"It's not that I don't want to tell you about it, but I just didn't have the chance to tell you everything. You know that the situation wasn't very good yesterday, right? I didn't have the opportunity to tell you," Xue Tian explained carefully.

The pair of blue eyes continued to stare into his brown eyes as the owner spoke his explanation, and the owner probably wanted to show that he really didn't want to hide anything from his boyfriend.

Wen Xiang could see Xue Tian's intentions, but he didn't answer immediately as he was deep in thought, 'Xue Tian said that he was a top before he started dating me, so I think his ex-boyfriend would be the small and cute type. That doctor can't be described as small and cute, but he's willing to be the submissive one for Xue Tian? Is that how he proved his love for Xue Tian?'

Wen Xiang only met that man once, but he still remembered his appearance.