16.1 Frog Girl Tongue Lashing

When I returned to the room where I first encountered Lizzy, there were no bodies or even a drop of blood. The dungeon cleaned up. That's why I returned to the room. I wanted to see what happened when the dungeon was left to its own devices with bodies on the floor. The dungeon hadn't disappointed me. Dungeons gained power from the lives they took.

Suddenly the mansion shook, throwing lamps off tables, love dolls fell from the ceiling, and a rug's corner curled up, revealing something shiny. When the shaking stopped, I investigated. Under the rug, there was a key with a doll shape at the head.

The key vibrated in my hand when I pointed it in a specific direction. Instead of doing anything with it, I tossed it in my inventory. While exploring the mysteries of the dungeon might be fun, I had better things to do, like find out why my hard-on hadn't gone away after several hours. Red pills sure were potent. I hadn't even begun to take any white or black pills. I didn't really know what their side effects were either.

When the mansion shook again, I could sense its source below. Something was down below. However, it wasn't my concern. Whatever shook the dungeon was the concern of post ritual me. It was easy to put it off on a future stronger version of myself when all my preparations were nearly complete.

The dolls couldn't stop me from getting out of the dungeon and what I saw outside was chaos. Monstergirls of all shapes and sizes were duking it out with ghosts. Werewolves had formed a coalition to restrict who could go into the slave pin and fight for the key to the mansion. The second the door closed behind me, a set of talons wrapped around my shoulders and snatched me off my feet. A hellhound monstergirl moved in a flash of flames and bit my leg. All the while, a group of zebra centaurs shot after us while I looked up to see a harpy flapping her light brown wings at the beat of a hummingbird.

Dozens of flying insect monstergirls zoomed in, either grabbing ahold of me or, in the case of one hornet girl who rammed into my crotch first. I felt her warm wet hole envelop me just as more flying monstergirls joined in. They pushed and pulled against me, humping and groaning as a mating ball formed. At this point, I had enough.

A wave of qi flowed out from me as an aura before exploding violently. The monstergirls blasted away from me in every direction while I floated back to the ground. Unfortunately, my reserves weren't significant enough to do that too many more times without a way to replenish my cultivation. The ground shook, and I skated towards the ship as the monstergirls stumbled around me.

Halfway from the shore, a sticky tongue slammed into my chest before yanking me off my feet. A happy, smiling frog girl held me up with her powerful tongue. "Look what I found. How about you hop down on me? I can slather you with my scent so those big mean beast types can't track you down." The frog girl said.

We were hiding out in an old, abandoned shack. The only thing notable about the place was the small cot stuffed with hay at the side of the room. While the frog girl held me with her tongue, she made sure to keep her body between me and the door.

"No, I think I'm alright, but if you're interested, I could use some help getting to the ship. There is something on board that I need." I said.

The frog girl looked put out. "I already have you right where I want you; why should I let you go." She asked.

I fired off a lube spell on my chest, and her tongue slipped off. Her eyes widened, and I landed on my feet. When I didn't turn to run or try to fight her, the green-skinned frog girl stuck her tongue out in confusion.

"You got me; I don't get what you're trying to do." She said.

"My name is Red, and I'm having an orgy upstairs in the mansion. If you help me out, you're invited. I could use some help getting into the ship and dealing with the other monstergirls." I said.

Ribbit! "My name is Stacy, and I don't know what you've heard, but frog girls aren't that strong. It takes a lot for us to rank up into anything powerful. Maybe I would feel more confident if you helped me out. But, we still need to cover your scent." Stacy said.

Since she snatched me out of my situation, I had created a gentle breeze blowing in my direction to keep most of the beast types from getting my scent. At the moment, most of them wouldn't get my scent unless they got lucky.

"Why are there so many monstergirls here?" I asked.

"When word got out about a weak lone human male unclaimed or empowered by pills, we rushed over. With enough of your Devateria, we can rank up. I could go from a frog girl to a high frog girl, a battle toad girl, a magical frog girl, or even a witch frog girl. All I need is a little jizz, and I can become so much more. The rations we get from Lilium or what we can buy off the market isn't anything compared to a pure source." Stacy said.

"Alright, help me out here, and I will get you to the orgy, and I'll fill you up enough to rank up as many times as you want," I said.

Stacy blinked at me, then pulled her dark hair back and tied it with a band. "Let's get to work then. I heard the ghosts are strong, and we only have one shaman. If we can get into our lines, then scent or no scent, those beasts, bugs, and birds aren't getting past us. I'm sure Ellie will be thrilled to have a go at you.

"Who's Ellie," I asked.

"She's a sea serpent and the strongest aquatic monstergirl here. In the water, no one is stronger." Stacy cheered.

"So, how am I going to get your scent on me?" I asked.

The frog girl leaped into my arms and ground her cool and soft light green cunny lips against my chest. She was a little cold and slimy, especially between her legs. The girl pressed her lips against mine, and we kissed. I could feel her thick, froggy tongue explore my mouth while I tasted her. She was just a bit salty, and my hard-on wouldn't quit if anything; she woke it back up. There was an easy source of relief throwing herself at me, but I held back.

We kissed and rubbed against each other while trading tongues. "Look what we have here. I thought you were hard at work looking for the human, and it looks like you're only hard at work." A cheery voice said.

I turned my gaze to a slug girl gazing at us in absolute pleasure. The woman's slug half was larger than a fully grown bull dwarfing her yellow-skinned human half. She moved closer, all smiles. Stacy pulled herself away from my mouth to glare at the newcomer.

"I'm trying to cover up his scent with my own. So put your slime to good use and help me out here." Stacy said.

"Oh yes, I believe I can do that. Why don't we rub him between my fat titties while you ride him?" The slug girl said as she squeezed fully into the shack. Her body quickly filled half the shack and covered the ground with slime. "While you ride him, I can double your pleasure and fuck you in the ass. Would you like it if I stuffed my big slug hermaphrodite cock in your ass?"

Stacy turned from me to her friend then back to me. "It's been my dream since I've known you. Can Penny come to the orgy too? It's a reward for helping you out, right?" Stacy said.

No, it was me tempting the world spirit with monstergirl sex to get more world qi. Something like double stuffing the frog girl might give me bonus points, so how could I say no. Hopefully, Lizzy didn't take it the wrong way and devour them. If I could swing a mermaid or another type of monstergirl while I was at it, I would. Hell, that wasp girl didn't seem too bad. To be honest, I needed lots of holes for this ritual; another cock to help in the stuffing wasn't a terrible idea.

"Sure, she can come; we need a few more monstergirls to help out anyway. I'm sure Ellie will also want to come." I said.

A black padded humanoid paw slashed through the side of the shack wreathed in flames. I grabbed the paw and pulled the hellhound monstergirl through the wall. She opened her mouth, ready to howl before she saw my face. Then she clamped her mouth closed while I made my move.

I found the swollen upturned spade between her legs so thick she couldn't close her legs. There was no resistance when I slipped a finger inside, and the beastly hellhound girl sighed. Her ears atop her mane of straightened black hair relaxed while I worked more fingers inside.

"Want dick," the hellhound girl said.

I moved my thumb up into her folds and pressed on her needy clit.

"Well, you aren't a werewolf, so Lizzy can't complain." I smacked the girl's ass with my other hands and felt her clench hard. Yea, we were going to have fun together.

I pulled my fingers free and moved my dick closer just enough to rub her swollen mound. The hellhound girl pushed her hips forward only for my dick to move just out of the way each time. Finally, when I heard her growl, I knew she was ready; I pushed her away and took a step back.

"If you want more, get to the saferoom in the mansion with these two. You'll find the saferoom in the attic." I said.

The hellhound girl repeatedly looked from my dick to her own still twitching black spade. Finally, she growled and then fumed. The straw-packed bed caught fire as her clawed digits cut through the bundled fabric.

"I will see you there; get ready to be pounded," I said.

That got her attention. "Go there with them to get pounded." She said.

"Yes," I said.

"Deal, name is Marie, you?" Marie said.

"Red," I said.

"Good name one-syllable names are strong," Marie said.

It seemed that the more I tried to reason with her, the more she returned to her senses. Finally, she stared down at my leg. "Sorry, does it hurt?" Marie asked.

Just hurry up and get them to the mansion attic. I will meet you there.

"What about spreading our scents to you to keep the others away?" Stacy asked.

"I think I'll have a better time of it if I just go for what I want," I said.

"You're just one weak human; if Ellie wants to rape you, how are you going to stop her?" Stacy asked.

I slammed back another mouthful of red pills and felt my qi channels expand to even greater heights. "I think I'll manage. Follow Marie to the mansion. I'll be there soon."