A really weird day

George sighed as he was able to change, the hut was small but had a bed where you could sleep.

The most thing that had surprised him was that the bed was wood with four logs at each edges to support the ‘WOODEN BED’ the environment was quite nice with grasses around it but was low and felt like a cushion and was more like a terrace.

There was a river which was below at the down side of the terrace, the river was large enough you could bath there and the environment was cooling and enjoyable.

“Will you like to eat.” he heard Lola ask from behind, he turned around to see Lola holding a leaf which was like a banana leaf and was able to hold some kind of fruit he didn't know of. The fruit was a bit piecey and had a scale skin like cover at the outside which was more like a snakes scale.

“What's that?.” he asked staring at the fruit.

“This is Salak.”

“What?.” he was quite surprised, the fruit had a snake scale. Then he remembered the fruit was rarely seen around the world and were a bit difficult finding them so it must be seen in this kingdom.

George was hesitant at first but then accepted, Lola was right for him to starve wasn't nice of him.

Lola was able to cut the fruit and gave half of the fruit to George, she brought two fruit for them to eat but still decided to take one in case they would need food to eat later.

“Ooh my, it's tasty.” George murmured while eating the Salak, it did taste like honey and had the sour taste like pineapple but the taste was quite amazing.

He took most of the piece Lola cut into small pieces like a person who has starved for days even when he was just starved for a few hours.

He knew he was going on an operation but forgot to sneak food for himself since he wasn't allowed so it could look like he did have a plane crash.

He kept grabbing more and more till he was fully unaware of the way Lola looked at him with a surprised look.

It was sweet but the way he ate was so strange, she gave him some water to drink since he must have been a little thirsty.

Lola stared at the sky from the window, it was beautiful. She was always used to looking at the night sky, it made relief in her system and helped her forget her worries, and was more like her medical treatment for every situation.

She walked outside of the hut an environment that had fireflies sparking all over.

It made it look romantic with the breeze and the green low grasses and the fresh river running through had a beautiful sensation of melody as the water ran through and was perfect enough.

She ran down the terrace and sat at the perfect spot where she could see the view of the sky. George followed her to the area amazed at the view of the sky.

It was just perfect, the twinkling stars shinned brightly, the moon had its glow and the sky was clear.

“Isn't she beautiful?.” Lola commented staring at the moon.

“She is.” George sat beside her also staring at the moon, whenever he looked at it she remembered him of his mother. The love, care, her glow just like the moon, she was his number one and she remained in his heart, forever.

‘Good night mom.’ he mused inwardly.

“So city boy, what exactly do you have in your kingdom.., coun... city?.”


“So what do you have that we don't?.” Lola asked

George chuckled before he responded;

“Not to lie, we have almost a lot of things you guys don't.”

“Like what?.”Lola asked

“Okay, first I would like to say a more comfortable bed to sleep on and not a wooden bed with logs at the four edges even though the bed is made of wood you sleep on something comfortable and not something to make your back ache seriously like how do you guys cope sleeping on it,” he asked.

Lola looked at him with a pouty face.

“First thing, you're not sleeping on the bed you're going to sleep on the floor.”

“What?!.” George was shocked to sleep on the floor for just a silly joke.

“Hmm, yes you'll sleep on the floor because you can't sleep with me is not like you're my husband.”

“Oh, yes your right.” he said scratching his head, she did have some sense it wasn't like they were a couple or anything.

“So, tell me more about the city.” Lola said,she wanted to know more about George's place.

Not to lie she couldn't stop chuckling about the way he was blabbering about the capital city.

It was nicer to stay in than the kingdom. Though she wondered why she never got angry and was more curious to learn more about his place. They both talked for a very long time and George got to show her gadgets he brought along to prove how dearly they've missed a lot.

What they had and what the kingdom doesn't have which made Lola surprised.

“Oh my, we are lacking behind.” she pouted

“At least your perfect at your language...wait lacking?.” the latter asked confused

“Yes lacking why?.”


“What did I say something wrong?.”

“Hmm, yes you said lacking instead of lagging.” he chuckled lightly then he began to laugh like a psychopath.

“What, you think this is funny... it's just a silly mistake and your making fun of me.” she slap him on the shoulder but he was still laughing just for a silly mistake.

It was not like she was that educated, she was learning from Madison about English.

Some people from outside came to their kingdom and usually taught some of them formal languages and Madison was able to get the best tutor.

The king and queen decided to give her one tutor to teach her but she wasn't able to catch up because she'll still have to protect the kingdom she was able to use her free time to learn from Madison.

“I'm sorry.... lacking... hahahaha.” George couldn't stop laughing and the laughing was a total annoyance to her so she entered the hut to sleep leaving the psycho to laugh all he wanted.

Meanwhile, George decided to stop since his stomach began to cling.

“So City boy you could sleep on the floor right?." Lola asked in a sleeping floor since she wanted the city boy to feel comfortable and she didn't want him to feel like their kingdom was *lagging* so sleeping on the floor was better at least to teach a lesson.

She was deciding on asking George to sleep on the bed while she could manage sleeping on the floor since he might be a little bit unfair but her kingdom was lagging according to city boy so sleeping on the floor would be quite comfortable for him since it isn't wooden and just sand.

George didn't like it a bit the ground was rough but also he was given only a mattress that he would sleep on, his body was going to feel an ordinary cold and not a air conditioner this time because the environment was a little pretty cold so he managed to use one of his clothes to cover hiself at least so he could sleep with the cold bothering him and have a good night.

He stared at the moon from the window side of the hut glowing as ever, his mother pecked him a good night before he slept even when he was older.

Her love for him was strong and always glowed like the moon does because of the light given by the sun, it shined so brightly like his mother's memories which were in his heart. He smiled looking at the moon before he shut his eyes to sleep.

"Good night mum." He whispered.