Two Days Ago.....

George was provided a room to stay in, entering the room wasn't as quite as the rooms in the city though different from the one he stayed in last and this room was the same as the other it was a hut.

He really thought he would be provided a room to stay in the palace since it's a palace and not a village palace.

It would definitely have a spare room for him to stay in but he was given hospitality to stay in a hut.

The walls were made out of bamboos and seemed fresh also cool inside with the ocean which was meters away the breeze was freshing and the roof were made out of banana leaves,the hut had enough space for him to bathe and eat.

He looked at the bed, it was quite strong but was made out of woods it seemed he was destined to lie on a wooden bed but he was grateful the wood was smooth and no rough surface.

‘Quite smart.’ he said looking at the bed only to remember a disadvantage, his back was going to ache a little, they really should have decided another person to come and not him.

He checked his bag to see if their was a mattress luckily for him there was but no cover sheet.

“I'll manage.”he sighed.

He remembered that he was to tell about his arrival.

He checked his smart watch to see if there was signal but it was in a slow process so he raised his hand to see if here was fast signal available.

Since he was told a satellite was planted in their area and internet available.

It was a little bit strange to him because if there was signal then how come none of them uses phone neither the King since he was of high class and would probably meet new people.

“Oh men, it's so hard getting signal.” he said frustrated as he was still struggling to get signal from the smart watch, informing the company would be a lot difficult since the signal was slow reaching there would definitely take time.

He really should have been prepared of the signal issues or he could have taken a metal stick or magnetic drum to see if the signal could connect.

Having issues in this new place wasn't going to be new for him after this six months of staying or if it takes more time but the problem would be definite that it would cause him a head ache.

“Maybe I'll try tomorrow...” he said as he dropped his hand and walked towards his suitcase that was delivered to him by the soliders who brought him to the palace since they were asked to be brought by the king.

They seemed quite surprised with the movement of the suitcase.

It had a roll balls on it, they tried carrying it but the balls kept on rolling that they even had to stop it while it was rolling.

He wouldn't blame them, they were not as modern as they were in the city.

He laid the mattress on the flat wood. Finally he got some sleep and enough food to eat.

Two days ago....

“Sir you'll have to land here the soliders stays here especially at night and the other plane would be landing and it would be great if you drop.” Craig commented before landing George at the perfect spot.

They bought an airplane from the company and the plane would have to crash so it could look real and notify the soliders but that would be the use of some effects to make it real.

“Hey!!.” one of the soliders shouted seeing George's back chasing after him.

They all ran meters and it wasn't quite inappropriate for George since he was carrying his suitcase, good thing he didn't put much clothes in it.

After few minutes, the soliders stopped and George looked around to check in case the soliders were around.

He could have waited for the men to caught him easily, but maybe cooling and checking around will be better and what if they imprison him for being an outcast.

He should have thought about it before landing and the jungle might be full of animals, he prayed in his mind he shouldn't see one because he wasn't ready..... to die.

“Finally, some peace.” he murmured panting as he tried to catch his breath.

He looked around seeing he was surrounded by trees.

He walked for some hours and finally found a waterfall.

He settled his suitcase and checked to see how deep the water fall was, may be a swim would relax his tensed body a little.

After checking the waterfall base wasn't that deep at least was able to reach to his chest.

He removed his shirt and pants before he was about to enter the waterfall to have a quick bath after the long chase and the walking which made him become dirty.

The sun was beginning to set down and the waterfall was right for the temperature, cool, refreshing and warm enough to relax and the aroma of the waterfall had that cooling breeze of an air conditioner which was nice just a refreshing waterfall it was.

“What are you doing here?.” he heard a feminine voice from behind.

He was unable to see who was behind because at the time , he realised he was naked.

He decided to stay like that since his suitcase was out of reach,he had to walk towards the suitcase to get a cloth to wear but he couldn't just wear it at the woman's front and the worst thing was that he didn't bother to take any towel along.

“What are you doing here and where did you come from?.” he heard the woman ask and that was when his volume for speaking was lost, she was walking near the waterfall.

He thought of what to do, what was he going to do or what would she do,he thought of things, first the soliders and second is this woman.

“Hmm..hmm..” he was about to talk when he heard footsteps of people running.

“Princess the king asked for your presence in the garden.”one of the people he heard their footstep said.

‘They must be soliders from the palace.’ he mused listening to there deep tone of voice like the one from an army but had the aura of a strong solider.

“Okay but.....” the princess turned her back to the waterfall, she wanted to know who was there and why he was staying there but to her look no one was there.

“The person....but.....there was someone here just now.” she murmured pointing towards the waterfall.

She thought if it must be her imagination but she did see some one in the waterfall.

After some time of checking around and not finding him, she decided to leave with the soliders to the palace as she ran back to the hut where horses where ready to transport them to the palace.

She sat on the white horse as she wipe the rein of the horse galloping to the palace.

George was quick in packing his suitcase and cloths also wearing another of his clothes so as to escape as fast as he could when the person was distracted.

He was able to move fast from the waterfall and then he was on his journey hoping to find some where to stay at least for the night since it was getting dark.

The jungle was quite large and his fear of an animal to attack was levelling a little.

He wondered how big the kingdom was when they had many jungles,he wondered how he could get to the palace. Suddenly,he felt his heart thumping feeling a hand was placed on his shoulder.

‘Oh no...’ he mused tensed up his heart was thumping fast and his prayer were getting higher.

“What are you doing here?.” he heard the person who held his shoulder ask from behind.

’Not again..’ he mused and turn around to see a young woman whose face were plastered with confusion and trying to recognize him.

“Your new?.” the woman asked, as he nodded that was when the woman placed his right arm behind his back.

“Haa!!.” he groaned in pain

“What are you trying to do hmm... you're part of those who came to take some certain agreement from the king right?.” she asked tighten his arm.

“ promise you,I'm not please....” he pleaded as the woman let go of his arm.

He didn't lie that much but he wasn't going to take any agreement from the king.

He was going to use his style or way to get to the heir's heart who was said to be the princess and she hadn't had a groom taking the opportunity to be her groom would be a lot income for the company.

He looked at the woman who seemed to be strong since his arm ached.

“Then where are you from?.” he faced her having a cold chilling feeling that ran down his body with the deadly glare she gave him.

She wasn't going to spare him if she knew his intention, and the agreement, how did she know about everything about the operation.

“Hey, I was asking you a question.” she asked as he snapped out.

“Hmm...” well he decided to play innocent and told her how he landed in the kingdom, well not exactly how he landed, obviously all he's doing is a setup operation planned out from his dad and a stranger from the kingdom so he told the lies he was been told to say in case.

“I was going to an important meeting when the airplane.” he saw her crease her left eye brow she seemed not to be buying it maybe because of the airplane, did they would learn of anything like that?.

“Hmmm....the bird thing.” he said doing fingers in a butterfly so she could get it but she still had that not buying it.

“Hmm...the bird thing wasn't into capacity and fell.” what was he saying, he said scratching his head as the woman looked at him with a really confused face but instead she kept a sneer to show she was lost or something he probably said that she didn't understand.

It seems their kingdom wasn't as advanced as theirs apparently, but were at language at least that was a good thing for him to communicate.

“Bird thing...never have I heard or seen it.. wait how could you?...” George covered his face with his palm and forced a smile at her before he interrupted;

“You won't get it....hmm...I haven't asked for your name.” he said so he wouldn't have to explain other things which were going to confuse him even and he might end up exposing secrets.

“Lola.” she said

“George....I'm George.” he replied with a smile.

“Why do you look like this?.” she said looking at his devastated state the dirt may have gotten on him and his hair seemed messy.

The woman,Lola took him to a small hut which was near by the waterfall area and Lola who was once with him went out.

She told him he needed somewhere to stay at least looking at him he would need a place to rest.

Immediately they got there, Lola showed him the bed were he could rest and he needed to change to his cloth into a night wear but Lola was still there staring at the dude who was about to change.

“Hmm..I would like to change would you like to excuse?.” he asked Lola

“What? Why do you need to change?.” she asked doing the same facial expression she did before, the sneer.

“You're wearing a cloth already and besides I'm going out to fetch food for us to eat.” she added before she went out of the room.