Even Xue Tian looked surprised to learn that Thomas had suddenly decided to turn himself in.

"You didn't expect that?" Wen Xiang asked instead of directly answering Xue Tian's question, and that was because he could see the surprised look on his boyfriend's face.

Even if Wen Xiang didn't answer the question, he knew that Xue Tian would be able to understand the meaning behind his question, and that was why he calmly looked at the pink-haired man while waiting for the man's answer.

"You are right. I didn't expect it," Xue Tian answered without trying to cover the truth. "I met him yesterday, and I had also asked him to end it all and go to the police station, but he just sneered at me. Not only that, but he also asked me to follow him to the prison if I kept forcing him to go to turn himself in."