Rolling Together


Yes, this brat is our Alpha King. Our previous Alpha King died of illness and though his only son was only 18 at that time, it was agreed to have him take the throne. Many Alphas didn't take it well that their new King is much younger than them and had caused a rift between packs. However, Kaleb instantly shut their mouths when he demonstrated his dominance over them. Even though he just came into maturity when he turned 18, he's a force to be reckoned with. At such a young age, he had almost surpassed the previous king's power. And in just two years after his coronation, he completely swayed every pack and gained their loyalty; even built his own council namely 'The High Council' to oversee all that is under his command.

I paused for a minute but then decided that it was no use in keeping it a secret. "Yes, she is… So, if you would be so kind to leave –".

"Nope." His response nearly popped a vein in my head. "She's interesting and the fact that she's just a human makes things even more fun.".

"Kaleb –". Kyle wanted to say something but Kaleb interrupted him yet again, "I know, I know… It's the Goddess' will. I respect the mate bond and the boundaries that come with it.". Okay, he seems to have the decency even with that attitude of his. Then he turned to me and smirked again, "But it doesn't mean I can't play and have some fun with her.".

I take it back; this brat has no decency at all! My wolf is angered and I nearly transformed and tackled him if not for Kyle who blocked my way. 'Calm down, Noel.'.

"Hah! What a nice reaction!".

"Kaleb, you may be our Alpha King but I can't guarantee your safety if you keep on messing with my brother.".

"Heh…" This brat didn't even flinch, Kyle is displaying his Alpha presence but it seems nothing to him. "Tch. Fine, fine…". The brat shrugged his shoulders like he doesn't care. Eventually, my wolf had calm down and so was I but I can't still look at the brat, it makes my blood boil whenever I see his face and remember what he just said about my mate. Our meeting went on like that and I never let myself see him face to face.

After work, I did take Jenny to dinner but this time, she insisted on dining at a more casual restaurant. Though everything's going well, my mind is flying elsewhere. I can't help to think about what that brat had said. I can't let my guard down, not even for a second. That brat is eyeing my mate and I don't care if he is our Alpha King, if he ever touches my mate, I'll rip his throat out and –

"Hey, are sure you're alright?", Jenny's sweet voice echoed through my ears. I then felt guilty for making her worried like this.

"Yes I am. Sorry about spacing out.". I flashed her a smile, hoping it will ease her worries. She seemed unconvinced but resumed eating. "Did I give a very bad impression to your shareholder?". Her tone was very low and worried.

"To our what…?".

"Your shareholder, you know, that young man that I scolded at the reception hall.". Oh him. I kind of introduced Kaleb as a shareholder because of what had happened. Johnny informed me about it while Jenny shared it with me. And if I may say, my mate is a brave woman, standing up against injustice is admirable, especially in these times. I held her hand and assured her, "No, you didn't. In fact, he admired your gesture.". And even gained his interest which I very much hate at the moment.

"Really…? Though it doesn't feel like it.". I can see the worry in her eyes and I don't like it, so I thought of a way to cheer her up. I finished up my meal and then asked for the bill. Jenny got confused and asked, "Are we going home already?".

"No. There's this place I want to take you to.".

"Oh, okay…".

As we got into the place, Jenny looked at me like I told her a funny joke. She was smiling at me while asking, "Roller Rink…? Really…?".

"Yeah. It's like cycling but without the bike.". I teased her to which she just chuckled. "C'mon, it'll be fun. Plus, it's a good way to burn those calories that we ate.".

"No, I think I'll pass. I don't even know how to roller skate.".

"I'll teach you.".

"No… No, it'll be embarrassing if I suddenly slip then fall.".

"Don't worry, it'll be just the two of us.". Jenny then stared at me for a few seconds before asking, "What?". I stood in front of her and whispered, "I've rented the whole rink for the next two hours. And if you will ever fall… you'll fall on me.".

As I straighten up, I can see her getting red. I grinned and held my hand out to her, "Let's roll…?". She briefly bit her lower lip before nodding and giving her hand to me.

We went inside the roller rink and boy, it's wide. It's more than enough for both of us. I put on my roller skate and then helped Jenny put on hers. She looks really nervous. I thought that giving her a kiss on her forehead will make her calmer but instead, she just got even redder. I laughed at her while she lightly hit me out of shyness.

"Don't you dare let go of me, you hear?!" Jenny whined at me as we started to roll into the rink. I was in front of her as I held both of her hands. "Don't worry, you're doing great.". Slowly, we rolled around the rink, though still a bit nervous I think she was having fun. In an attempt to show her that she can do it, I intentionally let her go but the moment I did, she panicked and was about to fall. Luckily, I caught her in my arms in time, hugging her in the process.

We stopped in the middle of the rink with her face and palms on my chest. After a few seconds of silence and regret, I tried to speak to her. "I'm sorry –".

"I told you not to let go of me!". She glared at me with teary eyes and light hit my chest. "You scared me!". I felt guilty, I just wanted to encourage her instead she got scared. I held her closer to me and apologized, "I'm sorry, Jenny… I just wanted you to see that you can do it but instead it backfired.". I loosen my hug and then caress her left cheek, "But I caught you, you know I always will.".

Looking deep into her eyes, her beautiful eyes, I am dazzled. I took a glance at her sweet lips and gestured for it. I slowly leaned in and when Jenny didn't swerve her face, I took it as permission to get closer. I know we've been waiting for this moment.

That is until my phone rang across the roller rink.