Qin Zemin and his men were not law-abiding citizens. They wouldn't care about the rules in the city or the country as long as they were still able to get money.

However, The Crow knew that Qin Zemin and his men wanted to remain lowkey in front of normal people's eyes. They didn't want to be discovered by the police as one of the most dangerous organizations in the country, and that was why they didn't want the police to get any clues about their existence.

That was a cowardly principle, but Qin Zemin was never willing to admit it. With no shame, he and his men continued to live by that principle.

That was why the people in the car stopped firing bullets at The Crow's car once they reached the urban area. Those people certainly didn't want to attract the attention of the police.

The Crow used to think that such a principle was ridiculous, but he knew that he should thank Qin Zemin for having such a principle at a time like this. He could take advantage of this situation to escape safely.

He had a friend outside the organization, and that friend was a geek who liked to read manga and play games on his computer. At first glance, the friend looked useless, but actually, the friend was quite useful.

The Crow was very lucky to have a friend who had a secret talent as a hacker. Yes, his good friend was a top-class hacker who was not on the government's radar in the country. The Crow was the only one who knew the friend's secret talent.

"I'm monitoring your car right now, and you just need to follow my instructions from now on," his friend began directing him. "Your enemies are following your car closely. What did you do to them to make them chase you like this?"

The Crow could hear the friend speaking, but he tsk-ed before responding, "I'll explain to you later! Now tell me where I must go!"

The Crow could be impatient at times, but his friend got used to that attitude. He chose to ignore it by immediately giving instructions, "There's an intersection in front of you, and you have five seconds to cross it before I turn the green light to red."

The Crow's pair of brown eyes widened at his friend's instructions. "WHY DID YOU ONLY GIVE ME FIVE SECONDS, BASTARD?"


The Crow continued to curse in his heart as his friend dared to ignore him and started counting down instead. He had no other choice but to press the gas pedal deeper to bring the black car flying like a real crow.


The speedometer was pointing at 200, but he didn't care. He just needed to get away from the cars, and he didn't care about anything now.


He knew that the cars were trying to catch up to his car, but he was confident that the cars would not be able to reach his car. Not because his car engine was superior in terms of speed, but because of another thing. He knew that he had the upper hand because of that.


He was getting closer and closer to the intersection, and before his friend could count to 'five,' he managed to get his car through the intersection. The cars that had been following him for a while had to stop at an intersection after the green light turned red.

The Crow was sure that those people needed to press the brakes with all their might to bring the car to stop, but he could care less. He only cared about his success to flee from the chasers.

"You owe me one, buddy."

He could hear his friend talking through the Bluetooth earpiece again, but he didn't answer right away as he chose to take a deep breath. It was a tense moment, and only now could he breathe a sigh of relief again.

"Why did you only give me five seconds when I was still 250 meters away from the cross-section?" Instead of thanking the friend, The Crow decided to scold the friend.

"I don't think it's a big deal to you?" The friend replied calmly. "Your average speed just now was 200km/h, so you could reach 250m in five seconds. I've calculated it accurately, so I dared to set the green light for five seconds."

The Crow rolled his eyes at his friend's answer. He never studied physics, nor did he care about the calculations his friends had done. He only cared that he was safe for the time being.

Indeed he needed to thank his only friend, but he didn't have to do that right now.

"Don't forget to hack the surveillance camera data. I exceeded the maximum speed just now, and if the police manage to find my car, it will be a hassle for me," The Crow gave additional instructions

"I got it. I'll be manipulating the surveillance camera data, so you don't have to worry about that."

The Crow was lucky to have a hacker as a friend, but Black Lotus was not so lucky because they did not have one.

That was why the people chasing him didn't dare step on the gas pedal any deeper. They knew about the speed limit in the area, and if the surveillance cameras caught their car exceeding the speed limit, the police would definitely hunt them down.

The Crow knew about that, and that was why he was sure that those people would not chase after him at full speed. Therefore, he was able to escape from them.

"You know my place, so you don't need my guidance to get here, right? Just drive here safely and explain everything to me."

The Crow could hear his friend talking again, and he knew that he needed to prepare an explanation when he got to his friend's place. He was tired, and he wanted to sleep. But, how could he sleep when his life was still a mess?