Often Wen Xiang thought that Xue Tian was strange, but tonight, he thought that the man was silly.

He didn't know how to ride a scooter, but he never said he wanted to learn to ride that stupid-looking pink scooter.

He had told himself that he would look very ridiculous if he rode that scooter, and he had also promised himself that he would not want to ride the scooter. Sitting in the back seat with Xue Tian was driving was one thing, but driving it alone was another.

He was sure he'd look stupid if he ended up riding the scooter alone, and that was why he showed his objection after hearing the pinkette's idea.

"I don't want to," he said firmly.

"Huh? You don't want to? But why?" Xue Tian asked in confusion.

"That's because your scooter looks stupid!"


Xue Tian couldn't even answer when he heard how Wen Xiang insulted the scooter again and again.