Addicted to you

"You are a drug" his whisper made me fist my hands into the bed.

I am feeling all those things I never knew even existed.

Why is he doing this to me? Why is he so close? I don't even know what to do to get over this sheer torture my soul is going through.

"I hate you soo very much" he repeated crashing me soo into him.

My hand slowly stroked his jet black hair, it's undeniably silky. He didn't offend or move. He leaned safely over my shoulders with his lips inches away from the nape of my neck.

I sincerely don't know what to say or speak to him. I just wanted to meet him, so I didn't take the tablets.

The door flung open and I looked at him walking to me, dressed in grey pants paired with burgundy coloured perfectly ironed shirt hugging his perfect chest, with his sleeved rolled to his elbows, he looked insanely gorgeous.

I leaned closer to the window, I felt utterly scared at his serious gaze cutting me into half.