"What? You're going back to China? But I don't expect that you're going back to China soon because you left Black Lotus without your boss's permission?" Xue Tian immediately asked a question while furrowing his brows at the taller man sitting next to him.

Xue Tian knew that Wen Xiang was a former member of the Black Lotus, and he also knew the habits of the dark organization. If a member of the organization wanted to leave, then the boss would definitely try to find that member, and the results would not be good if the boss managed to catch the 'traitor.'

"I don't want to go back to China either, but I have to go back now," Wen Xiang replied.

"Why do you have to go back to China now?" Xue Tian asked again as he felt dissatisfied with Wen Xiang's answer. "Is it because you want to catch the real culprit behind my father's murder? If that's your reason, then you don't have to do that because I don't want to see you risk your safety just because of me."