The black sedan stopped in front of a modest house on the outskirts of town. There was nothing special about the house, but The Crow would ask for help from the person who lived in the house.

He was not stupid, but he had no formal education and had limited knowledge. That was why he needed someone to help him if he wanted to escape from the Black Lotus.

Turning off the car engine, he then unbuckled his seat belt and also removed the earpiece from his left ear. He had barely escaped death, but he knew that no one could guarantee his safety now.

Black Lotus was a dangerous organization, and under Qin Zemin's ruthless instructions, they would surely try to capture him until they managed to kill him. Qin Zemin would not care about their previous connection as that man would only see The Crow as a traitor from now on.

Taking a deep breath, The Crow then opened the car door and immediately got out of the four-wheeled vehicle.

He then swung his legs towards the modest house. Raising his hand, he knocked on the door with his knuckles. He didn't have to wait long as a shorter man quickly opened the door for him.

The man was indeed short, maybe about 170 cm, and his body looked very thin with no muscles. His hair was brown and long enough for his bangs to cover his forehead. Hiding behind long bangs was a pair of thick glasses, and behind the glass was a pair of innocent eyes.

"I told you to cut your bangs, didn't I? Now I can't even see your eyes, and it's pretty scary because I thought you were a ghost without eyes," The Crow broke the silence as he pushed the owner of the house aside so he could enter the house.

It wasn't his house, but The Crow often visited the house when he didn't have any work from Qin Zemin. He often saw the house as his own. He lived in a luxury apartment, but he felt more comfortable in the humble house.

Snorting in annoyance, the owner of the house closed the door before following his friend to the old sofa in the living room.

The Crow was sitting on one of the sofas, but instead of following the man to sit down, the host continued on his way to the kitchen.

"I want a cup of coffee, Chang Jianyu. Don't dare to put sugar in it."

The owner of the house, Chang Jianyu, rolled his eyes after hearing the tall man's arrogant orders. "I don't have coffee. I only have water, so if you don't want it, I won't bother bringing it for you."

The Crow sighed when he heard Chang Jianyu's answer. "Did you spend all the money I sent you? You don't even have money to buy coffee?" He asked the short man.

Chang Jianyu ignored the question and chose to walk to the cupboard and take a glass from it. He then poured water into the glass before walking back to the living room with a glass of water.

"I save the money for future needs. I had a hunch that you wouldn't be able to give me any more money, so I decided to tighten my spending," Chang Jianyu replied as he handed the glass of water to The Crow.

The Crow accepted the glass, but his body froze after hearing his friend's statement. "You have the feeling that I won't be able to give you any more money? Are you a psychic now?"

Chang Jianyu rolled his eyes before walking away from The Crow and plopping himself down on one of the sofas. "I always thought that it wasn't right for me to get money from you when I wasn't even working for you, but now that you've indirectly confirmed that my suspicions are right, I can die peacefully without feeling any guilt towards you."

Now it was The Crow who rolled his eyes before taking a sip of the water in the glass. After emptying the glass, he placed the glass on the table and stared intently at his friend.

He met Chang Jianyu two years ago when the man just graduated from college. Chang Jianyu was a bulliable person, and he was being bullied by some thugs back then. Those thugs asked for money when Chang Jianyu didn't have any, and The Crow came to rescue.

The Crow didn't even know why he had decided to help the plain-looking man, but maybe he did that because the man was too pathetic in his eyes.

That was the first time they had met, and Chang Jianyu had told him that his parents had recently died in a car accident, leaving him a penniless orphan now.

The Crow assumed that it was no big deal for a college graduate to find a job, but Chang Jianyu told him that he wasn't ready to work even if he had graduated from college.

Later The Crow discovered that Chang Jianyu had PTSD due to a car accident that killed his parents. It turned out that Chang Jianyu was in the car as well, and the accident affected the young man's mentality.

Chang Jianyu was only 24 years old now, but with a letter from the doctor stating about his mental state, he would not be able to find a job until the doctor declared that he had recovered.

"You always help me when I need you, just like you did just now. It's like you work for me," The Crow finally replied.

Chang Jianyu smiled shyly at him before saying, "You've helped me a lot, but I know that I can't depend on you forever. You have plans to leave this country, and that's why you visited me this late, right? That's why I have to be independent starting from now."

And The Crow was stunned after hearing the younger man's statement. He didn't expect his friend to know about his plan.