"So it's running in your family?", Jack mentioned now.

"What is?" Now Eve got a little bit confused about what he meant.

"The artistic vein, that is. If your sister is doing ink for a living she must be good. Just judging from your skill with the pen alone, I can definitely see it."

She sighed a little at that. Somehow after getting a little bit more comfortable with talking to him she also got a little bit used to hearing him compliment her. Though it still did make her somewhat embarrassed.

"Oh, come on. Our art teacher would say otherwise." She rolled her eyes lightly again and still remained adamant about her lack of skill.

That was something that Jack did pick up on by now and could guess was a little bit of her reason for having lower self-esteem.

It was just a damn shame to see her diminishing her own value, really. And only because the teacher kept on hacking on that spot.

Somehow those thoughts suddenly brought him to the idea to make a visit to the art room. He felt like finding out about what it is that is so hard to make.

Eve would surely not tell him since she seems to try and avoid the matter. For now at least. But waiting was not really his forte if he could do something now.

Was that maybe a little bit of a creeper move? Nah, surely not. He was just interested in her. But then again why not simply ask?

"But my sis is really good at it. I probably can even say I got into drawing thanks to her. There were some amazing things she drew for me back when I was younger that got me hooked."

Jack smiled softly at seeing her talking about her sibling so preciously now.

"You do have a high opinion of her. That's nice to see. Your parents are probably proud of you both."

Just when he said that there was suddenly a hurt expression on Eve's face. That change also got Jack himself surprised.

The short silence after was nearly suffocating.

"Sorry...I...I need to go somewhere. See you later, okay?" Eve then stood up and walked away.

"Eve?" Jack tried to stop her but she was gone rather fast and even managed to bump into a guy with combed short brown hair that was currently carrying some ingredients for the school kitchen.

He could only sit there with a slightly opened mouth, staring at the retreating figure of Eve.

"Hey, you okay?" The guy that Eve just bumped into now approached him "Did something happen? Haven't seen Eve in such a sour mood for a while now. Don't be a dick to her, okay?"

"I'm not sure. I just mentioned her parents and then she went off like the wind. The name's Jack, by the way. And you are? Do you know Eve?" Jack raised a brow at the guy who sat down now after placing the ingredients near the table.

"Yeah, ever since she came to Summerville. Got to be 2 years by now. And, dude. Just a hint but don't try to mention her parents so easily. I heard they both passed away when she was still young. Oh, and I'm Kevin." The lean teen with a well-built and tall figure smiled now after knowing Jack was not an asshole.

"Ah, fuck...No wonder she was reacting like that. I made a real blunder." Jack could only frown deeply after finding something like that out.

He also placed his hand near his neck and massaged it while feeling an ache inside his heart. Jack knew very well how it felt to lose his parents. Especially since he did so in both lives.

At least he considered himself lucky to still have his aunt. The man that he called father is basically dead for him.

Thinking about it now he felt like he had a lot in common with her. And the more he realized that the more it felt so damn bad to have said something like that.

"I wonder how I can make it up to her. Say, do you know where she is hanging out after school? I'm sure she won't be wanting to talk to me anytime soon. But maybe I can manage to apologize to her when she mellowed down."

"Good idea. That is the right thing to do. I myself don't know much about her activities after school. But I think I saw her arguing once with those rapper guys from the music club. Why don't you go there and ask around, can't hurt to do so."

"Some rapper, I got it. And thanks for helping out, man. Didn't think I would find another nice soul here. Only seemed to bump into bad apples, besides Eve that is. So you are alright." Jack smiled now and thanked him for being a nice sport.

"No problem. It's also nice to know that the new guy is not an arrogant prick." Kevin replied back.

"Arrogant? Why would anyone think like that?" Now Jack raised a brow again at the comment.

"Seriously? Dude, you got rumors running through campus already. The handsome devil with an expression of an aloft prince. And I heard you also talked back to our Principal. Daring, indeed."

"How the hell did that spread so fast? There were also only two people present with me at the time. And I am pretty sure Annie is not the gossip queen around here."

"Haha, who knows. But looks like some of it was the truth." Kevin chuckled lightly after hearing Jack being flabbergasted about him being a hot topic on the campus already.

Jack just sighed. "Just great. That is not exactly something I was eager about. At least I thought it would take a while longer for such things to go around. Well, doesn't matter. I guess I'll be going now. Thanks again. I'll see you around."

"You're welcome. And I hope so." Kevin smiled back.

After their conversation, Jack returned his empty plate and the not completely finished plate from Eve and started going to his next class after the break was over.