"

He should have killed Qin Zemin before he left the quarter, and he quite regretted his decision now. An evil person like Qin Zemin deserved to live in Hell!

Pressing the brakes, he turned the steering wheel to the left as the car reached an intersection. Luckily, another car coming from ahead was a little slower than his, and he managed to turn his car around before it hit his car.

He knew that the people inside the cars were other assassins in Black Lotus, and they were not ordinary people. But, he got the title of best assassin for a reason, and he wasn't going to let those ants get in his way.

Pressing the gas pedal again, The Crow planned to leave the slum area immediately. The area was deserted, but he couldn't calm down because the place had narrow passages that resembled a maze, and he had to get out of the area first if he wanted to escape safely.

Unfortunately, reality betrayed his expectation when he found another car popping out of the way in front of him. He gripped the steering wheel tighter while muttering a curse word.

He memorized the layout of the slums, and he knew that there was no cross-section in front of him. It was the only way, and he had no other choice but to face the car directly.

Without pressing the brakes, The Crow turned the wheel again toward the buildings on the side of the road and skillfully brought the right tires of the car to roll against the walls of the building.

His car managed to slip between the building and the other car even though he knew the roof of his car wouldn't be smooth anymore due to friction with the other car in the process.

But, he didn't care as he continued to drive his car through the narrow road. He continued to drive, and when he glimpsed at the wing mirror, he could see a group of cars trailing behind him.

He tsk-ed, but then he was startled when he heard gunshots from behind his car. They were still in the slums, and those people dared to shoot bullets in the deserted area.

The Crow reflexively ducked his head slightly when he heard the sound of glass breaking from behind him. Without turning his head, he knew that one of the bullets fired by the men had hit the windshield of his car. Luckily, the bullet didn't hit the back of his head.

"An assassin is assassinated? That's not funny!" He growled as he gripped the steering wheel tighter.

He was still lucky, but he knew that he couldn't rely on his luck at times like this. The opponents came in groups, and that was why they were able to fire bullets in the street like this. He was like a lonely mouse being targeted by a group of fierce cats, but he couldn't give up.

He tried to make it difficult for the people to fire bullets at him by driving his car left and right randomly. Until finally, he could see a brighter light coming from the road in front of him. He knew that he had arrived at the main road.

Turning the wheel once more, he brought his car to the main road. Several black cars were still following him, and now he could see that there were four of them.

They were still in a desolate area, and the men kept firing bullets at his car. And even if he managed to dodge the attack, The Crow knew that he needed to do something.

Extending his left hand to the dashboard, he grabbed his other phone and immediately dialed number 2 on the phone. He then threw the phone into the passenger seat because he had connected the phone to the earpiece in his left ear.

"Go monitor my car position now and guide me toward your place!" The Crow hurriedly instructed someone on the other end of the phone.

He could hear the person grumbling in response, "It's so late. Why are you disturbing my sleep?"

Hearing such an insignificant question, The Crow rolled his eyes before he snapped at the other man, "I know you're still playing games on your computer, so just do as instructed and make sure I'll get the green light while those bastards get the red light!"