The Wrong One

Irene's PoV

The personality that walked towards me screamed an aura of power, his eyes demanded it.

"Welcome Princess" his voice was so straight, deep, and dangerous. I think I am going to pee here.

He has green eyes and as I looked deep into them, I found my body going through several emotions. I already started feeling weak all through my knees.

He was taller than this man who dragged me, with long legs and thick hair. He is in his black shirt with rolled sleeves and messy hair. His nose is sharp as if it could cut an apple into two halves.

"Well if you are done checking me out, let's jump into the important work, what say?" all I can hear is sarcasm dripping out of his voice and I am embarrassed to the hell.

Okay, dear mother earth, I know I am not so good or other but if you could just open up and eat me alive it would be a great help to me rather than standing here looking at his cocky grin.

"Boss, she has been doing a lot of drama, not speaking a word. She is not signing the property papers" the one who dragged me all the way here as if I was a pile of garbage informed.

What property? I don't know I have any property.

He inserted his hands in his pockets and his smile broadened and somehow it's scaring me more.

"Papers" he forwarded his hand and the one who dragged me put that in his hands.

His face is stiff as he observed me from top to bottom and all of a sudden I wished I could have bathed, I am almost stinking. My heartbeat went insane as he glared at me in a different way. My knees condition went from worse to beyond worse.

I tilted my head backwards a little only to find that I was the only human here and all the three men, including the person eyeing me, is a beast and they are going to feast upon me.

"You are perfectly trained, better than I heard" his voice scared me to hell and I couldn't understand what he meant by trained.

I couldn't ask because I am sure they won't get my language like any other.

"Boss, she is better than we predicted. Our butlers have informed that she enjoyed throughout the voyage and have been watching everything as if grabbing the details and all" the beast man who dragged me here informed his Boss who has been looking at me with his stoic expression.

If he had not said the few words I got to hear from him, by now I must have thought he too is mute, just like me.

"Miss" His long fingers slowly touched my chin and oh my lord, I felt sparks run through me. I have felt soo odd yet so satisfying. What's the matter with me?

A shiver ran down my spine as his fingers moved to the edges of my lips forcing me o shut my eyes and breathe in all the exotic pleasure.

I blinked nervously as he opened his mouth, trying to have a hold on my emotions.

"Your family has done enough yet we never came in our way but the West is ours, you clearly know that, and how dare you try establishing your rule over it forcing a relationship with Hayley Genovese. It has been learned that you are the reason the Genovese who shivered hearing to us backstabbed us and how dare you end the life of my father?" he screamed.

I ended the life of his father? What the hell is he even saying? I don't even remember killing a mosquito.

Okay, that's because my room's door is always closed and always sprayed with every type of disinfectant.

"Sign it and transfer the property that rightfully is ours to me and I will leave you" he sounded so dangerous..

His fire spitting eyes conveyed how much he hates me, but why?? What the hell is he even speaking about.

"Sign it" he ordered one more time pushing the papers to me.

I stood still unable to get what he wants from me.

"Rule No 1, Never ever try defying my orders" his hands instantly gripped my neck in a dangerous hold and he put his Gun on my forehead, his finger very close to the Trigger.

Looking at the Gun in his hand, a relieved smile made to my lips. After all, he is going to gift me eternal liberty. Ain't this the permanent liberty we all are going to get at one time or the other.

"Why the hell are you smiling, do you think this is some joke Iril Ranallo?" he growled.

Realization dawned upon me, hearing him speak.

How the hell am I supposed to say that they have kidnapped me than my sister?

"Speak up Goddammit" He screamed scaring the shit out of me.

I sucked on my lips as my throat turned dry, moving my fingers towards my throat I signaled him that I was mute.

His eyebrows turned into a thin line and immense shock was evident when he shrieked… "What the Fu...."

His dangerous eyes scared me to hell as he looked at me spitting fire.

I can't understand how they could have brought me here instead of Iril. Though we are twins not in one way does we look similar.

There is no resemblance of any sort between us, neither in the way, we look nor does our behaviour or others.

We are worlds apart, while she has honey eyes, short curls that ended near her shoulders with absolutely perfect curves, she looks almost like a heroine out of movies, I look plain.

With normal black pupils, straight hair that reaches almost my hip, and no curves at all. I don't have a perfect body, I never did even try to maintain it, if not for the regular die or other compulsory orders to work out, I must have looked like a fat zombie.

Now I look like a regular zombie. However, this man opposite to me looks plainly defeated and now he caught my neck again in his grip.