Clean and Green

Irene's PoV:

"No worries dear, feel free" the elderly woman who introduced herself as Marie Warla smiled assuringly.

I felt too odd to go naked in front of her. I felt insanely weak, I couldn't even walk by myself but that doesn't mean I could take help from her in bathing.

No one ever saw me naked ever, after a certain age. Not even my mother looked at my naked form, even during the medical tests I wore a thin robe.

I shook my head against trying to convey her that I could take bath myself.

"Oh come on dear; just think me as your mother" she assuringly rubbed her palm with that of mine.

Being a little too emotional being, my eyes welled up hearing her words. Even my mother never spoke to me that tenderly.

"Why are you tearing up?" Marie looked closely at me.

This is what I absolutely detest in me, I mastered in hiding emotions or expressing what I think on my face but when it comes to anyone showing me affection, I get too emotional.

Shelly has warned me that it's not right to fall weak, but I keep falling to love. I wanted to be loved and cherished, at least a bit.

I stopped her from zipping my dress open and nodded my head against.

"You are too weak dear Irene, Zach wants you to regain your health, let me help you or else I will have to call Zach" she said.

It sounded like an order, but hearing his name was enough for a tremor to pass through my body. Every damn thing about him scared the shit out of me.

Having no option left, I looked down letting Marie help me. I held the glass door tightly as Marie zipped down my gown, within seconds I was just in my panties and the bra.

I felt too naked, even with the heater on, I felt very weird. I averted my eyes from Marie.

"The tub is ready, I will be just waiting for you outside the door, call me if you want anything" Marie added.

I felt immensely happy as Marie sensed my discomfort. I nodded my head and stood still until Marie left the huge bathroom, shutting the door close.

A sigh escaped my lips as I saw her walk away, getting rid of my undergarments, I put them in the basket.

As I stepped inside the tub, lukewarm water hit every inch of my body. I felt utterly weak as my body slowly slipped inside the bubbled water.

I could feel all good, but my blocked nose refused to help me with the smell. I couldn't smell what it is, but my body felt relaxed.

I squeezed the shampoo and washed my hair, though I am heavy with cold as my hair's smell is representing the Sea I voyage.

As I kept shampooing my hair, my fingers took a lot more time to get rid of the dirt. A sudden horror strike me.

What am I going to wear? I don't have any dress. What will I be wearing?

That was enough to scare the shit out of me, sudden panic rose in my heart. I remembered Marie asking to call her and I nodded.

Damn it Irene, where do you lose your brain? How can you call? You are mute. I looked around and found everything beautiful even in the bathroom. It looks like it has been carefully designed.

Quickly washing off my hair and cleaning my body a whole three times with the body wash to get rid of the pungent smell, I pressed the button that helped flush out all the dirty water and I took the hand shower into my hand.

My breasts had the strap marks of the bra as I have been with them for the whole three days, I completed washing myself and stepped out of the tub. I felt shy to look into the life-size mirror.

Why the hell is a life-size mirror placed in the bathroom? Who wants to look at their naked forms? If they want to, all they need to do is look down, why mirror?

My question was unanswered. I looked everywhere squeezing my hair, trying to get rid of water and in the wooden cabinet, I found neatly rolled towers, and I was utterly happy after lots of time.

Wiping my body dry, I looked for a bathrobe or something.

Looks like luck is not dancing in my favour as always and I put on the towel trying to conceal my body as much as possible, but the towel just covered my breasts and reached a little below my thighs.

I stepped out of the bathroom scanning for Marie and I found her nowhere, the room looked soo big. I felt immensely petrified, I can't stand here in this way. What if one of those beasts catch me like this?

The thought scared me like no other and I walked in the direction, I could see searching every possible inch for Marie. The room looked endless and dark as I kept walking.

Doesn't this place have any stopping point? My damp hair stuck to my body and the water dripped inside my towel started tickling me.

I couldn't find Marie or any human, all I could see is endless space and I entered another room.

Every inch of the room breathed perfection, the walls painted with the mix of grey and Magento hues looked elegant.

"What are you doing here?" that voice startled me.

I know who is the owner of that rough voice, I looked down at myself and the towel barely covered my modesty.

I gulped as I heard footsteps and the air around turned unbearable as I could feel a strong presence.

My breath hitched in my throat as my legs turned insanely jelly. My mind is refusing to help me in any way.

I felt something over my shoulders and I saw a black blazer over my shoulders. I felt instant gratification for this mafia man and didn't feel he is as cruel as I thought. I quickly put my hands inside the coat and buttoned that around my body.

The blazer reached above my knees and the coat was soo loose that one more could easily fit inside it.

"Your room is that way" I heard him say and slowly turned back without trying to look at him.

With my mind going hazy, my feet tripped and I shut my eyes in fear.