Lube Water Slide

I opened my mouth and closed it. "Like the famous one," I asked.

"She is my great-great-grandmother; it was easier to visit the human world and even marry into the local nobility in her wild years," Lizzy said.

"What about the old bathing in virgin woman's blood? Did that happen?" I asked.

"I know you're curious, but I'm naked, covered in lube, and about ready to dig my way out," Lizzy said.

Instead of going for her front and getting clawed, I moved to her back. The view didn't disappoint. Her lube-soaked cunny clenched at me while the dot of her asshole twitched. "Stop admiring the view and help me," Lizzy yelled.

"You're so covered in lube it will be difficult to get a hold of you. Well, there is a way." I pressed my dick against her quivering lips. "Why don't I carry you hands-free?" I asked.

She looked back at me with a raised eyebrow. "You free-range humans have such odd sensibilities. Why would I say no to free dick?" Lizzy shook her rear at me and nearly fell over. "Do you know why people from your world say my ancestor bathed in virgin blood?"

I pressed into her impossibly tight cunny. She groaned as I opened her up until her quivering walls clenched tight. Something dripping felt different around my balls. I looked down to see a small trickle of blood. Lizzy had been a virgin, and I had taken her virginity in a dark mine shaft amidst a small pond of lube.

"If you tell anyone where I had my first time, I'll bite off your dick," Lizzy promised.

"Let me make sure I'm deep enough then." I pushed an extra inch inside of her spreading her lips further apart, earning a moan from the formerly virgin vampire. When I felt fully bottomed out, I pulled on her hips and leaned back, balancing the woman on my crotch. She balanced there, clenching down with all her might while I began to skate.

The lube had calmed down after I stopped dumping it all over the ground, and besides her cunny kegals, every time I turned, it was a quiet trip. Then as we approached, the mouth of the mineshaft lube poured down. I heard a rumbling as I skated upstream. Each bend of my knee caused her to shift, and as a waterfall of lube poured down the mine shaft, she clenched harder than ever. My cock throbbed in her vampire pussy, begging for a paralyzing release.

I knew for sure if I came and froze, the rushing rapids of lube would overtake us. As I traveled up the mineshaft, shifting rapids and splashing tunnels forced me to dodge. Every time I moved, she clenched and shifted. Her cunny clenched and undulated, and I felt myself throb in the pleasant telltale signs of a coming orgasm. This was dangerous as hell, and if we got swept away, Lizzy was sure to be pissed. I don't know if I stood a chance if we were both covered in lube.

As we traveled up the lube water slide, the rapids grew worse until we came upon a series of stone tablets engraved with the lube spell. There were 4 of them, and they belted out a monstrous amount of pressurized lube. I barely managed to skate above the rapids. However, the dungeon must be watching because two more appeared, and the pressure increased.

The whole time I was battling the lube pressure, Lizzy wiggled her hips and squeezed me tighter. I felt the sign right then that I didn't have much time. No amount of thinking about sports or math was going to stop the inevitable.

I raise my hand to blast the tablets. My mind felt like a wrench had been thrown into the gears. Focusing on forming a blast weakened my skating. But I didn't have time for that either. I hit fuck it and blasted. The sudden drop in lube pressure blasted me up through the waterfall and into the basement door.

She hit the ground first, crushing the ground with her knees while I pressed up inside her. Her wet vampire cunny sucked on me hard, and I squeezed her hips, braced my knees, and pressed harder. A moan escaped her lips as we pounded against each other. The stress from traveling up the waterfall of lube, Dani's death, and confronting Lizzy bled out of me.

I came deep into her before she bumped me off with her rear. Lizzy stood over me and smiled down with her fangs peaking through her upper lip. "That was close; we were almost swept away by the lube," Lizzy said.

"Yea, it was difficult, and my armor and the chest are still down there," I said.

She held up a key chain strapped to her wrist with a tiny version of the chest attached. Lizzy took the chest off and opened it. Within it sitting on a bed of gold was a pair of black earrings."

"A fine gift I have no more use for this dungeon. It's a shame about your armor, though." I reached forward and plunged my fingers into her cunny. Lizzy took my hand into hers and slowly pushed my fingers in deeper before pausing. "That is the spot." I rubbed at a cluster of nubs, and she shielded her neck before lifting her head and sighing.

Her soft sweet walls gripped and pressed my fingers against her favorite spot, and I moved my thumb to rub against her clit. Lizzy leaned in before freezing up. Her toes scraped hard against the ground, and her fangs lengthened a little. Her eyes glowed crimson with little yellow slits for irises.

I pulled my soaked and pruned fingers from her still twitching cunny. "I'm hungry again," Lizzy said.

"Try not to eat me, then I hear I'm a rare commodity," I said.

"We don't drain men of their blood; it's a waste. That's what human women and lesser monstergirls are for." Lizzy said.

"It's nice to know losing to a lube spell hasn't damaged your pride any," I said.

"Wow, one lucky break, and you're no longer scared of me. Should I change that?" Lizzy said.

Nah, hey, I'm going to have an orgy at the saferoom upstairs soon. Do you want to come? It's going to be fun?" I asked.

Lizzy frowned. "What monstergirls have you invited so far?" Lizzy asked.

"Besides you, just my three friends. Molly Molestia, a magical girl who taught me the lube spell. Kale a centaur with a rocking backside. And Vraley, a deertuar detective, we haven't had sex yet. Truthfully, I haven't had sex with any of them but Molly." I said.

"You're too trusting. What's stopping me from going up there and killing your friends to lower my competition?" Lizzy asked.

"Because if you do that, I won't ever have sex with you again. You can kill off all the competition you want, and it won't matter." I said.

We stared at each other, pitting will against will. My blue eyes stared into her vampiric crimson without blinking. I was serious; if she killed my friends, then we were through. "No werewolves, and I get to vet any other monstergirls. If I have to share, then they better be worthy." Lizzy said.

Lizzy was a vampire, and they were known for their pride. If she was willing to swallow that pride to this degree, then I could budge a little on my end. After all, this meant I was getting an official harem and not just a collection of friends with benefits. Lizzy seemed to be committed.

"I don't plan on adding anyone long-term from here. This orgy is a means to an end. I need a lot of mana to perform a ritual, and I almost have all the ingredients I need. There is just one more required." I said.

My vampire monstergirl narrowed her eyes before nodding. The dungeon seemed to freeze up at that. I could sense a lot of attention on us now, so I didn't say more.

"Go ahead to the saferoom, and I'll be there soon. If I meet any interesting monstergirls along the way, I will send them there as well. This ritual will take a lot of power." I said.

Truthfully, I was pretty confident. Once I gained a high-class water spirit core, then I was set. I had some eggshell left from a newly hatching king of kings to facilitate my ascension. There were also plenty of pills in my inventory from the dungeon. If I did this right, then all my preparation would pay off. Finally, I could ascend to the nascent realm.

Every move in this dungeon had been for this purpose. All along, under the dungeon's gaze, I collected everything I needed. Now there was only one prize left and then the need for qi. My ascension would cost a lot of power, so my orgy had to be the most hedonistic thing the world spirit has ever seen. Then, of course, there were the Valkyries to worry about.

If Lilium really sent them, then that was more trouble I had to worry about. Even at my full strength with battle form active, I wasn't sure I could take one down. The scouts were one thing, but these units were made to destroy powerful monstergirls.