A Pawn??

Zach's PoV:

"Why did she take a bath in this condition? Didn't I suggest complete bed rest for her? Her Hemoglobin count is worse and she is pretty weak" our Doctor roared checking Irene who is looking pretty much peaceful in her sleep.

I was the one who prompted her to take a bath as she was stinking, how would I have an idea she would go unconscious just being close to me?

Though her innocent eyes were sincere about what she was saying, I couldn't completely believe in her. She is the daughter of that damn Ranallo family, the foxes who train their people to be the best.

Elif briefed me how she enjoyed her voyage to my place, he was stunned at this girl who threw no tantrums. She looks so intimidated by everything and she couldn't even read. I mean how is that even possible? What if she is pulling an act?

"Doctor Scrochel, look after her" I briefed.

"Shall we shift her?" one of my under associates present outside my room quizzed.

"Let her be" I exit the room ordering them.

"Elif, assemble the Capodesina, Capo Crimine, and others in the meeting room" I ordered.

"Yes Boss" obeying my order, Elif rang the intercom that connects all of us.

Why does she have scars on her body? Why did she tremble in fear as I quizzed about them? She is the daughter of Ranallo's, she is supposed to be a Princess, who dared to give her scars??

"Boss, we are good to go" Elif informed.

We entered the elevator that took us directly to the meeting lounge.

"Greetings Capofamiglia (Boss)" they bowed to me as I walked inside the room.

I nodded taking the main chair, once I sat others followed the suit.

"Onar, any developments?" I quizzed him straight.

"None Boss" he replied instantly.

"How the hell is that possible? It's been five damn days their daughter has gone missing and they are not doing anything about that? Are you sure about the information?" I roared.

"Absolutely Boss. Our detectives are scrutinizing everyone, there is no change in the activities of the Ranallo family. Not even a word about this girl, everything is going smooth. There were absolutely no changes or questions" he answered.

"Darren, would you mind saying something on this?" I asked my Consigliere, he is the one who comes up with the best ideas at times.

"I think they are not worried about this girl. They didn't even call for an investigation or any threat notes. Moreover, they are celebrating the union with the Genovese family. So they must either be happy about this girl going away or.." he stretched.

"Or??" I hissed.

"Or she could be a mole" Darren stated.

"What the hell???" I was surprised at the way I shrieked.

"There could be a possibility Capo" Darren shrugged.

"We got her tests done and the specialists have cleared that she is mute, she couldn't shriek when we threw lighter at her, she is mute for heaven's sake and how can you deduce that she could be a mole?" I roared.

"We see no developments from Ranallo's side for searching her whereabouts, none in the world know the existence of another daughter of Damian Ranallo, why is she hidden? They won't do anything without a hidden motive, so we need to be alert with her" Darren briefed.

He did make sense if there is one thing that we are refrained from doing is 'trust'. The word trust is something I refuse to do, they say trust is the foundation of any relationship but if you ask me trust makes a person weak, once you trust in someone all you would be greeted with is betrayal or backstabbing.

However, with that girl piercing me with her innocent eyes, that kind of eyes I couldn't meet anywhere these days in this selfish world demanded my trust and I expressed my trust in her.

Her eyes widened with my mere mention of the word trust, the girl who looked lifeless until then got rejuvenated hearing my words. Somehow I couldn't doubt her.

"Boss, what do you say?? What should we do with her?" Matteo, my right wing man questioned.

"Our initial plan was to send her back once she gets right, but losing her is not a good idea at least when we have no clarity over anything. We don't know the reason for the Ranallo's being careless about their daughter, we know they care for none but why are they being the same with their daughter? Does this girl have something to do? We need to find that out" I said.

"How?? How are we going to do that?" Darren quizzed.

"Ranallo's not making any move is something suspicious, but hiding this from the world is no use to us nor them. They might not care doing anything if things are hidden, but what if it comes out to the broad light that the so-called great Mafia family of all time couldn't either save their own Princess?" I smirked as I spoke.

"Goodness Boss, this will give tremors to them as it would give signals to the whole world not just about their capabilities but also their carelessness" exclaimed Darren.

"Not just that, if the news comes out fear will surround Ranallo's and in order to save their pride and honour they will come down to discuss and that would be the right time, I will make them have the taste of their own medicine" I hissed.

Only I knew the amount of pain the Ranallo family gave to many including that of me. They won't ever be spared in my hands.

"Our mettle will be proved to those who doubt our capabilities and the world will get to know who the real Don is" smirked Matteo.

"I will make sure every single person of that Ranallo family repents for what they have done" I roared.

"Such a fun it would be, turning up their own scared cat against the pack of wolves. That little bitch would be our pawn," laughed Matteo.

"Mind your tongue then and there Matteo. Respect… dare you take her name without respect. She is not any pawn to be played with… she is our power, just like the Queen in Chess, who is here to make us rule"