"So, where did you take Mia?"

Wen Xiang did not expect that it was Xue Tian's original plan for tonight. The pink-haired man did say that they were going on a date tonight, but that was actually just a term he used when they had to wait until Johan Liu came back from work.

Yes, the pinkette's main target was Johan Liu, and going on a date with Wen Xiang was just a camouflage.

Who would have thought that Johan Liu would appear on the empty street just a few minutes after Xue Tian said that they would soon complete the mission?

Only Xue Tian knew about it, and that man also knew that Johan Liu lived in a small village not far from the abandoned road. The owner of that pair of blue eyes even knew that Johan used to pass the road, and that was why he chose that road as a place for him to have a 'date' with Wen Xiang.