
Could you bring my clothes

Night arrived as morning flew by quickly and hope in George's heart for not making any mistakes since he already knew that Madison was the princess of Zuma kingdom, being her friend and getting his way into a relationship would make a jackpot for him. After having a call from his father who was able to reach him since the call service on his smartwatch was able to reach his father and have a discussion with him.

“Father, I can't say anything yet whether or not the king would ask for my time of departure. But for now, I'm still on the job and I'm here doing the operation so you could trust me.”

“I know it was going to be easy and seeing the way we made you all prepared it was a good achievement for us. The king wouldn't want you stranded and will provide for your son.”

This was a little bit suspicious to him, how could his father know the King was going to provide for him and give him shelter seeing his prepared condition and the king's kindness?

“Father, how do you know that the king would let me…”

“There is no need to ask questions. Just do as been told, the company would need this opportunity.”

“Okay father, I'll do as according to what you've said.”


His father cut the call when he was about to tell him about something but he cut the call on him.

He couldn't take it anymore as the guilt was killing him slowly even when he knows fully well how it feels like once someone's heart was been broken. The same thing happened to Daniel with his ex, which made him endeavor into a woman so he could forget about her.

He went outside to take fresh air and walk the area to keep his turning head and guilt to calm down. He walked up his way to the sea feeling the breeze that brought refreshment towards his body, the fresh breeze, and the wave that sang in lovely that made him remember the waterfall.

He walked down the sand when he was lost in thoughts of the ocean and breeze and the wave, and he ended up at the sea. The water was cold but still refreshing and cooling, ac cooling even when he shivered a little but standing there he was able to get used to the temperature of the water.

He removed his clothes leaving only his boxer as he took a small swim in the water. He was already swimming but not to the extent he could drown but just shallowly. He stood up at the area already a bit far from the sands, he stood up from the waters that it reached to his waist when he heard his name being called;

“George…” he heard his name that came from the voice of a woman, the way she called him was calming and lovely to his ears as he turned around only to bring a shock on his face


Madison was tensed up in her room and quite bored. After leaving the two to talk their way, she visited the maid's quarters. Mainly as a princess they gave maids respect as giving maids, but Madison was different and instead took them as friends like Jo who was one of her friends, and some others, she went there to help in case they needed something. And also she went back to Mayan since she wanted extra lessons so she wouldn't have to do much during other times of lessons at least to lessen the one she would be doing next which tired her out and exhausted, so much for doing less training. She guesses being a princess wouldn't always have advantages.

The room felt hot and the lit candles had the room to have a dull look, windows which were opened had the candles lit to blown but gently. She stood up from the bed when the breeze blew on her skin calmly strange feeling so peaceful, and calm not knowing when her body drifted towards the sea, she wore her thin coat which had fur outside at least to keep her warm, and lace on it to tie once you want to lose or not, dressed under in a red handless high knee nightgown which held her body displaying the curves she had transparent to see the way the body was but not that transparent to see the skin of her body but could see the shape of her body.

She was going to the sea when she decided to drop the coat down on the sand since the coat was long and she didn't want to get it all wet so she dropped it on the sand a little bit far not that reachable for the waves to reach to it. She walked towards the waters feeling the cold temperature of the sea not to talk of the breeze since she wore a high-knee gown and was armless the breeze kissed her skin making the hair on her body straighten up. She was about a distance already from the sands at least to the distance where the water reached her feet when she saw a figure standing right in front of where she was staying.

At first, she got startled seeing the figure but looking closer at how the ray of the moon shone from the backside she was able to recognize the person by the hair.

Mainly men in her kingdom or from her place had long hair that reached to their waist like the females but the hair of the figure seemed to reach the tip of the neck could be only one man she knew.

“George?..." She hoped she was right about this person, the man stopped for a while turning around. She smiled seeing the face, even though it was dark and the light of the moon and stars shone a little but were okay she was able to see the person's face only to see the man, long brown hair that reached to the tip of his neck, slightly long lashes that fitted reflecting his mesmerizing black eyes that shone a sexy way towards her, the shaped pointy bridge but perfect enough nose, then the thin red lips that sent signals to her body.

She looked down at his body to fantasize about his body, usually with George's casual clothes and somehow baggy but not much just right she never thought he would have a head to fall over on his chest to speak of the body. Muscled, toned, and perfected the abs, biceps triceps every cep sent dripping signals into her body not to talk of the dripping water that came down its way through his chest making him look like the fall over to love god.

“M-Madison? Is that you?." What she was memorizing and fantasizing about went off when she heard the voice of George.

“George, what are you doing here?.” she asked curiously a least that was what she wanted to know before she became all head off and brain system on vacation. He was supposed to be in his room but instead in the sea half naked with his undies on.

George was trying to recall the voice from his head but after finding it dawned on him who it was, Madison.



“Madison it's you, what are you doing here?.”

“Oh really…” she passed with her hand folded on her chest

“I'm the one who's to be the one asking you that question so, so why are you directing back the question towards me?.” she said pouting her lips a little.


“Yes..” she said placing her hand on her waist

He signed.

" I came here to take some fresh air, the hut felt hot that's why.” even if he was lying a little, he did feel hot but not because the hut was hot, but because of the guilt that he was going to break Madison's heart just to get something from her.

“Oh, I too also felt hot that I decided to come outside.” after Madison finished, silence followed leaving the moment a little awkward until the breeze blew on George reminding him that he wasn't wearing his clothes.



“Could you bring my clothes since you're near…”

“Okay.” she went off to take George's clothes handling them to him. George was quick at wearing his clothes as he was about to leave when he heard Madison speak:

“You're leaving?.”


“Oh…” she pouted her lips showing the sad expression displayed all over her face.

“What?." He asked

“Nothing, since you want to leave, I thought you could accompany me since we both feel uncomfortable.”


“But it's okay if you want to leave, I might be…”

“No need, I'll accompany you since you feel lonely and staying inside the hut feels uncomfortable.”

“Thank you," Madison said with a smile plastered on her face. Since she was talking with George she forgot her clothes were somewhere till she felt the breeze.

“Ammahh…” she used her hand to rub her arm since the cold was beginning to rub her body.

“I think I should take my coat.” they both went out of the sea moving to the place where Madison dropped her coat. She wore her coat feeling the cold was already drowned in the coat. They both walked down the sand as they discussed a lot between both and said goodbye when it became late. For Madison, she felt like staying with him since her room was boring even when she went outside to do something before coming back to the boring room. When it felt comfortable was when she wanted to sleep or when someone she knew was there with her but everyone would probably have their own business to cooperate on, she was happy she saw George at the sea and was able to talk to him.

For George, it also felt the same but he had to go back to the hut, but with a tiny smile glint came on and off on his face, his very first step in getting closer to her and it seemed all was working in his favor.