Dreams has come True?

Irene's PoV

As the hand on my shoulder started panicking me, I am shit scared to even turn back. If it's anyone from the family I will be chopped into pieces.

With sweat beads dancing on my forehead, I turned to face them and my eyebrows thinned trying to guess who the people are, there are two men whom I never saw.

Maybe they are some new staff or other, I don't know more than half of them. As I was busy trying to deduce who they are, one of them pulled my hand harshly, I saw the other pulling out an injection as I tried to wriggle, I already felt the needle piercing my skin.

Liquid travelled to the whole of my body within a second and I felt the ugly taste on my tongue before my whole body went numb and my pupils dilated.


My head was bursting with unbearable pain, my lashes continuously refusing to adjust with the strong sunlight falling right to my pupils.

But forcing hard, I opened my eyes only to realize that I was directly under the Sun and the loud voice of the engine hitting my ears.

I instantly raked my eyes around and realized that I was lying over the big comfortable C-backed chair in a big cruise type ship.

I looked either sides and find none. The first thing I checked was the situation of my clothes, they are intact and I have a duvet over me. So my virginity is safe!!

I ordered my brain to process the events that took place from the start and all I could remember is two strong men injecting a liquid, piercing it into my arm making me pass out. It was night at home and now Sun is out, so it's been more than half the day I have been… Kidnapped??

What the hell!!!

I still felt my left arm numb, I rubbed over the injected area trying to stand up. Balancing myself, I put the soft duvet around my body and walked towards the railing.

Am I all alone in here? My heart was scared to death as I saw how long the ship is, it is a white cruise fully furnished. It's exactly like the cruise I saw in the movie Titanic.

Will this sink too?? Finding myself all alone in the huge ship in the middle of an ocean, moving at full speed I kind of felt soo good.

I felt so thrilled by the fact that I can see the Sun directly, the air is blowing at high speed messed up all my hair.

All I could see was the never ending sea, the waters are forming balloons due to the speed.

I really don't want to think about who they are or where they are taking me. I didn't feel I even have any reason to feel worried about. This looked like the freedom, I always wished for.

I threw the duvet inside the room and stood by the railing inhaling all the breath. Though I was unable to adjust to the sunlight, I felt good.

"Ohh, she woke up" hearing someone speak, I turned back, as the same two men who kidnapped me the previous night approached me.

They looked so strong like I literally felt like a Lilliput as they stood close to me.

"How do you feel?" one of them quizzed and I let out a sigh of relief as they speak the language I understand. But will they understand the language I speak? Hell No!

I blinked my eyes. They looked at one another but didn't say anything back.

"Go and wash your face, it's past noon. You need to eat something" one of them ordered.

It's past noon? Ohh God, so it must be more than 17 hours or so, I have been missing from my house and living on this boat. Will my family be worried? Would they have even observed my absence from the place?? I don't think so.

I walked in the direction, they guided me to and surprisingly I saw all the toiletries ready, they all are new. I quickly got done with my cleaning and brushing. I just washed away all the disheveled makeup and cleaned my underarms as I couldn't take a bathe.

I have nothing to wear other than this gown. They served me a sandwich and a huge glass of orange juice, as my stomach was growling exempting food since the previous night I quickly gulped it surprising them.

The sandwich is soo soo yummy, like really yummy. I rarely get to eat such yummy things all I get is some nutritious diet that helps me keep up my shape.

I smiled wide at them as my tummy is full and they looked shocked. I got up and cleaned the place, they took the plates from my hands, and after a hell lot of travel by the time, the rays of the sun reduced as the hues of dark started forming on the sky.

I loved every bit of my travel, I have never travelled this far and with this amount of freedom. It doesn't feel like I am Kidnapped, it feels like I am finally on a path to my freedom.

I have no idea whoever is doing this, but once I meet him, I am going to thank him and will ask him if he can help me build a life for myself.

"We have reached" I heard them yell. I looked at the land they have pointed and it's in the middle of the Ocean.

"Should we inject her?" I heard the one ask.

I quickly got up and nodded my head in no, following them.

"She is really helpful," one of them said to the other, showing his ten inch smile.

I carefully stepped out from the cruise holding the railing. They led me through big trees, the place looked like a dense forest.

The land surrounded by water on the four sides is called as an Island, I learned this while I was in my third standard and now it helped me to realize I was on an island, and even the thought of being there excited me.

There was a Car waiting as we walked a little further. I sat in the middle of the two men and the driver took us through the uneven roads made in between the dense forest.

The roller coaster ride through the tall trees, which I couldn't look even tilting my head in sharp 180 degrees made the two men look at me as if I was insane.

Honestly, my heart was racing insanely and I was excited, everything before my eyes caught my attention and I felt like my dreams have finally came true!