Bodily Adventures

Irene's PoV:

My mind went insane and I could barely catch my breath, my whole body trembled as his strong hands held me tightly without letting me fall.

He lowered his face and my throat dried, except the towel barely hiding me I am totally naked. I felt extremely sensitive as his hands refused to leave me.

He looked into my eyes, unlike earlier when his looks could kill me, now they made me insane. His fingers securely held my waist. I felt like I would pass away anytime soon.

The air around touching me at times raced my heartbeat. I could hear the noise of breaths suddenly audible around. His fingers tickled the sides of my waist.

I tried to pull back as my breathing went berserk, but his grip tightened and his fingers trailed down my waist.. dangerously down. My cheeks turned warm, I could see his lips trembling…

Wait… is he feeling the same way I am feeling? Why is he not leaving me? How long is he planning to torture me?

"Are you trying to tempt me Irene Ranallo?" his hoarse voice, sent shivers all over my body.

Damn it! What is wrong with me??

I looked up into his eyes, why would I even think to tempt him, and what is even tempting about me?

I nodded my head left to right and then right to left.

"Then what brought you into my room draping yourself in this towel, are you trying to play dirty games with me?" he roared.

I instantly trembled and even felt disgusted for myself. Of course, he hates my family, this is how he will be thinking. Moreover, I am barely wearing anything.

I blinked timidly, what else am I supposed to wear? I don't have any dress to wear.

His thumb traced the edges of my lower lip in slow motion, I could hear my heartbeat clearly as his fingers moved towards my neck. His fingers slipped into my damp hair.

He lightly moved them away from my shoulders and now his fingers danced over my wet shoulder. I have started feeling all those things I never felt in my whole life.

His hot, fiery touch sending shivers down my spine. His hand dangerously moved down to the south, slipping towards my wet south. I gasp surprised at how he is not flinching doing all these weird things.

His fingers stopped moving near my thighs.

"What are these scars Irene?" his hoarse voice resounded in my ears.

I met his peach pearly eyes. How can I be soo foolish? With this towel barely covering my body all those wounds I try to hide will be clearly visible. Now he will get one more thing to rule over me.

A lone tear slipped out of my eyes as my mind flashed how my body was slammed against the wall and how things were forced upon me. I squeezed my eyes shut as I couldn't stop the stream of tears anymore as I observed how his eyes stared at every scar of mine.

Zach Accardo is known for his ruthlessness, leader of the Mafia. Even my father despised him, from his words I understood how he could be cold and callous. My father is not someone who judges people easily, but if he had made an opinion it will be a thousand percent true.

But now with this man whom my father called names and said ruthless looking at my scars with empathy, the emotion I was never used to, either I was used to pitiful looks or else disgust. This kind of empathy is new to me.

His fingers started moving on my scars.

"What are these Irene?" his voice demanded.

I was extremely nervous and my mind displayed all those things I want to forget. Before I know anything, I could feel my head spinning.

"Irene, what is happening? Are you okay?" I heard his worried voice as my eyes refused to stay awake.

"Irene…. Keep your eyes open" I felt him patting my cheeks and the last thing I could remember is his face close to mine.


Zach's PoV:

"Ricco call the doctor ASAP," I screamed on the call.

What is the matter with this girl? She dared to walk past all the way to my room barely dressed, wrapping herself in a towel.

It's not any new to me, I know how these people are, they train their girls either to be ruthless assassins or the sultry seductress.

Ranallo's are hailed for being the worst and the way they have ruined not just my life but also millions is something I can never forget. Iril Ranallo was the person who tried challenging and playing with me even when we didn't intend to.

I never give any shit to what they do, but these Ranallo's screwed my life, backstabbed my father. I loathe them. However, this girl was different, somehow I couldn't feel she must be trained to be a seductress.

But the way she walked into my room put me off guard, how could the same girl who looked soo innocent walk inside like a bomb? Ain't she unhealthy?? She acted as if she is petrified hearing my voice.

Nevertheless the minute I held her close, she started trembling, her whole body had tremors. Her damp hair stuck to her glistening body, her trembling lips, her doe like eyes refused to let me believe she could be trained to be a seductress who can go any extent to bed people and get things done.

It's not her glowing wet skin that caught my attention, she have scars on her body. They were like wounds, old wounds that refused to merge in the skin. Dark patches over the upper curve of her breasts, near her thighs.

She shredded as I touched them, her eyes started watering and I couldn't help but connect her wounds with that of mine. Does they have something to say? Am I wrong about this girl? What is even her motive??

"Boss" I heard a knock on the door.

Quickly getting her dressed in an overcoat, I pulled the duvet over her before the Doctor could check her.