Xue Tian suddenly stopped walking, causing Wen Xiang to press a sudden brake on his head so that he wouldn't bump into the shorter man.

The shorter man turned around, and both of them were standing face to face again. Their heights were indeed similar, and Xue Tian didn't need to look up to be able to greet the pair of brown eyes with his blue ones.

"I've never thought about that," Xue Tian finally replied as thin creases formed on his forehead.

Wen Xiang facepalmed when he saw how clueless the other man was. Xue Tian was an adult, but it seemed he didn't think seriously about his life. Wen Xiang even questioned Xue Tian's decision to bring him home. They were strangers, and Wen Xiang had a dangerous aura surrounding him. However, Xue Tian still dared to offer his house to the stranger.

Wen Xiang had never met anyone so naive as Xue Tian. 'Even the nerd Chang Jianyu is not this clueless,' he thought.

Smirking at the shorter man, Wen Xiang leaned forward a little towards the man. "You need to be careful in every step you take. You won't know if there's a nail on the ground if you only look ahead without looking closely at the path you are taking."

Finished giving a warning to the pinkette, Wen Xiang straightened his body again and continued to stare at Xue Tian with his cold gaze. Xue Tian was stunned for a moment, but then he smiled warmly at the taller man.

"Do you want to say that it will be dangerous for me because I dare to bring you to my house?" Instead of seriously thinking about the warning, Xue Tian confidently replied.

In the end, Wen Xiang was slightly taken aback by the confidence. He expected the other man would be wavered and decide to push him away, but he was wrong.

"I was working as a laborer for five years before I became a tour guide four years ago. I've been living in this country for nine years, and I've met countless people with different backgrounds. I've met good and bad people, and I know how to deal with them. Even if you have bad intentions for me, I will know how to deal with you."

The pinkette didn't waver at all, and he even dared to challenge Wen Xiang's piercing gaze when he spoke to the taller man. Wen Xiang was stunned again. It was the first time for him to meet a person who dared to challenge him other than Qin Zemin.

Clenching his hand into a fist, he secretly tried to brush off the memory of Qin Zemin. He flew to Indonesia to forget his dark past related to Qin Zemin, so remembering that evil man was not part of his plan.

"You are such an interesting person," Wen Xiang finally replied. "I don't have any bad intentions for you, but I want to warn you that I'm not a good person. You better not let your guard down when you're around me."

Wen Xiang didn't plan to act like a saint in front of a brave person like Xue Tian. The pinkette looked clueless, but he was an experienced person. He had been living in Indonesia for nine years, and Wen Xiang knew that living in a foreign country wouldn't be easy.

"You said that you're not a good person, but you're lucky to meet a good person like me. Let's go to my house, and I will teach you how to be a good person," Xue Tian suddenly turned around after finishing his speech.

Wen Xiang was stunned, but then he decided to follow the other man.

Wen Xiang didn't have any intention to change into a good person, but he chose to ignore Xue Tian's words. He just wanted to live a new life, but it didn't mean he wanted to change to be someone that wasn't him.

They only needed to walk for a minute before Xue Tian stopped walking in front of a house. Wen Xiang frowned when he stared at the house. It was not an ordinary house, and he had never seen this kind of house before.

"This is called 'Joglo,' a traditional house of Yogyakarta," Xue Tian proudly introduced the building in front of them. "Instead of using bricks, this building used wooden for most of the part. You talked about an earthquake just now, didn't you? Some scientists believe that this type of building is resilient from the earthquake."

When Wen Xiang observed the building further, he noticed that the building perhaps looked similar to Chinese traditional buildings that also used wood instead of bricks.

It was a one-story building with wood on the four sides of the wall, and the roof was made from clay materials.

The wall was made of wood, but the wood was of the best quality. It was polished meticulously, and Wen Xiang was certain that this type of wood would last longer than ordinary wood.

The door was big and elegant, and Wen Xiang could see some carvings on the door and also on the wooden wall. At a glance only, Wen Xiang knew that Xue Tian would need a lot of money to build this house. And because it was a traditional house, this house surely had more economical value. Some collectors probably would be willing to spend millions of dollars on this house.

He once again glimpsed at the pinkette, and he realized that he had misjudged Xue Tian's appearance.

Xue Tian was not someone who would need money just to get enough food, and now he could understand why Xue Tian said that he didn't need to pay for the place and also the food.

Xue Tian noticed the weird gaze, and he furrowed his brows at the other man. "What? Are you surprised because I have this kind of house? Did you see me as a beggar before?"