A Whole New World

Irene's PoV

After a roller coaster ride of more than an hour, we reached a big gate. I saw a big Villa, like really big. Even a thousand would easily live in it.

The guards pushed the door open as the driver drove inside. My eyes went up and down in shock as I saw the collection of most exotic and luxurious cars parked there.

Of course, I do know them; though I rarely went out every time we stepped out it's only in the limos and exotic collection.

After driving two stairs down, we stepped out and I was guided to the lift. Everything is exciting me, I know something is going wrong but it's okay to feel better right? After all, my dreams came true!

"Five" I heard one mutter and before the other could punch the button I pressed it and passed them a wide smile as they looked at me as if I have gone insane.

My lower lip hung in shock as I laid my eyes on the most luxurious and lavish place I have ever seen, it is literally a thousand times lavish than our mansion back there.

The warm lighting aided my frosted body, my steps slowed down as I grasped every detail of the place I am in.

"Fast" with the shriek my feet rain in their direction. Most of the interior is brown in colour. The best thing about this Villa is Sun is barging inside from every possible direction and as we stepped near a big couch, my heart started going merry looking at the things. Everything looked so new to me.

The giants walking beside me closed a door all of a sudden and the room turned dim, scaring me. I looked around and found a creepy painting on the wall. I drew better than that while I was 7.

"This way" they led me. I walked galleries after galleries. There were men everywhere. Literally a man standing stiff was found for every 10 meters or so.

Is the entry of women kind of refrained to this place?

I was led to a rectangular table.

One, two, there…. Umm total of a twenty or odd members sat around the table dressed in formal wear.

"She is here" the men who brought me all the way muttered as their gaze pierced at me.

Well, what am I supposed to do? Should I bow or something?

Everyone who looked at me as if they were about to eat me, turned back seeing someone walk in my direction. The whole room turned pin drop silence as he walked.

As he walked in his custom tailored suit, with his gaze piercing me into two halves all I could smell is arrogance in the air. Every inch of him reflected dominance as my head just ended where his neck started.

Arghh… I wish I had done pull ups.

"Bring those papers" rough.. he sounded so rough, shoving hands into his pockets.

What papers? Am I supposed to give some examination? Umm.. how should I tell them that it's been 10 years since my education was stopped and I barely know anything.

One man brought some papers with him and with one wave this man opposite me signaled the men to leave and within a few seconds, only 10 members were present in the room, including me and I was the only girl.

He signaled me to follow him and I obeyed, that's what all I know right? Obeying to what others say.

He stood beside me, placing the papers on the brown oak table.

"Sign it" his whisper sent shrills all through my body, I stuttered as I felt too intimidated as she leaned on the table pretty close to me.

I looked up at him in surprise, what is that? What am I supposed to sign?

I shook my head against not knowing what to do.

"Do this, before you regret defying me" he hissed. I shivered in fear looking at his face that closely to me.

His aura scared me, I don't know what to say and do. All I have is barely 345$ and that too I have saved in my piggy bank, hiding it from everyone in my bathroom. I don't even know whether this place accepts the denomination.

I shook my head in urgency.

"Why ain't she speaking?" the man asked the two giant men who brought me.

"She has not uttered a word throughout the travel" one of them replied.

"Well trained" he added with a smirk.

In what? I wanted to ask.

"She needs the right lesson" grabbing my arms he dragged me. I wanted to shout, as he dragged me like garbage. I kept punching him using all my power only to see him laughing off at me.

I looked at him with anger and all I saw is they laughing at my expense. Dragging me inside the elevator, they pressed the button. I was packed with men.

The elevator pinged as we all reached the floor, I was dragged by two guards. I was so excited all the way but this looks a million times worse than the prison in my home.

The floor looked aesthetic. The walls with chocolate color contrasting with hues of peach. The Chandelier was dim, the strong man who ordered me to sign held my hand so strong. I could feel marks of his fingers over my skin with the grip he has on me.

Dragging me past galleries, he pushed a door open. There was this big dim room. The interior was pure white and there were full walls of windows painted with golden pink blooms.

I could see the whole island we have travelled to reach the Villa from the glass windows. He dragged me and entered another adjoining room and all I could see is books… millions of books… never ending books.

We crossed the gallery of bookshelves and my sight fell on the huge peanut brown couch. Someone sat on the couch, looking outside the window.

"Boss," the man who dragged me until here called out and my mouth hung in shock.

What the hell? Ain't he the main man? If he could get that amount of respect and hold the power to command, what can the man whom he called as Boss can do?

Even the imagination scared me!!