Wen Xiang snorted loudly when he heard the man's question. "Your appearance does look like a beggar, and I bet you didn't even shower for a long time."

Wen Xiang could mock the pink-haired man, but he secretly taught himself not to judge a book from its cover.

Meanwhile, Xue Tian giggled before sniffing his body. "I indeed smell so bad," he spoke in between his chuckle. "And yeah, you're right that I didn't shower for a few days. I got a job guiding some people from Spain on their vacation in this city, and those people are crazy. I mean, their spirits are crazy!"

The weirdo in pink hair was babbling, but Wen Xiang just raised his brows as he didn't understand what the man was talking about.

Xue Tian noticed Wen Xiang's weird gaze toward him, and he could see that the taller man wanted to know the further story. It was only the first day of their meeting, but the pinkette gradually could understand Wen Xiang's personality.

Wen Xiang was such a cold and aloof person, but actually, he was just a normal human with curiosity in his head. That man probably was too prideful and decided to hide his curiosity, but Xue Tian could read the man quite well.

That was why he smiled a little before speaking, "Those tourists wanted to do some extreme activities for days and nights, not letting me have some rest even just for a moment. I'm glad that I finally could send them back to their country. I'm hella tired right now."

Xue Tian suddenly displayed a pitiful look, but Wen Xiang just ignored the look. Now he knew the reason behind their unexpected encounter at the airport earlier. That was just a coincidence, and he didn't want to think much about it.

Getting no response from the taller man, Xue Tian snorted before bringing his right hand to fish out some keys from his jeans pocket. He then used the key to open the door, and their ears were immediately greeted by a loud voice coming from the house.

"You are finally back!"

It was a girl's voice, and Wen Xiang flinched when he heard the voice. 'Is it his wife's voice? But, why did the voice sound a little... childish?'

Wen Xiang was wondering in his heart, but then he could see Xue Tian motioning to him to enter the house. He didn't have any other choice than to comply with the order.

"Where are you, baby? I'm finally back, but you didn't come to greet me?" Xue Tian asked the question when they were already inside the house.

Not long after, someone suddenly rushed in their direction, and that someone immediately hugged Xue Tian tightly.

Wen Xiang was surprised to see a little girl suddenly hugging the pinkette. 'So, it's not his wife?' He once again wondered inwardly.

"It looks like my little sister missed me so much, huh?"

It was confirmed that the girl was not Xue Tian's wife after the pinkette spoke again. Instead, the girl was the man's younger sister.

The sister pulled herself away from her brother and glared at her brother. Wen Xiang finally got a better look at the girl, and he could picture the girl's appearance now.

The girl had long brown hair, her skin was fair, and she had such a beautiful pair of eyes. Unlike her brother who had a pair of blue eyes, the girl had a pair of dark obsidians just like most Asians.

'Now I'm sure that this weirdo is only wearing contact lenses,' Wen Xiang concluded in his heart while looking at Xue Tian again. 'Did he think that he's a celebrity or something? How can an ordinary person has the confidence to wear such striking contact lenses?'

Wen Xiang was speechless, but when he gave it another thought, he knew that a person like Xue Tian, of course, had the confidence to wear those contact lenses. He could even shamelessly dye his hair pink, so blue contact lenses wouldn't be a big deal for him.

'Such an attention seeker,' Wen Xiang couldn't help but mock the man even if only in his heart.

Xue Tian seemed to notice the secret gaze, and he turned to Wen Xiang. "Oh. I forgot to introduce my sister to you," he broke the silence before ruffling his sister's hair lovingly. "This is my younger sister, and her name is Summer. And Summer, this is my friend, Wen Xiang."

Wen Xiang displayed a look full of disapproval when he heard how smooth Xue Tian introduced him as a friend. They were strangers who only met today, but the label 'friend' seemed to be an easy label for the pinkette.

Even so, Wen Xiang ignored the man's careless statement and turned to the young girl. He wasn't good at judging people, but based on his observation, he expected the girl's age was not older than 10.

"Her name is Summer? She's Chinese too, right? Does she also have a Chinese name?" Wen Xiang asked a question when he noticed the oddity.

He didn't even realize that he had voiced the question. He usually chose to seal his mouth even if he was curious about something, but he couldn't hold back his curiosity this time.

"You are right, Summer is Chinese, but her real name is just Summer Xue without a Chinese name. She was born in Summer, so the Summer name is a suitable name for her, right?" Xue Tian replied to the question nonchalantly.

The reply sounded relaxed, and Wen Xiang guessed the man didn't hide anything related to that matter.

"She was born in Summer, so I guess she wasn't born in this country?" Wen Xiang voiced another question.

Indonesia was a tropical country, and the country didn't have Summer as the season. That was why he came to that conclusion.

On the other hand, Xue Tian smiled a little as he caressed the top of Summer's head. "You are right again. Summer was born in China nine years ago. The weather was so hot, but it got even hotter after Summer was born. That was why we named her Summer."