You want those clouds to cover your beauty

At the Xan Mansion....

George was on bed after feeling so over use after the much work in office which he did.

He felt like not having dinner going directly to his room to take a rest for the next day.

He laid his back flat on the bed staring at the ceiling, he streched his hand to the right side of the bed which had a drawer next to the bed.

On top of the drawer he took a picture frame looking at the picture a smile plastered on his face and also pain.

Smile of how darling she was but the pain was how he wished to see the woman one more time,that he would feel so excited to hug her and never let go, tell her how his day went through. Placing his head on her lap and she would massage his arching head, the young woman on the picture frame was the best.

Her sweet scent was one of the best fragrance, the fragrance of milk mixed with honey and caramel mostly was like she drowned herself into it or bathe in it. He remembered how the woman put him milk and honey for his school lunch since he loved it the most, she always finds ways to punish him by not serving him milk and honey when he was always naughty.


[Young memory]

“You're really becoming stubborn you know?” the woman scolded young him

“No I'm not”he defended

“Oh really..Hmm?.” the woman was shocked

“So your defending yourself...Okay.” she looked around

“Matthew! Matthew!!.”she called one of the helpers in the house. The man came rushing in as he bowed half of his body a little.

“Yes Madam..”the man said

“Matthew, George here as been naughty, so for this whole week as his punishment make sure to not deliver any milk or honey for him.”

Young George looked at his mom ....was she been serious

“Mummy! mummy...okay I admit I've been naughty. Please mom don't punish me for a simple mistake...I promise to not disturb them again..I promise to do anything you say..”young him tried to negotiate as him mum chuckled.

“Okay, you'll get your milk and honey...” his mom smiled as George was excited

“Only if you be a good boy and if I hear any complaints about you from Brianna or Daniel then you won't be getting your delivery.”

“Okay mummy, I promise to be a good boy ...”he said with a smile as he embraced the invitation of his mum's arms which were speard apart to hug him.

“That's my boy.” she said


“Good night mom.” he whispered.

The picture frame was of his mother hugging him,his brother and sister, even when they were older yet she still treated them like babies.

He did miss his mom a lot after years of her passing away,she passed away four years ago. He would always look at the frame before he slept every night,he placed the picture frame back to it's position and then closed his eyes to sleep.

Suddenly a rapid wind gushed into the room which woke George up,he looked at the windows only to see it was still opened and the weather was cold.

“Oh men, I forgot to close the windows.” he murmured as he stood up from the bed walking close to the window to close them,the wind seemed to be a little bit rapid that the curtains started to flow and flap, he was about to close the windows when he looked at the moon.

She was shining brightly and glowing but the clouds covered her yet she was still able to out shine the clouds.

“You look beautiful.” he whispered still looking at the covered glowing moon.

“Yet still you want those clouds to cover your beauty.”he added before closing the windows and walked sluggishly to his bed.

The next morning...

Goerge woke up more early than usual for work,he took his towel from the wardrobe before entering the bathroom. Twelve minutes later he heard a buzz from the door.

“I'm coming...”George answered as he stopped showering taking his towel to cover his lower body then used the second to cover his hair.

“Hmmhmm?...”he opened the door only to see one of the house maid,she bowed her head a little bit after seeing George's wet chest and abs making look like one of those celebrities for perfect abs commercial,she blushed a little but also looked down so George couldn't see her blush.

“Sir,Master said you should come down for breakfast,he said he needs to discuss something to you.” she delivered her message.

‘At the dining...why couldn't he talk to me after.?’he mused

“Okay, I'll be there.”he said before closing the door,he went to the wardrobe to pick his outfit for the day. After few minutes he strode his way down to the dining area.

“Finally you're here.”Brianna murmured seeing George as he walked down the stairs in a red shirt and black trouser and black shining shoes which complimented his brown short hair.

George walked towards the chair beside the chair Brianna was sitting on after greeting every one.

“Why?."George asked picking the food from different bowls one contained rice,another spinach soup another meat and the last which reach his hand contained pasta.

“Well dad here as something he wants to tell but he keeps disturbing m..”

“Brianna!!.”Daniel cut her, Brianna stared at the brothers face which hardened a little bit was like he wanted to pooh but found it quite hard,she giggled internally.

‘So hard..’

“Geez sorry.”she stated ‘I could give you a plunge if you need help’ she mused

Ignoring the two Darn looked at George and explained why he asked for him to come even though he was coming already but knowing George would take long before he came to the dining.

“George your going to be involved in the project Mila talked about in the office the other day,it will be best if you could be involved in it and you'll be going tomorrow, the company will be at stake if you aren't able to go,no one else could be trusted with this, is hard for me but after certain consideration I've decided you should go so you'll be going tomorrow..”George tried to say something but he felt his lungs refused to release air for him to talk,after the courage of forcing himself he looked at his father.

“Dad,but I have a flight by next week.” he stated,his father didn't bother to look at him as he kept eating his food.

“Ive cancelled it so you'll be going for this mission, is needed for the great impact and growth of the company.”he looked up and gazed at George with a serious face.

“O-Ok-okay.”George stuttered,he didn't want to go but why was he saying okay.

‘What's wrong with me?.’ George mused .

Brianna stood up from her seat after she was done eating after after some while the father finished then Daniel.

The maids began to pack the dishes but he's was still full he lost his appetite he felt like staying at home to think about this,well some people do know how to give surprise talks and his father was no exception.