You spied on dad again

At the Cha Mansion in Zuma kingdom...

“Uncle please you got to stop all this you're doing, it isn't going to turn out good for you so please drop it because I wouldn't tarnish the friendship and relationship between I and Madison.” Lola pleased.

She knew about the insane plans her Uncle was planning against Madison,she loved her Uncle so much.

He was like a father to her when she was young but she was unaware of how dangerous her Uncle was until the day she found bodies laid dead in his room.

He killed those men because of his greed that was when she noticed he was planning some thing against the king since she knew they were officials of the king.

Her uncle was the brother of King Lim and she was the distinct cousin of Madison because she was the grand daughter of Nema,King Lim's father's sister.

Her father was the child of Nema who had three children, she discovered about the relationship between herself and Madison few years ago though Madison was unaware about the relationship neither was her parents.

They took her as family and gave her responsibility to protect the kingdom not only that, they also protected her even when she was to protect their kingdom.

She thought of telling Madison but knowing her uncle their lives would be at risk. Her uncle began to laugh madly, Lola faced her uncle but was stared with a smirk then a devilish smile.

“You know your job is exactly to do as I say. Remember that I took you from the ground ever since your parents abandoned you. You are in no place to decide on what I do or question my movement. Remember that you didn't know about the relationship you shared with Madison until I picked you up. My wrenched brother of mine took every thing from me and I will make him pay for all he has done. You are only a friend to Madison and nothing else.”

He walked closer to her and placed his hand on her shoulder

“You are my niece and also you are the protector of this kingdom,what will you do? Do the work of the protector of this kingdom or be a good niece and keep your mouth shut because I'll do anything to get this kingdom trust me and there is nothing,I repeat nothing you could do to save your uncle neither your kingom and every thing will be blamed on you. Why?because when you knew about my plans and yet you can't do anything,this uncle of yours loves getting things my darling, once a lion sets a target for it's prey, it does all things to get the prey and i, I am that lion ready to give it's target for it's prey.”

He said and pattered her shoulder before leaving the room.

Lola felt like her own world was at stake, her friendship, hidden relationship with Madison was going to be all over because of her uncle Ben.

She never wanted to be a traitor or friend betrayal, first her parents died long time ago after leaving and abandoning her.

She was nothing to them anymore,she was all they had but they left her.

She wasn't going to think of them anymore,she clenched her hand feeling the rage.

She felt suffocated in the room that she needed some fresh air this room is beginning to kill her,she felt irritated of having absurd person like her uncle.

At the capital city..

George went off from the office to go to the bar which was near the office,so he could talk to Daniel since it's been to they've talked. They both placed their orders, George ordered for a bottle of grape wine and Daniel a beer. Having their discussion Daniel kept talking about girls;

“Yeah, so this girl I met.....”Daniel stated but was cut off by George

“Please enough with all the the girl talk.”

he had enough with the woman talk and he felt weird listening to talks about girls, it was seven o'clock and he just wanted to talk to someone who could understand him, his brother was part but it seems women would never let him rest.

The waitress brought their orders and placed it on the table. Daniel was pouring the beer in his glass when he asked;

“Okay, so boss man are you ready for the adventure your going on tomorrow?.” Daniel asked as he drank the beer in his hand in one sip, George released a deep sigh and answered;

“Well I'm ready but I wonder why dad will work with a disgusting stranger just for a piece of land.”

“You know, I've been told by a little bird that it isn't just a land but a kingdom so you getting the kingdom makes you a king.” Daniel said drinking his beer from the glass.

“From who?.”the latter asked.

Daniel almost choked on his beer that he was drinking


“ spied on dad again?.”George asked in shock, well knowing his brother that wasn't the first time he checked on his dad's property.

“Well..,it's not actually spying on him, I just wanted to talk to dad in his room and I accidentally ended up in his study room so I saw the files on the table so I decided to check them out.”he said defending his self, it wasn't his fault that his legs lead him to an open file which was left down.

“Dude your saying the king or ruler's relative signed the contract with dad so I wonder why the hell i'm been asked to go there and try to hurt the child or the heir of the kingdom. Since the agreement is been made so why involving me?.”

George asked angrily, he didn't want to occupy his mind with thought of why he was going because surely Daniel does not know any thing and there was a need in placing his anger on him so he gulped the wine in one go. He wouldn't hurt someone's heart just because he wanted something back in return even if it was his siblings.

“Dude your going to get drunk if you keep taking the wine all in one go.”

Daniel said as he removed the bottle of wine from the table, George already drank more than enough that he was drinking his own beer, he signalled the waitress to come pick up the almost empty bottle of wine and beer.

“Hey bro,...what the f**k!.”George caused in his druken state.

‘Oh men, I'm in so much trouble.’ Daniel mused as he stood up from his chair and carried George who was already murmuring nonesense in his druken state.

“You... always trouble me you know, both you and dad.”

Daniel was able to get George out of the bar with the help of the male waitress in he bar who was able to carry George into his car and also Daniel then he was paid for the service and also extra for carrying George.

“Sir, this is too much...” the waitress complain after receiving more than the amount needed to paid.

“No, these is for you, thank you so much...”he said as the waitress thanked him and he got to the car.

After minutes of driving, they both got home.

George was taken by some house maid to the house, he became a little bit sobber after taking coffee in the kitchen and was taken to his room by Daniel on his way to his room, George smirked at Daniel:

“Tell me, will you promise me that you will do anything for me?.” George said

“What type of promise is that for George?.” the latter brought him into his room and laid him down on the bed.

Daniel took a shower at his room since his wing in the house was a walk away and he didn't want to be caught by his father.

He removed the jacket,tie,shoe and socks George was wearing so he could be comfortable sleeping.

“Oh bro..”Daniel wanted to ask George about him packing his clothes since he was going to travel the next day but George was already snoring in deep slumber.

“Cool bro.”Daniel murmured and went straight to his room maybe the maids will help him pack.

His father seemed to be asleep since the lights in his wing were off. He got to his room then changed into his night wear since he already had a shower in George's room , time seemed to be driving so fast that it was nine o'clock.

Daniel wore his sleep wear but couldn't stop thinking about why George asked him to promise him something for no alter reason.

‘Anything for him.’ he smirked