
Surprise and apology

Madison and George talked for a long time and since Madison cut off the formalities, George behaved normal, at least who wouldn't deny the lucky charm of George been handsome.

Along the way they were talking words and Madison asked a lot and a-l-o-t of questions about the capital city and when George showed her the gadgets he brought alone, shock fell on sight seeing the gadgets and seeing them was a wild surprised for her. After the talking and talking they heard a knock at the door and Madison thinking it's must be one of the maids also George.

“Come in..” George said at the slightly opened door. They both turned their heads to the door since they were sitting on the bed which was directly at the front of the door. Turning their heads to see who came inside the room gave they a mild surprise or let's say a surprise.

“Lola?!.” they both chorused her name seeing the person was Lola but had different expressions for seeing Lola.

George was shocked and likewise angry to see her after days that she left him. He had mixed emotions on whether to send her out or ask why she disappear all of a sudden while Madison was just shocked. Lola gave her the permission to visit George in a kind of way since she didn't exactly wait for her answer since she was busy so she thought on doing it on her behalf, so she could be able to talk to him.


Flashback.... twenty minutes back.

Madison was doing laido and swordsmanship with Mayan, her master in teaching her the combat of swords since she had lesson for the period.

“Your strength and how you make the sword feel like your body is very important, is important to carry the body steady and properly and never lose forcus at the direction you make your sword. Your sight is more important and your sense of hearing, all senses play a very vital and important role.”

Mayan said as the two kept lashing their swords from one place to another diverting each attack Madison made at her and also lecturing her. Madison had the fierce eyes reflecting how she was steady for the movement she made but Mayan was still able to dodge each attack she made.

Sweat began to roll down her body, till she felt tired, as for Mayan she felt how Madison was becoming tired and used the opportunity to attack her causing the sword in her hand to slid off.

“Weak, you didn't prove your strength enough Madison, you have to be fierce not only with your eyes but the entire body Madison.” Mayan adviced.

“Yes, Mayan.” she responded panting heavily with the training that Mayan had to stop the training. Madison had beads of sweats rolling down her forehead already, sword fighting was not that easy.

She went directly to the bucket that was filled with water for her to clean the sweats once she was done like usual lessons. She filled her hand with some water as she used the water that she was able to draw out splashing it on her face.

“Yes, you give the man this food.” she heard one of the attendant say from the place she was rising her face, she raised her head high to check what they were talking about only to see one of them holding the plate, it must have been the maid that was sent there.

‘Who's the man?.’ she mused inwardly as she eavesdrop on their conversation. She was curious to know since it must have been the man that she fell on. Remembering of this made her blush but she dust it off she needed to know who.

“The man in the hut that's who you should give it to.” the attendant said informing the maid. She was about leaving when Madison called.

“Hey!.” she called as she on her way towards them, immediately they saw her the two lowered their head greeting her.

“Your highness…” the two maids chorused immediately she reached at the front of them.

“Where are you taking this to?.” she asked politely looking at the plate the second maid was holding.

“Your highness, Miss Lola asked for us to take it to the man who was in a badly state he hadn't had food of quite a while so we were asked to give it to him.” one of the maids responded still lowering their head a little.

“Okay…” she said carrying the plate off the maids hand.

“Tell Lola I'll be the one to give the man.” she said pointing to the attendant and to the maid.

“You go do your job...no you come along with me you'll wait for me at the hut.” she said as she looked at herself.

"I've to change,I'm all sweaty." she murmured towards herself.

“Take.” she said handling back the plate to the maid,

“You wait for me I'll go change.” she said as she went to her room to take a bath since she was all sweaty.


Back to present

"L-Lola what are you doing here?.” she asked stuttering a little asking with a ‘tell me what's going on' face but not like an overprotective girlfriend who wants to know everything but just with a mild face.

ALola was the type who always work and she was the protector of the kingdom knowing Lola she never had the time to visit anyone unless it was Madison who she always made time for that was why she sent the maids to give George his food so it was quite suprising seeing Lola.

For some seconds there was silence, just the two staring at each other giving unexplaining understanding gaze to one another. Madison couldn't take it any longer maybe they needed privacy to talk to each other seeing their gaze at each other.

“H-hm actually George and I knew each other before the whole scenario and I heard he was been requested by the king to stay so I decided to give him a visit.” she nicely said it but really the way the words came to Madison was like she was saying ‘he's my boyfriend so stay off.’ but in a sweet way which made Madison gulp hard on her saliva.

“Since both of you are talking, it's best I leave i could come later.” she added turning around to leave the room or hut apparently.

"Stop Lola.” Madison said before Lola left the room causing Lola to halt and turn around by what she said.

“You guys are the one who need to talk, seeing how you guys are staring at each other you may have plenty of things to talk about and it would be disrespectful leaving since you came.” Madison said walking towards Lola who halted at the position, as she reached to her hand squeezing it gently giving her a sweet smile.

“Okay..thank you.” Lola said replying back the gesture.

Madison left the room leaving the room with silence as if she left two dead bodies to speak instead. There was totally silence, explaination needed as the two just gazed at each other.

“George…” Lola was about to speak but instead he raised his hand stopping her from speaking.

“Why did you Lola?.”George aked giving her a cold glare that send chills down her body.

“G-George I can explain."

“Explain what?.”he yelled a little bit but not that much just to show Lola how angry he was. Though it was not like she was his girlfriend that just left him and dumb him. But staying in the hut, at least she was supposed to inform him about her whereabouts since he was new to the area.

“George I had to do business..”

“What business?!.”

“I needed to do some important things in the palace!!.” she blurted out to him

“Do you expect me to stay?.”she added

“At least you could have informed me.”

“Dont forget George I was the one who gave you a place to stay. I really thought I could make it on time and come back but that was when the messengers soliders came to take you.”

George stared at her for some minutes with an unexplaining stare that made Lola wonder what exactly he was thinking of.

“Im sorry.” she apologized

“No,no it's okay. I was behaving abnormal I know that you would also needed other things to do.“

“No, I'm sorry...I'm the one to blame since I was hosting and I was supposed to be the one around since you're new here.”

“Its okay.” George said giving her smile that made Lola's heart beat faster than time.

“So now, how are you related to the palace." He asked

“Im the kingdoms protector.”


“So..why did you come here?.”

“I came to apologise for how things were going, I'm sorry.” she pleaded

“You don't need to apologise..” he smiled gesturing for Lola to sit on the bed beside him, as they both began their discussion.


Author's note:I know right, my novel is lengthy I'll try to make it not much so when it comes to paywall you could not spend much coins