Distances & Differences

There will be times, when we know what exactly we shouldn't be doing, we know that doing them will lead to unwanted consequences, we know what all could happen if we just do that, and even after knowing all of those we get drawn to attempt them.

And exactly the same has happened to me, as much as I wanted to be distant from her, no way I wanted to make an impression that I am feeling something different for her, which I didn't ever feel for anyone.

All my hard work went in vain as I saw her in pain. Yes, I did want to comfort her, but why the heck did I even kiss her? What message am I spreading with my actions?

She has gone through things that are beyond dreadful and I choose to give her a kiss, falling prey to my subconscious that overpowered me to jump in and do things.

What did just came over me? I felt my self-restraint slipping away and committed the blunder. I am now feeling absolutely shit.