Thank You For The Meal, Milady


"Finally it is done!". I exclaimed as I finished proofreading my work. Who would've thought doing one document was this tiring. I laid my back in my chair and glanced at my work. I admit I got a little hysterical when I read that email but to think a company or rather a person could be that selfish. There's no way I'll agree to those conditions. I really don't want to believe Noel is behind those outrageous conditions. I appreciate new clients because it means we are doing a very good job and attracting partners but I value those clients who stayed despite some of our shortcomings. Doing favors is not my thing unless it is completely necessary, from my experience, it's very bad. It is the root of all worse things, better to avoid it than take a chance.

Anyway, I just have to print these documents, sign them, and have Mr. Walter sign them tomorrow, then off it goes to Wolfeland Industries. Their CEO is giving me that arrogant aura but at least he gave me a chance to explain my sentiments. I hope these are enough and amendments will be done. I packed up and left our office. Wondering where is Ebony? She actually clocked out early. Her sister got in a little accident and she was needed by the hospital. She wished she could bring me along because of what happened yesterday but again I assured her that I'll be fine. This time, I won't stop for anything else and just go home. But the universe seemed to go against it again.

As I was walking to a streetcar stop, I overheard a commotion. I got curious so I checked it out. Apparently, one of the staff from a convenience store caught thieves but they aren't just that, they're kids!

"Let go of me, you old geezer!" One of them, a boy yelled at their captor while the other, a girl who was obviously younger than the boy, was crying non-stop. They're no older than 12 year-olds.

"What did you say, boy?", the man clearly pissed at the boy then yelled at the girl, "Shut up, stop crying!". Which only worsened her cry.

"You leave my sister alone! You bastard!". The boy then started kicking the man which made him grit in pain.

"Ouch! Why you little...", the man then pushed the girl away and motioned to hit the boy. I couldn't bear it so I shouted, "STOP!".

They both stopped and looked in my direction. The little girl then ran to me and pleaded, "Big sister, please save my brother!". She was crying so bad, her words combined with her tears. I patted her head and tried smiling to calm her down.

"I'm sorry ma'am, but this doesn't concern you. Please stay out of it." The man said justifying what he is about to do.

"Are you serious? They're just kids.".

"But they're thieves!", he pointed out to me. There was also anger in his voice. The little girl's crying grew louder and passers-by started to glance at us which made the man even more agitated, "Shut the fuck up!- ".

"Fine! Fine!" I interrupted him. Him being this angry, I can't negotiate so I thought of the most obvious action, "I'll just pay whatever they took, okay?".

"You'll pay for it?", He started to calm down a bit while I nodded as a response. He paused for a few seconds then slowly held down the boy and released him. The boy suddenly kicked his knee and ran towards his sister. She was still crying but he held her and comforted her. Then the man groaned and tried to get closer to the children but I came in between. He made a 'tsk' sound and walked towards the store, "Pay inside.".

After I paid for the 'stolen' goods which were just a pack of bread and one bottle of milk. I treated the children to a proper dinner. Poor kids, they seemed to haven't eaten for days. The boy is already on his fourth plate of chicken and potatoes while his sister is on her third plate of meatball spaghetti. I already finished my meal and just watched them.

The boy somehow noticed me then put down his utensil and tapped his sister who did the same. "Oh no, carry on eating, it's my treat.". The little girl flashed her excited smile and resumed eating.


"But she said it's ok.".

A smile creeps out of me as I watch the siblings quarrel, they remind me of my siblings back home when we were younger. The boy is still a bit hesitant so I told them, "It's fine, eat as much as you like.". He briefly looked at me then resumed eating.

After finishing his meal, he took a tissue and wiped the sauce on his sister's face. Aww, such a sweet brother. Then he looked at me then gave me a short bow, "Thank you for the meal, Milady." The bow was unexpected but the 'Milady'...

"Uh, you're welcome," It was kind of awkward being called Milady, "So um, are you two lost? Where are your parents?".

"They're not with us anymore." He answered while tidying up his sister, "They were killed last month.". He looked at me with blank eyes. Did he say killed? It got curious but I don't really want to impose.

"I'm sorry," I felt pity for them, "Is-is there anyone who takes care of you two?". The girl then proudly exclaimed, "Markus!". Oh, that's great, they do have a guardian.

"Our older brother..." But somehow the boy looked sadder, "Though he can't now..." The two went silent. The girl lost her appetite and was on the verge of crying again. Something must've happened. I don't want them to be any sadder so I decided not to press on anymore.

"I see... anyway, what are your names? I haven't gotten the chance to ask earlier, my name's Jenny.".

"I am Clay and this is Chloe". He introduced themselves then he stood up, "We thank you Milady but we must get going now.".

"Oh, where to?" I couldn't resist not asking, I'm a little worried for these kids.

"Wherever our feet take us, we'll figure it out".

"What? In the middle of the night?" He nodded as if he knows what they are doing. I can't let these kids out in the streets at night, anything could happen. "I don't think that's a good idea, um, why don't you guys stay with me for the night?" I suggested. He just tilted his head like a puppy, maybe thinking why I said that. "I, um, not really comfortable letting you kids go by this hour, bad people may take advantage of you," The boy just stares at me, "Anyway, Chloe looks tired, YOU look tired, both of you should rest." Clay looked at his sister who was yawning, he then return his eyes to me. He seemed hesitant, well, who wouldn't be, some stranger offers them a place to stay. It is not a common thing. "Just for tonight, in the morning you two can go whenever you want.". I tried my best to convince him, he is indecisive until I said, "It's safer that way...".

He glanced again at his tired sister then he finally said "Okay Milady," I smiled at his decision, "Until morning then.".