Xue Tian seemed to notice Wen Xiang's weird gaze at Summer's bowl, and he sighed before poking the man's muscular arm. "I know you're hungry, so let's eat now," he said to the man without answering the man's unspoken question.

Wen Xiang finally turned to the pinkette and found the pinkette smiling at him. He could tell that Xue Tian didn't want to explain anything to him now.

In the end, the raven-haired man chose to nod his head. Even if Xue Tian had an issue related to Summer's health, it was none of his business. He was just a stranger to both Xue Tian and Summer Xue. Even if Summer Xue was cute and treated him well, he didn't need to care about the girl's health.

From the corner of his eye, he could see Xue Tian stretching out his hand to scoop the rice before moving it to his plate. After that, Xue Tian continued to spoon the main dish and move it to the plate as well.

Wen Xiang frowned once again because he still didn't know what kind of dish it was.

Xue Tian's plate was full, but instead of immediately eating the food, he turned his head to Wen Xiang and asked, "Why don't you start eating too? You don't like the food?"

Wen Xiang glanced at the weird food with a frown on his forehead. "I've only eaten Chinese food in my life," he answered honestly.

Xue Tian gasped, and even Summer stopped eating because of the man's sudden confession.

"Oh, gosh! How old are you? I'm pretty sure we're about the same age, so how come you never eat anything other than Chinese food? Were you living in a dungeon in China?"

The pinkette was mocking him, but Wen Xiang didn't react to the mock.

Getting no response from the black-haired man, Xue Tian huffed loudly before running a hand to his hair. "Bibi Yanti can only cook Indonesian dishes, so maybe we should order takeouts next time."

Xue Tian mentioned a name once again, and Wen Xiang noticed it. "Who is Bibi Yanti? Is she your girlfriend or something?" He questioned the pinkette.

Again, Xue Tian looked surprised by Wen Xiang's words. "You expect me to date a 50-year-old lady? Don't you think you're too much, Wen Xiang?" He questioned the other man in a humorous tone.

This time, it was Wen Xiang who was stunned by the pinkette's reply. He heard Xue Tian mention the name before, and he thought the owner of the name was the pinkette's girlfriend or maybe a fiancee.

Now when he saw Xue Tian laugh in amusement because of his question, Wen Xiang knew that he guessed it wrongly.

"The word 'Bibi' means auntie. We're not related by blood, but the people here usually call her like that. An older woman is not my type. I prefer someone who's the same age as me."

Xue Tian suddenly blabbered about something that was not important to him, and Wen Xiang rolled his eyes before looking back at the foreign dish. "Can you tell me about this dish?" He decided to change the subject.

Xue Tian replaced his laughter with a smile as he turned to the dish. He stretched out his hand to take the spoon and dip the dish. "This dish is 'sayur lodeh,' and it's a traditional dish here," he started explaining the dish. "The main ingredients of this dish are coconut milk, eggplant, long beans, chili pepper, tempeh, and some leaves. This dish is good, and it's definitely not poisonous."

Wen Xiang listened to the explanation carefully, and he used his forefinger to point at the dish. "So, the white liquid in the dish is made of coconut?" He asked for confirmation about his assumption.

"Mhm," the pinkette confirmed as he moved his hand to the rice bowl and scooped the rice onto Wen Xiang's plate. "You can try it and let me know your opinion about it," he continued as he dipped the main dish into Wen Xiang's plate as well.

Xue Tian suddenly assisted him with the food, and Wen Xiang was stunned. Summer Xue at the side could only observe their interaction in silence. She stared back and forth between her brother and the guest silently before furrowing her brows. It looked like she was thinking about something, but she wasn't sure and chose to remain silent.

Meanwhile, Wen Xiang decided to taste the food with his spoon. He knew that the dish was made of coconut, so he expected that the taste of the dish would be more on the savory side. And when the tip of his tongue finally made contact with the dish, he knew that he guessed it right.

The dish had a savory taste with a little bit spicy. When he brought his eyes to the dish on his plate again, he could see some chilis on it.

"How was it?"

He could hear someone question him eagerly, and he turned to find Xue Tian staring at him with his pair of puppy eyes.

"It's not bad," Wen Xiang replied before bringing another spoonful of rice and the dish to his mouth.

Xue Tian finally could grin happily before moving to his own plate. He was about to enjoy his food too, but then he noticed something was off.

"My dear Summer, I think I forgot to ask you to buy 'kerupuk' earlier," the pinkette suddenly spoke again, and Wen Xiang stopped eating when he heard an unfamiliar term coming out of the pinkette's lips.

"Ah, right! I also forgot about that, Brother! Let me go outside to buy it for you!" Summer suddenly volunteered, and she was about to get up from the chair if only her brother's words didn't stop her.

"It's okay, Summie. I will go outside to buy it, and you just need to continue eating here with Brother Xiang, alright?"

The little Summer didn't have any other choice than to nod her head.

Xue Tian smiled before getting up from his seat, and then he smiled at Wen Xiang as he said, "I will go outside in a bit. You can continue eating."